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McKidd 01-22-2007 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by JFK
Seems to me , damned if they do, damned if they dont............for me it was an improvement over last year and I did have a good show then as well. They have made quite a number of improvements to acommodate every taste. You cant please everyone.Just because you attend a show ANY show it doesnt mean that business is going to fall into your lap. you have to work for it!

I'm not sure that's the real argument here. AVN's efforts over the past few years seem to have dwindled while their prices continue to rise. Their show(s) aren't as competitive as they once were and they don't seem to be doing anything about it either. True, a show is what you make of it but when the number of people attending and their general feeling about the show drops considerably, there must be something there to address.

Vid Vicious 01-22-2007 03:41 PM

After last years cluster fuck... I told myself I wouldnèt go to Internext Vegas ... However Internext BAck to beach ended up being one of the best shows of the year for me (next to Pheonix forum). And I needed to attend AVN Vegas too. Luckly my mian client had decided to have a booth at Internext Vegas .. so in the end, I attend both ...

what a crazy ass exerience .. 8 days in Vegas is like slow death and would not recomend it for anyone faint of heart.
It was by far the hardest show to work. Mainly cus the organization of parties and transportation was almost non exsistant ... Very possibly my last Vegas Internext .. I would of much rather spent the money on Xbiz or Costa Rica bash. Oh well, c est la vie. Live and learn ...

Sorry but My personal feeling is that Internext has had its course. And the Greedy fingers of AVN have tainted that show for years to come. I was shocked to see they had The number of booths they did this year. If any of you saw last years show floor .. it was like a ghost town. So for company to fork out 5000 + FOR A BOOTH this year, just showed AVN that they still have followers. Like Rico said .. You gotta work your ass off to see the people you want to see at a show of this size .. I ll Def be at Phoenix forum, 2 - 3 of the webmaster access shows .. and QUebec Expo cus its in my home town ...

For those of yous I never got to see at Internext Vegas .. I trully appologise ... it was very hard to hook up with anyone at this show.

Black Dog 01-22-2007 08:32 PM

Is XBIZ the new AVN? Time will tell...


the New Shemp 01-23-2007 05:19 AM

last big show i went to was 3 years ago....
you dont need to go to a show to do business...i do biz every day of the year...vegas is for boozing it up and chasing women...

Beachbunny25 01-23-2007 10:17 AM

It was my first show, and I was sad to say I wasn't able to make as many face to face contacts as I would have liked. Maybe as a new webmaster I'd be better suited to AVN or something?

Evil Chris 01-23-2007 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Beachbunny25
It was my first show, and I was sad to say I wasn't able to make as many face to face contacts as I would have liked. Maybe as a new webmaster I'd be better suited to AVN or something?

Well Nikki, that was AVN's biggest show of the year. It certainly used to be anyhow. I haven't been to an Internext in a couple years now. Someone may confirm however that their off-season summer show in Florida has become a bigger event.

I suggest you try attending some of the smaller, local shows up and down the east coast, or even the Phoenix Forum if you can swing it.

Beachbunny25 01-23-2007 11:02 AM

Yeah I'm definitely going to look into that. My goal is to start pushing my program really hard this year so I want to get out there as much as possible.

Vid Vicious 01-23-2007 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Beachbunny25
Yeah I'm definitely going to look into that. My goal is to start pushing my program really hard this year so I want to get out there as much as possible.

I attended Both shows this year (and past) mostly because my bussiness is both for Web clients and DVD clients ... If all your pushing is your Affiliate Program/sites then AVN isn't the show for you. As Chris says start of with the smaller shows, One that comes closer to home .. I would suggest starting with webmaster access or Pheonix forum ...

Evil Chris 01-23-2007 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Beachbunny25
Yeah I'm definitely going to look into that. My goal is to start pushing my program really hard this year so I want to get out there as much as possible.

What's your program? Ready yet?

Beachbunny25 01-23-2007 11:26 AM

It's a sex toy site. It's almost ready. We're finishing up some of the webmaster marketing materials atm. We're also working on getting mainstream press. I've gotten one radio interview under my belt so far. Will most likely have another one scheduled for next month to discuss products for Valentine's Day.

dyonisus 01-23-2007 09:42 PM

I can ever only take Vegas in small doses, the last show I attended was in 2005 and that one really left me thinking about the value of a larger scale show like that over other shows...

Beachbunny25 01-23-2007 10:25 PM

It didnt help that I had a sore throat the next day =x Maybe something in the air there haha

Sex Date Cash Trav 01-23-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nancy Gamma
Oh my god, you are right about the size and it's not what it used to be, but I still think it was a very good show, well... it was for me. I realize that this show had no mainstream people attending like 3 years ago, so as a booth holder, i found it interesting.

I agree with Nancy, I almost like the smaller shows.

Nancy, Pleasure putting a face to a name! It was about time! It was cool meeting your team too! http://www.sexdatenetwork.com/intern...marktravis.jpg

gnat69 01-24-2007 10:29 AM

As for me I thought the show was good, being out of the industry for 3 months and then coming back to all those smiling faces and people happy to see me was great. As for business it was really busy the first day and a half and then people want to party and sleep in which is cool too, but I do remember internext in 2000 and it was huge...

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