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JFK 01-29-2003 12:54 PM


Originally posted by twinkley

Not in Jamaica mon....

In Jamaica you wake up each morning (/afternoon) to a nice hot cup of blue mountain coffee laced with only the finest rum cream Jamaica has to offer....

Then its off for a rough day of lounging on the beach, jet-skiing, snorkeling or perhaps cliff diving - depending on your fancy....

Sunset offers fabulous dinners at Ricks, with the sun setting right into the bluest ocean you have ever seen....

Oh.... i think i got off on a rant.... ummmm back to your regularly scheduled working :)


SURE.... Get a guy going........and then Reality :(

barryf 01-29-2003 12:55 PM


Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
Blue Mountain can only be bought for about 3 weeks a year, and only in "specialty" coffeeshops ... it sells for about $12 a pound CAD !!!

Worth every fukkin penny !!!!:cool:

I bought some at an Ocho Rios gift shop when I was on a cruise to Jamaica. They had a lot of it! Now I've got a feeling I was ripped off... :o


barryf 01-29-2003 01:17 PM


Originally posted by twinkley

Well, its still the thought that counts! I have one really big bag I could prolly get one person into..... but good luck going through customs hehehehe


Imagine the look on the face of the guy operating the x-ray machine!!! :D


twinkley 01-29-2003 01:47 PM


"has anyone asked you to carry anything on the plane with you?"

Uhhh not something.... someone.... hahahaha


sherie 01-29-2003 01:48 PM


Originally posted by barryf
Imagine the look on the face of the guy operating the x-ray machine!!! :D


Now *that* would be classic!!

Evil Chris 01-29-2003 02:30 PM

Get yourself free mon! :yeahmon:

SeanE 01-29-2003 02:34 PM

LOL, that was some funny stuff Chris... I have never been told to fuck off in such a polite sounding way... a lot of other ways though that still kind of hurt.

twinkley 01-29-2003 02:50 PM

Hey Sean...

Figured out yet that you can't fly??

Eesh.... I'm so glad you didn't kill yourself tryin that shit!!


Evil Chris 01-29-2003 02:52 PM

Sean was walking down the road in Jamaica last year... probably with the worst hangover of his life, when a local on a motorcycle almost ran him down from behind.

The guy on the bike turns around and gives Sean a dirty look and says "Get yourself free mon!"... like it was Sean's fault or something... hehehe... The whole situation was hilarious...:yeahmon:

SeanE 01-29-2003 03:04 PM

OH NO, I knew the stories would start flying...

Twinkley, I haven't tried flying without the assistance of an airplane since that night. I think it took almost 3 months for my ribs to heal.. OYE! I also learned that I am not athletic enough to stand in one place and do a flip ... learned that the hard way...( I was close though)

Chris.... the whole trip was pretty hillarious. Had a great time hanging with you and your girl. If I wasn't so hung over I think I might have actually jumped when the motorcycle almost hit me.

Good luck to all of you that are heading down there!!! Watch yourselves!

JFK 01-29-2003 07:36 PM

For those of you who cant make it , here is a little something to tide you over !!http://www.granderotica.com/breakfast.jpg

druid 01-30-2003 02:11 AM

It's official now, I won't make it to negril... got a new apartment in the netherlands and need to relocate to there :)))

anyway, I wish you all alot of fun, sun and ganja :)

twinkley 01-30-2003 09:38 AM

Dammit Dammit Dammit!

None of my german friends are gonna be there :( How am I supposed to feul my german fetish without germans?!?!

Sheesh, what a dissapointment :(

hehehehe Awesome that you get a new place tho Druid!!!


Evil Chris 01-31-2003 12:39 PM

<img src="http://www.pritchardweb.com/images/mills/rasta.jpg">
YEAH MON :yeahmon:
Those are the longest dreads I have ever seen!

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