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GOD 09-20-2005 06:57 AM


Funbrunette 09-20-2005 07:38 AM

Sorry about the delay peeps I fell asleep on the couch :rolleyes: THE WINNER IS DON SOPORNO! Wooohoooo!

Hit me up on ICQ today matey! Arrrrrg! :happy:

Don Soporno 09-20-2005 08:47 AM

you have been hit. And thanks Xnations and everyone who voted, even Mr X-Nations even though he didnt vote for me...;-)

Evil Chris 09-20-2005 09:00 AM

Congrats Don! ARRRR!!! :happy:

crazybeautiful 09-20-2005 10:34 AM

isn't there a consolation prize for the other 2? :bonk:
they're tie with 5 votes

axedbydax 09-20-2005 10:57 AM

arg!!!!..I demand a recount!!!...lol..Congrats Don...Thanks to all..Everyone surely had a good time.

Don Soporno 09-20-2005 11:03 AM


Originally posted by axedbydax
arg!!!!..I demand a recount!!!...lol..Congrats Don...Thanks to all..Everyone surely had a good time.

Now I specifically said that if I won there would be no recount...LOLOL

monaro 09-20-2005 05:20 PM

Very nice of Xnations to put up a contest for pirates day and congrats to all who shared in on the experience.

Don have you been practicing? or did it come natural to talk like a pirate? :D

Don Soporno 09-20-2005 06:51 PM

well I am the scurge of the earth so it came sorta natural.

pf69.com 09-20-2005 08:21 PM

congrats DON!!

war_ner 09-21-2005 03:36 AM

Voting for you Dax. :)

Nancy M00re 09-21-2005 09:56 AM

I was sick yesterday, I would of vote for myself or maybe just send the this thread to everyone in the office:bonk:

Congrats Don Soporno!!

axedbydax 09-21-2005 10:38 AM


Originally posted by war_ner
Voting for you Dax. :)

argghh.........too late..but thanks anyway....hahahaha:D

war_ner 09-22-2005 04:14 AM


Originally posted by axedbydax
argghh.........too late..but thanks anyway....hahahaha:D
Wtf?! I thought I was just on time? Sorry :(

StaceyJo 09-22-2005 05:54 AM

See... I know he gonna win... congrats! :)

monaro 09-22-2005 07:55 AM


Originally posted by Nancy Gamma
I was sick yesterday, I would of vote for myself or maybe just send the this thread to everyone in the office:bonk:

Congrats Don Soporno!!

awww poor you being sick and all yesterday, ohh and I know one of the members name who voted for you ;P

lazzlo 09-22-2005 01:34 PM

grats don :)

war_ner 09-22-2005 11:10 PM

Well, congrats on you Don. :)

PeteKT 09-23-2005 11:04 AM

I dont wanna vote

Don Soporno 09-23-2005 11:55 PM


Originally posted by NichePay_PeteKT
I dont wanna vote

and that is your right, we wouldnt ant you to do anything you iddnt wanna do...;-)

monaro 09-24-2005 12:20 AM

I have already voted, thought that you won Don =)

spideriux 09-25-2005 11:00 AM

I think Don Soporno

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