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hennessy 07-31-2005 04:07 AM

I think the key word here is the observers perceived perception.

Example, our puppy is 9 months old and 60lbs of pure muscle. When he walks my wife, it's always fun to watch. Every now and then, we'll go to the park where my 6yo wants to be walked by him. She gets pulled around like a rag doll.

I say they get walked by him cause he leads, they follow. Being he's so muscular and big at a small age, they have to use what one could deem excessive force. For him, it's getting his attention.

war_ner 08-01-2005 12:20 AM


I think the key word here is the observers perceived perception.

Example, our puppy is 9 months old and 60lbs of pure muscle. When he walks my wife, it's always fun to watch. Every now and then, we'll go to the park where my 6yo wants to be walked by him. She gets pulled around like a rag doll.

I say they get walked by him cause he leads, they follow. Being he's so muscular and big at a small age, they have to use what one could deem excessive force. For him, it's getting his attention.
good point. :)

Don Soporno 08-03-2005 09:57 AM

In conclusion I thik we have come to the desicion that it is not a cut and dry, black and white issue. Weather or not to step in is solely on the observers perspective and only the observer can know EXACTLY what happened.

So with that said, Visual, if you think what you did was right, then thats what was right. After putting some thought into it I probably would not say anything because I am very confrontational and it would have more than likely ended in an argument or fight.

bugsy 08-05-2005 05:29 AM


Originally posted by Rochard
You mind your own business.

Walking a dog on a leash is excessive to begin with if you think about it. Depending on how big and agressive your dog is, your dog - when he/she sees another dog - can yank your damn arm out chasing after it. So I have no problem yanking my dog in when the needs calls for it.

You nede to have your dog properly trained. Six months ago while walking my dog we were attacked by another larger dog. The other dog came after us and caught us totally by surprise. I quickly placed myself between the two dogs and told my dog to sit, which she did.

My dog would never ever think of leaving my yard to chase another dog without my permission.

I can now take my dog for walks with no leash and verbally control her - tell her to cross the street or to get back on the sidewalk. When we come to a street corner she stops, sits, and waits for me to catch up.

So I don't need to mistreat my little doggie anymore. I was nice and stern with her in the beginning, but now she's great to be with.

i have that same problem with my lab. My friend told me that everything that you teach them, they think of as a game. So i tried to be as playful as i can with my dog and it turned out just fine. They need to feel significant in a very light manner...

gorgeous 08-05-2005 09:19 AM

cute doggy Don

crazybeautiful 08-05-2005 04:01 PM

i would definitely say something....

btw, those are adorable dogs you all have... :)

Don Soporno 08-06-2005 02:33 PM

Lots of time the problem with big dogs is its very hard to punish them for doing something wrong. I have a rolled up newspapper that Odie is scared to death of because he would get his ass busted with it when he was a pup if he messed up. Now I just have to hold it up and he goes to his bed but truth be known it wouldnt hurt him one bit if I smacked him with it now...lolol

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