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gnat69 07-31-2006 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by stonegatherer
Does Canada get all American television show?

Why can't we get "Trailer Park Boys" down here?

LMFAO...of all the shows...hehe gawd I love Bubbles :luv:

stonegatherer 07-31-2006 10:55 AM

Julian is hilarious with his rum and coke.

RawAlex 07-31-2006 02:42 PM

Well, it's Monday, so that makes it Hell's Kitchen night... I am actually enjoying the two shows in a row theory, I can leave last week's on the TV while I work, so if there is something I missed I catch it, and then I get to enjoy the new show.

An interesting note from last season is that the winner doesn't actually work with Ramsey... and he doesn't currently own a restaurant either. Weird deal.

Here is my take for this season: There are only a couple of real chefs in the whole deal (and sadly Heather is actually almost one of them), the rest were pretty much fodder for Ramsey to play with. The ending is pretty much pre-written, it has to be a boy versus girl ending (that was the premise for the season) so unless the big guy makes a serious mistake, he is good to go.

Sara is due to go this week, as she has shown little actual cooking talent and very little depth to her skills. Heather is due for a meltdown, but funny I could actually see her running something where most of the others this season didn't look like they could run themselves.

gnat69 07-31-2006 02:59 PM

that is what I am saying I know keith will be in the final two but don't know what gurl, seems that sara and virginia keep slipping under the radar....

As for last years winner, I read that he will be getting his own rest. soon.....

stonegatherer 07-31-2006 03:21 PM

Could you imagine the dialogue if the show was called "Hell's Porn Set".

RawAlex 07-31-2006 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by stonegatherer
Could you imagine the dialogue if the show was called "Hell's Porn Set".

Food network in Canada is running "Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares", a british series that has the chef off trying to save failing eateries. It is 100% uncensored on Canadian TV, which means a nice chorus of "fuck me"s and "stupid assholes" and "are you trying to fucking kill me?". Ramsey is totally foul mouthed, but in a good british way. :)

Evil Chris 07-31-2006 10:17 PM

Funny ending tonight, although it was a little predictable.
Virginia should be out for good next week barring something exceptional happening to either Keith or Heather.

RawAlex 07-31-2006 11:27 PM

For me it was the question: How would they kill off Sara? You know that Ramsey didn't think she had it, but she had always skated past the graveyard. Virginia is a bit of a weird deal, smart and certainly KNOWS her cooking, but she isn't fast and gets easily flustered.

All of this makes it pretty much a sure Keith and Heather final, although I actually think that Virginia would be a good head chef... just as long as she doesn't have to cook too much :)

Visualad 08-01-2006 06:17 AM

he has another serie where he in each episode visits a bar/restaurant/hotel which is on the brink of going bankrupt.. And then he helps the place getting back on its feet and becoming a money making machine again.. I REALLY like watching that serie since you can really see that he knows EVERY aspect of running a restaurant or bar or whatever that has food in it.. Very inspirational and fun to watch.

gnat69 08-01-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Visualad
he has another serie where he in each episode visits a bar/restaurant/hotel which is on the brink of going bankrupt.. And then he helps the place getting back on its feet and becoming a money making machine again.. I REALLY like watching that serie since you can really see that he knows EVERY aspect of running a restaurant or bar or whatever that has food in it.. Very inspirational and fun to watch.

yeah I have seen that and damn I love this man....lol

gnat69 08-01-2006 01:42 PM

so last nights episode, like you know Virgina was going to stay after being given the choice, I thought she was one cheap bitch when she went shopping with Ramsey, and if I had to endure her for that length of time I would have to slap the bitch out. but the funniest thing she said the whole show is when she went looking for his cookbook and he autographed it and she asked for him not to write Cow or Bitch....LMFAOROTFF :laughout:

As for Sara, thank gawd, I am so tired of her and I loves how show was constantly told to shut her fucking mouth you cow.....:nyanya: priceless....

TheEnforcer 08-01-2006 02:27 PM

i am SOOOOOO glad Sara got the boot last night. Virginia just ins't the fastest cook in the kitchen but she knows her stuff. Gets flustered a bit easy too. Wonder how she'll do when she's in Gordon's position next week? That'll be interesting to watch.

gnat69 08-01-2006 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheEnforcer
i am SOOOOOO glad Sara got the boot last night. Virginia just ins't the fastest cook in the kitchen but she knows her stuff. Gets flustered a bit easy too. Wonder how she'll do when she's in Gordon's position next week? That'll be interesting to watch.

she may know what she is doing in the kitchen but you have to agree her mouth is going to get her kicked off, she talks in circle constantly.....:doh:

RawAlex 08-01-2006 07:51 PM

Judging by the "next week" clips at the end of the show, it sounds like a giant fuck you circle jerk next time... eveyrone trying to put each other in a bad spot. What they don't realize is that Ramsey is very good at seeing the source of problems, not just the problem.

gnat69 08-02-2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by RawAlex
Judging by the "next week" clips at the end of the show, it sounds like a giant fuck you circle jerk next time... eveyrone trying to put each other in a bad spot. What they don't realize is that Ramsey is very good at seeing the source of problems, not just the problem.

He is a super smart guy, they don't think he hears or sees, but he will hang you....:laughout:

Brandon99 08-02-2006 07:42 PM

So long to the "Silly fat cow"!!!

RawAlex 08-08-2006 06:30 PM

Another wild week in the kitchen, and we are down to the final two...

... and K-Grease ain't one of them!

Virginia once again won a challenge, and by hook or by crook, she managed to stay in the game. She isn't the best line cook (she gets flustered and lost more easily than the others) but her palate is good and more importantly, she has the power where it counts: To actually be the boss.

When she was put on the pass, she really took control of the situation, got things going the right direction, caught the obvious substituion, and things just seem to go smoothly, even as heather tried her damndest to play deaf.

In the end, qualities like the ability to manage people, to actually taste the food, and to have desire to keep learning and move ahead are the sorts of things that Ramsey seems to look for. Just like last season, we are down to a hard working line cook / sous chef against an underdog with more determination and ultimately more potential. Will the reward go to current skill or long term potential?

Heather is in the weeds... and she knows it!

Brandon99 08-08-2006 08:43 PM


So long to the dumb ass!

blazi 08-08-2006 10:38 PM

I watch it too and I think the show is great!!

Evil Chris 08-08-2006 10:41 PM

That was a classic episode... Esp when Ramsay informs Keith (right after he's mouthed off to Ramsay) that now he knows he made the right decision.

I have to say I didn't really see it coming. I thought Virginia was going home, but she continues to surprise and improve. She could go all the way.

RawAlex 08-10-2006 05:41 PM

Now comes the most amusing part of the show, where the two winners have to run kitchens filled with the donkeys that failed. It is totally overwhelming to think that they have to work with the people they played out in the game.

Evil Chris 08-10-2006 05:49 PM

I'm going to be bold here and predict a win for Virginia.
To me she's the unexpected leader. She isn't one to give up, rising to the top when it's really important.

Not taking anything away from Heather, but I think Heather is more of a grinder. More of a pure cook and not one who can lead and control an entire kitchen.

Evil Chris 08-14-2006 10:59 PM

So? Who watched the finale? :)

Vid Vicious 08-15-2006 08:32 AM

Cool finale

Stephane76 08-15-2006 09:23 AM

The scallop Soup looked pretty good :laughout:

stonegatherer 08-15-2006 10:42 AM

MMmmm scallops.

gnat69 08-15-2006 11:14 AM

I just posted a thread about heather winning...

stonegatherer 08-15-2006 11:27 AM

Two threads for the same show ..... you people are addicted!!

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