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Darin 10-23-2002 02:57 PM


Originally posted by ric knows nina
Darin, I'm still waiting to hear your opinions on the subject, thread starter :)
Tell us what you think.

Being Tolerant is not being passive at all. Tolerance means being proactive enough to stop yourself from attacking idiots, because you realize they have the right to be idiots. :)

I don't believe in god.

twinkley 10-23-2002 04:09 PM

So then what do you believe in? What do you believe makes stuff happen?


Darin 10-23-2002 04:24 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
So then what do you believe in? What do you believe makes stuff happen?


I believe in myself. ;)

Tafkap 10-23-2002 04:40 PM

One of my idol (guess who) uses to say "Love is God, God is love, Girls and Boys love God above".

I really can't agree with that so i can't say i believe in God when i see the whole mess on our planet : war, pain, food starving, epidemy... If God is love, WTF then??

I can be tolerant and i'd rather be a buddhist cause that religion doesn't force u to worship someone... and if i did have to believe in someone, it would definitely be me!!!

Peace & B Wild!


twinkley 10-23-2002 04:57 PM


In response to all those horrible things that happen...

How would you know the good, if you didnt know the bad?

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.... this includes good/bad. If everything was eden, how would we grow as people?


Hashishan 10-23-2002 05:11 PM

*i am an anti-religious person, and hereafter will refer to God as Dog*

silly question:
why do people think creation and evolution are incompatible? how long is a day for Dog? 24 hours, millions of years? i have asked the fat guy passing around the collection plate. he didnt know

another silly question:
is it possible that there are people in the world who are so screwed up, the only way that you can get them to be nice is to threaten those people with being burned alive for eternity? if Dog loves you will it burn you alive for being its own flawed creation?

if there is a Dog, he is a dick. if there is a hell i want to go there. i mean, if you are stuck there and it is really hot its not like you have a choice right? get over it and start fryin

see you in church on sunday (not)

(if anyone is offended by this: i am simply airing my views. if my views anger you because they do not match your own, perhaps you need to re-evaluate yourself as a person)

Bree 10-23-2002 05:24 PM

My ex is a matyr.. He thinks that whatever he says goes b/c it's said in the name of God.. he says masturbation is wrong and he thinks gays are the scourge of the earth... He's a pinhead... :twisted:

Spiders die b/c they are too pompous...and creepy..

As for someone's sexuality.. I don't make any judgements about anyone .. whatever fucking floats your boat ... .but I don't condone KP or beastiality b/c it involves parties that have no say in what happens..

As long as you live like a decent person with respect for life and nature... I think that about covers it.

:respect: :xthumbs:

ric knows nina 10-23-2002 07:58 PM


Originally posted by Darin

I don't believe in god.

simple and to the point

Darin 10-23-2002 08:18 PM


Originally posted by ric knows nina

simple and to the point

I like the new avatar bro, better than the BALD you.. hehe :)

Dugmor 10-23-2002 08:53 PM

Re: Do you believe in GOD?

Originally posted by Darin
Well do YOU?
Yes do .......... and I believe GOD created the Fish-Hook !


Sid 10-23-2002 09:30 PM

Re: Re: Do you believe in GOD?

Originally posted by Dugmor

Yes do .......... and I believe GOD created the Fish-Hook !


I am sure I'm not the only one but enough with the fish hooking already its a getting a bit much. sorry but that is all you seem to have to talk about.

ric knows nina 10-23-2002 11:11 PM


Originally posted by Darin

I like the new avatar bro, better than the BALD you.. hehe :)

that's why I keep a wide array of toupes. you think I'm fooling anyone?

Raya 10-24-2002 12:35 AM

Never thought I would see this as a thread. But I'm glad.
I'm also glad to see a lot of honest responses to the question too.
I'm Pagan.
On my way to my first convention last year I was told to not wear my goddess pendant. I asked why, I was told some people might not be able to deal with it. I responded that if I could wear it when I worked in one of the most uptight conservative institutions a bank (Art department) around all those blue suits. That if I had to hide it at the convention well... I wore it. No one ever said anything negative. I found people responded with curiosity, and compliments some just smiled.

I was raised Roman Catholic, had a part of my family become witnesses, I was intensely exposed to that for 4 years, a group of very close friends have covered almost all the other major faiths. Let's just say I have had a smattering of exposure to many different religious ideas and teachings. I chose my faith, I believe everyone has the right to choose for themselves. I don't preach my beliefs but if someone asks me questions I will answer them.

Bruno Dickman 10-24-2002 09:26 AM

"Today a man on acid realized that all matter is energy condensed on a slow vibration; that we are one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, we are the imagination of ourselves." GOD is that one consciousness.

Take care,

Bruno Dickman

Darin 10-24-2002 11:34 AM


Originally posted by Bruno Dickman
"Today a man on acid realized that all matter is energy condensed on a slow vibration; that we are one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, we are the imagination of ourselves." GOD is that one consciousness.

Take care,

Bruno Dickman

One positive thing drugs have brought to the world is the ability to think outside the box.

Bruno Dickman 10-24-2002 03:42 PM


Danny_C 10-24-2002 08:04 PM

It's arrogant to believe we're created in "God's" image. It's arrogant to believe we're here as part of some grand scheme. It's humble, in my opinion, to believe that we're just a part of the whole.

Someone mentioned that nobody ever went to hell for believing... that sounds a lot like Pascal's Wager... Basically, "better safe than sorry".

(Be sure the read the objections).
(More simply worded objections)

Everyone keeps saying they believe in a higher power... although they don't know what that is. It was also said that evolution is doubtful because it hasn't been reproduced in labs. I'm sorry, but science has a good idea of the answers. Because they're still working on the details doesn't mean the answers aren't there, or that we're not heading in the right direction.

The universe is a giant mass of evolving and expanding matter and energy, and we're just a part of that mass... constantly evolving, adapting, and creating. I don't think that's a hard pill to swallow. We don't die when we go away... we're still a part of the universe.

It's ridiculous to think that somebody just waved a wand or jiggled his nose and we appeared. It's ridiculous to think that there's some guiding force apart from ourselves. You could say that the sum of the parts (the universe as a whole) takes on a consciousness of its own... and I don't think that's a ridiculous thing to lean your beliefs toward... but that's not God.

Danny_C 10-24-2002 08:08 PM

Bill Hicks was a man of great wisdom. :)

mailman 10-25-2002 01:06 AM

wow suprising on how the total votes is virtual down the center...

but what can be said when only like 20 ppl have voted, lol

GOD 10-25-2002 01:13 AM


Originally posted by Tobbe
I believe i am GOD.

As for the rest of you ... I am taking notes :D

ric knows nina 10-25-2002 01:31 AM


Originally posted by Danny_C
Bill Hicks was a man of great wisdom. :)
and what a mouth he had to spew it!

Darin 10-25-2002 01:53 AM


Originally posted by GOD


As for the rest of you ... I am taking notes :D

I don't believe in you, you don't exist. Go away. ::-|

GOD 10-25-2002 02:04 AM


Originally posted by Bree
My ex says masturbation is wrong and he thinks gays are the scourge of the earth...
WTF ?!?
Even I rub one out every now and then ... where do you think sunshowers come from ?

As far as my "official" stand on gays ... I think 2 women making out is awesome !!

But I'll admit I fucked up with the 2 guy thing .. sorry :(

twinkley 10-25-2002 09:42 AM

Danny C

One day, out of the blue, after no-one knows how long, a bunch of gases randomly interacted with space dust and
there was a big explosion (in the vaccuum of space) and thats how it all got started? Then, somehow, once our planet had formed and cooled, water appeared then, over millions of years one celled organizisms evolved (from the water?) which then evolved into bigger creatures (all different) which then evolved into even bigger, smarter creatures, and eventually the monkeys became us? And we will evolve into who knows what over another million years...

My question to this theory is where did the gasses and space debris come from to produce the big bang? How did sentient life come from non-sentient materials?

I know I cant prove that there is a higher power out there - that is faith. You are talking science and science is about proof. Until there is concrete proof of what really happened, and answer all the questions, everyone will continue to believe whatever makes them happiest :)


Darin 10-25-2002 10:33 AM

Now it's getting good :)

Twinkley... you are obviously not a believer in the big bang 'theory'. Remember now, it IS just a theory based on science as we know it today, science being based on facts... facts are only facts once we are aware of them...

We live in a world of facts... in our everyday life we go base everything we do on facts, do we not?

When you get up in the morning, you take a shower (we hope) cause you know if you don't, you will stink at work. Fact.. this fact was unknown I'm sure until someone started to stink. Now that we are aware of it, we take proper actions to avoid stinking, cause well.. it just stinks :)

Now.. you are driving... driving a car that wasn't grown, or didn't just show up from the sky, it was built.. by humans, humans designing the car based on 'facts', that they have learned over the years of car making..

You're in the office.. poor your coffee... cause you know.. the chemicals inside that coffee make you feel like you are awake, compared to how you feel when you just woke up. This is a fact you learned, after trying coffee.. or.. you could have believed based on other peoples experiences, and then just made the plunge and tried coffee yourself..

Everything around us.. and what we do everyday, is based on 'facts' which we have learned over time. Not all facts on this earth are known to us at this time.. and more importantly....

... not all facts can be found and understood with the knowledge we have TODAY...

In time.. own knowledge of the universe and everything else we don't know will be proven, explained, and then be called a 'fact' ... something everyone knows and understands then, like we all know and understand at some level now.

It's taken lifetimes for science to expand and be able to explain the things around us.. and it HAS... thats a fact nobody can deny...

So if science has proven itself, time and time again in human history, why not spend our lifetime extending that science, and move forward in our own lives knowing that whatever we can contribute to this great thing called 'science' in our lifetimes will benefit the next generation of kids who will be looking for even more answers.. answers to things we cannot even imagine in the world we live in today...

and I'll ask this question.. not being sarcastic, or unrespectful at all.. please don't take it the wrong way.. just a question...

... but why would you spend your life, a life based on facts, where everything you do, is based on facts, believing in something not based on fact?

You knock the big bang 'theory' because it has not been 100% proven, yet you 'believe' in something that doesn't exist.

Theory and Belief... both are unproven, both have been used for generations to 'explain' things...

I see no problem believing in GOD, or believing in SCIENCE...

However.. science is based on fact.. and since we live our daily lives based on facts around us.. why not work toward expanding those facts for the next generation...

Why worry about whats going to happen to YOU when you die, when there are more important things to take care of.. our kids...

GOD 10-25-2002 10:45 AM


And that's exactly what the Big Bang is ... when I fart :(

Who would have ever thought that you humans would provide me with so many hours of entertainment ....

Esp. that one you call Shrub, or Tree ?? No, it's Bush - yea that's the fella ... he's a keeper !!! :D

GOD 10-25-2002 10:48 AM

And one more thing Danielle ...

Stop coveting thy board owner's wife !
If I had meant you to have big tits, I would have gave 'em to ya woman !!! :rolleyes:

Apollo 10-25-2002 10:51 AM

science hasn't proven itself.

In fact it contradicts itself more often than proves itself.

The earth was flat until 600 years ago
Currently we believe we're the only people in the universe
Oh, and remember how the sun used to revolve around the earth?

Religion of course is worse...not knocking it but since this is a creation vs. evolution kind of thing ...and the creation theorum originally started with Christianity's beliefs I'll throw my rant in about them =)

- You're supposed to believe in the bible and it's teachings, because the bible tells you to ::-|

- If God is the all powerful and higher being that he is believed to be, how was he created? Does he have a god of his own?

- Dogma was a kickass movie

The key to wisdom is to acknowledge that you know nothing. It's as simple as that. Darin is right that our facts are based on what we know at the current time, but it's all subject to change. Same with religion...organized religions keep changing their ideas and teachings just as much as scientists do. I myself do not believe in a higher being of any type...I do however believe in an afterlife, or at least a different form of existance of our spirits or souls if you will.

I will always be one to question the "facts" of the scientific, and be skeptic of things that are mystic and require faith and trust. But the important thing is to be true to yourself....never conform.

Darin's gerbil agrees with me.

Apollo 10-25-2002 10:52 AM


Originally posted by GOD
I thought god was against male homosexuality?

GOD 10-25-2002 10:54 AM


Originally posted by Apollo

I thought god was against male homosexuality?

Read the rest of the thread, my son ..
For it is written ...

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