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DrGuile 03-10-2006 11:00 AM


the two hairballs that pollute our apartment, Arthemis and Florence

Virgule3 03-10-2006 11:03 AM

OHHH! But they are absolutely gorgeous!!!


Nickatilynx 03-10-2006 11:05 AM

He pulls there tails...

He told me. :)

DrGuile 03-10-2006 11:07 AM


here's a pic I took recently... I like the light

Nickatilynx 03-10-2006 11:08 AM

The tail is tempting in that pic.

I mean , look at it.Begging to have its tail pulled.

It is also twempting to just swat it off the back of the sofa.

MorganGrayson 03-10-2006 11:53 AM


Originally posted by Nickatilynx
The tail is tempting in that pic.

I mean , look at it.Begging to have its tail pulled.

It is also twempting to just swat it off the back of the sofa.

One more remark like that and I shall be compelled to tartly remark:

Nick never did know how to treat a pussy.


Nickatilynx 03-10-2006 12:17 PM

I treat women like a Pilot treats his plane. :)

MorganGrayson 03-10-2006 12:28 PM


Originally posted by Nickatilynx
I treat women like a Pilot treats his plane. :)
Elegant response. OK, you take that one on points. :)

*grumble, grumble, grumble*

Nickatilynx 03-10-2006 12:31 PM

I get inside her 4 times a day play with her flaps and take her to heaven and back ;-))))))


MorganGrayson 03-10-2006 01:09 PM


Originally posted by Nickatilynx
I get inside her 4 times a day play with her flaps and take her to heaven and back ;-))))))


All right, all right...one needn't carry on so. :mad:

And after all that, Mrs. Ilynx still has the strength to care for four fantastic children. You got some kinda woman there, Nick!

Frankly...I don't understand it at all....

Anthony 03-10-2006 06:08 PM

What? No one commented on how badly Gene Loves Jezebel sucked?

Wow, this is a really nice board! :)

MorganGrayson 03-10-2006 06:12 PM


Originally posted by Anthony
What? No one commented on how badly Gene Loves Jezebel sucked?

Wow, this is a really nice board! :)

1. Yes, it's a nice board. :)
2. Who in the heck ARE they, anyway? ::-|

Anthony 03-10-2006 07:00 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
1. Yes, it's a nice board. :)
2. Who in the heck ARE they, anyway? ::-|

Band I listened to back in 1985 to 86. :)

MorganGrayson 03-10-2006 07:03 PM


Originally posted by Anthony
Band I listened to back in 1985 to 86. :)
I couldn't in good conscience bash a band of which I've never heard.
I'll make a note to go look them up, though, and give them a listen.
I have rather ecclectic taste in music.

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