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MediaGuy 04-27-2005 08:34 PM

I don't recall any fetish topics from the webmaster access east site, though any niche marketing can be helping there.

But we've got more than a few fetish site operators coming to our party on Saturday the 7th. Why don't ya come down? Starts at eight. RSVP at media@2much.net

See the full info: http://www.2much.net/2muchpartypage/index.htm


globofun 04-28-2005 06:54 AM

Hey gang,

I do not know for sure if I could attend the convention. (It will be hard to take a few days off....I wish I would have known in advance)

For the saturday party, I could make it!

What type of party is it? Is it in a bar? Can I bring my globofun girl?

Many thanks!


Evil Chris 04-28-2005 09:24 AM

I'll be around for most of the Friday activities, and that's about it I think.

MediaGuy 04-28-2005 09:36 AM

Sad to hear you won't be at our blow-out EvilChris.

Globofun! the party will be at our Old Montreal offices. Click on the link in the post above yours to find out more.

You can most certainly bring your globofun girl!!!!!!!

Hey email-me at media@2much.net for more details (AND to RSVP yo globeness on our list :)


globofun 04-28-2005 10:54 AM

The link to the party page is not working properly....

How many people can attend?

Thanks again!

Alain Roy 04-28-2005 11:04 AM

Don't miss the 2Much party on Saturday ....RSVP media@2much.net to put your name on the VIP list ...

MediaGuy 04-28-2005 11:08 AM

Hey Globo,

Many people can attend.

In one party? I dunno - depends. You wanna bring fifty? I might have a problem accomodating that. :)

A handful - you and significant globofriends? Cool.

If they are also webmasters and/or adult webpeople - get em to rsvp me!

The link above works for me - but you can go to http://www.webmasteraccess.com/wa_east.html and click on our link there - it should work...

If you call I'll be polite :) Ask for Greg 514 285-9325 (you're in Mtl?)


BuggyG 04-28-2005 03:19 PM

I guess I could see myself showing up for it
seeing as won't have to fly or cross any borders

then I am safe

globofun 04-28-2005 05:52 PM


I still can't find any details of the party! lol, I guess I'm very old now!
(I can see the link that announce the party at 8pm, but when clicked I get to http://www.2much.net/index.html)

Anyway, I just wanted to make sure I was not getting myself in a gay gangbang! (just kidding.......I have no problems with gays, trangenders and the like! But, I do not want to become the official bitch of the evening! lol)

What are the fees to attend? is it BYOB?

I knew I would become a pain in the ass! :D

I may try to call!


Globofun (and Perverssia)

globofun 04-28-2005 05:55 PM


Your affiliate program looks pretty interesting.......any pornstar into fetishes?

I could go for that!

Best regards


Alain Roy 04-28-2005 06:58 PM

Hey Globofun...it is funny that you mentionned fetish, I just hired a fetish lady ....and she is beautiful too.....

She's gonna start next week......keep on looking at the girl's schedule on www.livepornstaroncam.com

MediaGuy 04-30-2005 06:54 PM

Hey Globo

There's no fee or anything for the party. If there's too many people we might have to start "carding" for the WAE pass - but I doubt it.

It's going to be split up into two rooms - the schmooze room in the front (where the bar and food will be :) and the butt-wiggling room in the back.

All you have to do is show .

globofun 05-01-2005 12:27 AM

..............really looking to be there! :cool:

I will try my best to attend the conference also...............I will find some rare sickness excuse to give my boss! lol

I can't wait to share in real time with other webmasters, and newbies like me!


BTW: I tried to call but I got the voice mail. (sweet voice you got!) :bonk:

MediaGuy 05-01-2005 12:36 AM

Thanks - but that was my sister you heard :P

Try calling after 10 before 9 on a weekday to catch me.

Register ahead to save 25$ for the conference. I will be speaking on the "Content Is King" panel, Saturday at 12:30pm.

Don't know why you can't click the link...

Do not bring tomatoes.

globofun 05-01-2005 12:47 AM


I just sent you my RSVP!

Many thanks!


Vid Vicious 05-01-2005 01:01 AM

Media Guy .. Sorry I never got that confirmation and just realized a few days ago whats been happening ... It's all fixed now ..Sorry once more

EvilDan 05-02-2005 01:20 PM

Evil Dan is on his wayyyyyyyyy

Vid Vicious 05-03-2005 04:36 AM

Dan are you already on vacation? Turn on your ICQ .. I need your flght details

MediaGuy 05-03-2005 08:58 AM

Yeah, Dan :)

And while you're at it try to get him to RSVP me if he's coming to the party.



Stephane76 05-03-2005 12:05 PM

i ll be there as well !

Stephane76 05-03-2005 12:33 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Personally French men are overated Web Gurl! ;) Shhh...lol
that is so NOT true !!! :D

MediaGuy 05-03-2005 02:41 PM


Hope to see AEBN at our party, stephane!

RE: French men... being a half-and-half myself, i tend to agree with both points of view, with the complete understanding, of course, that I represent the best of both :)

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