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littlehead 03-06-2003 06:29 PM

good luck

Panky 03-06-2003 11:29 PM

Welcum to XNations littlehead! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/6/pirategreen.gif" width="15" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Panky 03-06-2003 11:32 PM


Originally posted by HeadPimp
I was going to say I have plenty of hiding spots for you in North Idaho where I grew up, where virtually nothing ever happens, but on second thought, you are literate enough to type and would never fit in for that reason.... :D
LOL! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/c0/biglaugh.gif" width="15" height="15"> Unfortunately, there's a lot of "hiding spots" in the States, just like that.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

MegaGiga 03-09-2003 04:21 PM

Ron you should come to eilat for the war - get a great view from my balcony when the missiles start falling and its only a few meters from the bomb shelter! Just don't forget to bring a video camera so we can sell some footage to CNN and maybe setup a livecam to broadcast to the net! Live from the frontline!! :cackle:


loobaker 03-10-2003 12:57 PM

yo ron,

there is also a couch free for you here at our place in germany. we are in the black forest...
you are everytime welcome!

Vid Vicious 03-11-2003 12:52 PM

I love elat .. one of my fav places ... where else can you snorkle or dive to go boobie watching ... hee hee

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