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Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153776)
Oh ... well I have to go back to high school days to remember this...

1. She has to be pretty
2. I have to own a car
3. I have to have the time to see her

Give me 3 events where you remember where you were and what you were doing when it happened.

you forgot BIG TITS ..do i know my ec or what

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153855)
Captain & Coke
Goose & Redbull

Name 3 people in adult you have known, who have since disappeared:

1. Sean/bulldog - died
2. G-d/Hungryman - also dead
3. Good Chris - Drunk in a basement somewhere :scram:

Name 3 of your fav sex positions

Crak_JMan 02-16-2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153855)
Captain & Coke
Goose & Redbull

Name 3 people in adult you have known, who have since disappeared:


Name 3 songs frmo Celine Dion

Crak_JMan 02-16-2009 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153870)
1. Sean/bulldog - died
2. G-d/Hungryman - also dead
3. Good Chris - Drunk in a basement somewhere :scram:

Name 3 of your fav sex positions

You broke the chain vid... Next :laughout:

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by JMan (Post 153872)
You broke the chain vid... Next :laughout:

how did I break the chain if I answered before you .. looks like you broke it ...

BTW Grimshawn was a name i was looking for ! .. LOL

LocalG hasn't disapeared I still talk to him every month, he's running a great Fishing & tackle Site.

and JoeE is behind bars .. :P

Visualad 02-16-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153875)
how did I break the chain if I answered before you .. looks like you broke it ...

BTW Grimshawn was a name i was looking for ! .. LOL

LocalG hasn't disapeared I still talk to him every month, he's running a great Fishing & tackle Site.

and JoeE is behind bars .. :P

wtf.. I already asked about sex positions..WTF you doing mofo?!?! :duel:

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:44 AM

all right, alright .. so I busted the Thread .. WTF .. why wasn't the mod moderating this thread! .. LOL

wtf u asking about sex for .. you gots to have it to talk about it .. seems to me your more in a position to asking about tanning ...

Ummm ..oh yah , thanks Jman !

Crak_JMan 02-16-2009 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153875)
how did I break the chain if I answered before you .. looks like you broke it ...

BTW Grimshawn was a name i was looking for ! .. LOL

LocalG hasn't disapeared I still talk to him every month, he's running a great Fishing & tackle Site.

and JoeE is behind bars .. :P

I don't think fish and tackle site are considered adult ;-)

Are you sure JoeE is behind bars, where did you read or get that information?

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 05:49 PM

don't rememebr where i read that ... and umm .. well I did shoot some content for the fish and tackle site .. girls in Bikini's ... and an ad with a naked girl gettting fucked while the guy is reading the website on his laptop .. You don't see much of the girl other then her ass crack .. LOL .. it's kinda pornish

Evil Chris 02-16-2009 10:15 PM

ok you guys.... the thread is broken, let's fix it! ;)

GIVE ME 3 of your favourite guitar players.

Xrated J 02-16-2009 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153921)
ok you guys.... the thread is broken, let's fix it! ;)

GIVE ME 3 of your favourite guitar players.

thats a good one, so many its hard to choose

1. Jimi Hendrix
2. Stevie Ray Vaughn
3. Slash

give me 3 of your favorite fast food restaurants....

Janell 02-17-2009 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Xrated J (Post 153922)
thats a good one, so many its hard to choose

1. Jimi Hendrix
2. Stevie Ray Vaughn
3. Slash

give me 3 of your favorite fast food restaurants....

1. Arbys
2. Carls Jr
3. Subway

Give me 3 of your favorite names for a puppy.

Evil Chris 02-17-2009 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Janell (Post 153940)
Give me 3 of your favorite names for a puppy.

1. Buddy
2. Casey
3. Tiki

Give me 3 dream professions or jobs you can see yourself doing.

dyonisus 02-18-2009 12:22 AM

Shann - Python/PieCash (Left to start a pole dance studio)
Caleb - Piecash (I am sure he is caught on a wave in SD)
Sherie - dirtybishes sherie&shannon party hard

3 of your biggest pet peeves

Evil Chris 02-20-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by dyonisus (Post 153981)
3 of your biggest pet peeves

1. drivers who think they own the road
2. poor service in restaurants
3. getting up early for flights

Give me 3 names. Your favourite 3 athletes.

Xrated J 02-20-2009 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 154077)
1. drivers who think they own the road
2. poor service in restaurants
3. getting up early for flights

Give me 3 names. Your favourite 3 athletes.

1. Ken Griffey Jr.
2. Dan Marino
3. Larry Bird

Give me 3 of your favorite TV shows.

Panky 02-20-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Xrated J (Post 154100)
Give me 3 of your favorite TV shows.

Law & Order
Big Love
True Blood

Name 3 of your favorite computer games.

Evil Chris 02-20-2009 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Panky (Post 154102)
Name 3 of your favorite computer games.

Ohh I wanna do this one. :)

1. Guitar Hero!
2. Sim City
3. Command and Conquer

Give me 3 things you take for granted, daily.

Panky 02-20-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 154104)
Give me 3 things you take for granted, daily.

Hot water

Name 3 things you would change about yourself.

bluemoney 02-20-2009 10:21 PM

My Temper (I'm a mean S.O.B)
My Libido (I'm always horny)
My Face (I'm ugly as hell)

Name 3 people you most respect in “the biz”

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