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Vid Vicious 12-10-2002 10:52 AM

I'll be hosting a party with Tangerine Dream in the near future .. actually it'll be a strip bar opening and site launch .. will post the details once I've got more info ...

Dugmor 12-10-2002 11:14 AM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Mister X ... How can you throw a web party and not invite the top Montreal Crew? First off I never heard of Hollywood ... second What to see great party pics for MOntreal Amateur party icq Me .. How a porn party really ends up ..
I really do hope you invite us next time ...

BTW I have worked with Francois in Florida .. and so did Dugmor ..

I agree ... how can it really be a party unless all the webmasters here are told in advance.. You can't have a party then tell everyone after..............It is like if a tree falls in the forest.......... did it really fall ? lol

BuggyG 12-10-2002 12:13 PM

Just curious but where is Hollywood strip bar? Just curious cause if it's a strip bar and I haven't heard about it ont he island. DAMN!! I've been cooped p inside way too long. I gottas go check this place out. So spill the beans and tell us where it at. I gotta go leave me mark. hehehe

BuggyG 12-10-2002 12:15 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
I'll be hosting a party with Tangerine Dream in the near future .. actually it'll be a strip bar opening and site launch .. will post the details once I've got more info ...
ohhhhhhhh...you gotta give me the 411 on it when ya know Vid. I wouldn't mind showing up for it and having some fun. Besides, have seen a few Tangerine shows she puts on, and she's GOOD! Would not mind seeing her again. Ok you too as afterthought! hehehe :p

BuggyG 12-10-2002 12:17 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Mister X ... How can you throw a web party and not invite the top Montreal Crew? First off I never heard of Hollywood ... second What to see great party pics for MOntreal Amateur party icq Me .. How a porn party really ends up ..
I really do hope you invite us next time ...

BTW I have worked with Francois in Florida .. and so did Dugmor ..

AHHHHHHH!!! I thought I recognized you in some of the pics fromt hat night. Was supposed to show up but got stuck at another club. But the 21st am sure to go. Have to check it out and see what it like. Been a while since been to one. Maybe see ya again over there. In any case gonan pass by to check it out a bit and see a few faces.

Vid Vicious 12-10-2002 01:27 PM


Originally posted by BuggyG
ohhhhhhhh...you gotta give me the 411 on it when ya know Vid. I wouldn't mind showing up for it and having some fun. Besides, have seen a few Tangerine shows she puts on, and she's GOOD! Would not mind seeing her again. Ok you too as afterthought! hehehe :p
No prob Buggy ... you've known me for a long time now .. and you know I'll make sure everybody knows about it .. Especailly Mister X ...

Mr. X party with myself and dugmor is an experience for life .. If it doesn't Kill you, it'll make you a better Perv ... LOL

Mister X 12-10-2002 04:18 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Mister X ... How can you throw a web party and not invite the top Montreal Crew? First off I never heard of Hollywood ... second What to see great party pics for MOntreal Amateur party icq Me .. How a porn party really ends up ..
I really do hope you invite us next time ...

BTW I have worked with Francois in Florida .. and so did Dugmor ..

Actually it was mostly a photo opp to get some nice pics. But I'm sure if there's another everyone will get invites. Not sure of the exact address of Hollywood except it's on the South Shore. The bar is one of the participants in the best butt contest so that's why it was there I think. :D

Mister X 12-10-2002 04:33 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
No prob Buggy ... you've known me for a long time now .. and you know I'll make sure everybody knows about it .. Especailly Mister X ...

Mr. X party with myself and dugmor is an experience for life .. If it doesn't Kill you, it'll make you a better Perv ... LOL

Damn I'll be glad when I finally get my ass to Montreal. Hehehe. :D

Mister X 12-10-2002 04:35 PM

I promise next time there's a party everyone gets an invite! :D
This one sort of snuck up on me cuz I'm stuck out here in Alberta for a few more months. :(

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