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Mister X 05-04-2003 09:45 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Mister X, there's a Wendy's downtown at Peel & Ste Catherine...
Also another one out here on the West Island... uh, corner of Salaberry and Sources. Kitty corner from the new A&W. :D

But me thinks you mentioned you were on the south shore somewhere?

Cooool. So there's at least 3 of them. :D

I started out in St-Jean and I have some friends there, but right now I'm on Belanger, a little north of Pie IX in Rosemont. There's a restaurant about every 10 feet in this area but no Wendy's, lol. On the plus side some of them are very good. I think I've become addicted to poutine Italienne (extra fromage of course) :D

McAttack 05-04-2003 12:20 PM

Mister X, Go to the Wendy's on Decarie, avoid the downtown one! Weirdos at that one man!

Best fast-food chain burger is A&W's. I don't even care which one, Mozza, Teen, whatever, it's all good! Don't ever order the onion rings though.... ::-|

Mister X 05-04-2003 02:38 PM


Originally posted by McAttack
Mister X, Go to the Wendy's on Decarie, avoid the downtown one! Weirdos at that one man!

Best fast-food chain burger is A&W's. I don't even care which one, Mozza, Teen, whatever, it's all good! Don't ever order the onion rings though.... ::-|

Hehe... A&W onion rings contain some sort of mystery ingreadients I think. :confused:

The mozza is pretty good though.

gunner 05-04-2003 02:46 PM

I bet no one here has ever had a Steak-n-Shake burger. They're the best I've ever had for fast food burgers.

I like the food there so much, I bought some stock in the company.

Vid Vicious 05-04-2003 10:47 PM

Burgers and Pussy what a great conversation ...

You can't beat a pub burger ... with a fresh nice clean shavin pussy waiting for you at home holding An Ice cold Bud .. Or maybe one of those god awful beers you like easton

Vid Vicious 05-04-2003 10:48 PM


Originally posted by gunner
I bet no one here has ever had a Steak-n-Shake burger. They're the best I've ever had for fast food burgers.

I like the food there so much, I bought some stock in the company.

I had stake an shake in florida .. ya they're cool .. you can get em anyway you like .. Just like Licks in Toronto

Vid Vicious 05-04-2003 10:49 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Cooool. So there's at least 3 of them. :D

I started out in St-Jean and I have some friends there, but right now I'm on Belanger, a little north of Pie IX in Rosemont. There's a restaurant about every 10 feet in this area but no Wendy's, lol. On the plus side some of them are very good. I think I've become addicted to poutine Italienne (extra fromage of course) :D

You gotta get your ass out of the east end man ...

Dwreck 05-05-2003 04:02 AM

I was in Dallas Texas after Internext and Mike from www.xamo.com took me to jack in the box. IT RULEZ!!

None in Canada!!

I loved it

Evil Chris 05-05-2003 10:21 AM


Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
HEY !!

What about White Castle Sliders ??? :eek: :p

Hey yeah what about White Castle? I see commercials on TV for them, but have never even seen one of their restaurants.

Mister X 05-05-2003 10:38 AM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
You gotta get your ass out of the east end man ...
Hehe.. well the rent is the right price here. In other words free. :D

LadySharlot 05-05-2003 06:16 PM

Oh WOW!! Now I'm hungry!! LOL

Definitely In and Out Burgers!
White Castle Rocks (though I don't get 'em much--not around here)
Jack in the Box is good
A&W's awesome--but gimmie a rootbeer float anyday! LOL
Burger Kings Double-bacon-Cheeseburger Rocks too!

And probably our favorite greasy-cheesy is the 3 pound hamburger at a little tavern in town. Homemade buns, 3lbs of meat, and a HUGE pile of home-made french fries!! Will feed a group of 4-8 well-fed people. YUMMMM!!! :D
Lady Sharlot :-)

PaulSweet 05-05-2003 06:26 PM

Harvey's Vegeburger.... :D

Easton 05-05-2003 07:14 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Or maybe one of those god awful beers you like easton
don't get me started... LOL

Bigsampy 05-05-2003 07:58 PM

Steak N Shake - the double steakburger with cheese and a large strawberry milkshake. Just had it yesterday and still dreaming about it.

gunner 05-06-2003 12:14 PM


Originally posted by Bigsampy
Steak N Shake - the double steakburger with cheese and a large strawberry milkshake. Just had it yesterday and still dreaming about it.
there's one about six blocks from my house.
needless to say, they know my order.

Darin 05-06-2003 12:34 PM

IN-N-OUT Burger.

OMG, thats the best.

Mefo 05-06-2003 12:36 PM

A nice grilburger or a big mac :glugglug:

Easton 05-06-2003 07:06 PM


Originally posted by Darin
IN-N-OUT Burger.

OMG, thats the best.

word... thanks again for taking me and Slim there!

Funbrunette 05-06-2003 09:05 PM

How about White Castle?!?

Latin Dragon 05-06-2003 09:32 PM

not me........
i eat burgers but i def(since i consider myself a chef of sorts)prefer one made under my own roof.....at least then i know whats gettin put on it

wonderboy 05-07-2003 02:03 AM

-Double Whopper, hands down!

-McDonalds Big X-tra

-A&W Teen Burger with extra bacon.

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 05-07-2003 06:05 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
No shit! :laughout: On the bright side you get a free flossing...lol
I floss AFTER A MEAL .... not during :(

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 05-07-2003 06:12 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
How about White Castle?!?
SLIDERS fuggn RULE !!!!

Nothing like 10-20 of them after a good night out partying !!!

I think Sliders absorb beer, because after a dozen or two, you feel soooooo much better !!!


sherie 05-07-2003 11:13 PM

My most favorite hamburger is homemade, bbq'd (or grilled if need be), great spices, xtra pickles and mustard!!

but if I had to choose, I like Wendy's jr. burger or McD's hamburger!(with xtra pickles and mustard ;)

Dugmor 05-20-2003 03:56 PM

I like them all !

Fugly Burger !

Easton 05-20-2003 04:27 PM


Originally posted by sherie
My most favorite hamburger is homemade, bbq'd (or grilled if need be), great spices, xtra pickles and mustard!!

but if I had to choose, I like Wendy's jr. burger or McD's hamburger!(with xtra pickles and mustard ;)

extra pickles? *puke*

i get violent if they fuck up my order and forget to make it without pickles... i once went back and threw the pickles on the counter and made them start the order over again

i was like "who the fuck puts a pickle on their hamburger, it's fuckin sick"

but i guess people do... *shrug*

Evil Chris 05-20-2003 04:49 PM

I always get like 4 or 5 pickle slices put on my Harvey's cheeseburger.

McAttack 05-20-2003 05:00 PM


Originally posted by Easton
extra pickles? *puke*

i get violent if they fuck up my order and forget to make it without pickles... i once went back and threw the pickles on the counter and made them start the order over again

i was like "who the fuck puts a pickle on their hamburger, it's fuckin sick"

but i guess people do... *shrug*

HAHA! Well I like pickles in a burger, so that makes me sick I guess! hehehe, funny. Never thought I'd see the day Easton would call me sick! :p Kidding buddy!

Kath 05-20-2003 06:00 PM

In-N-Out Burger - double double animal style! :)
Jack in the Box - Ultimate Cheeseburger
Burger King - Whopper w/Cheese

They used to have a Fudrucker's chain down in San Diego when we lived down there and it rocked. Another one - if we have any So Calers was a little dive called Foggy's Notion over by SD Sports Arena. That place ROCKED! First place I ever had seasoned curly fries - my total fast food weakness! Both places featured butchers ON SITE so it was the freshest, juiciest burgers ever!!!

Now if we start talking dogs I'm gonna have to note my home town favorite of Tony Packo's back in Toledo, Ohio (where I was born)....nobody beats Packos. http://www.tonypackos.com


saus 05-22-2003 03:35 PM

what the feesuck is going on here!?

Mcdonalds Double Quarter Pounder CHEESE baby...
(shit I want a mcdonalds real bad.. I think I'll bust a load the 1st time I drive through my own Mickey Dees and pick up a free trio!)

In & Out burgers are pretty damn delicious too.. But let's face it, just a west coast cali version of Mcd's ; )

and all you harveys lovers out there, that's it, we're going to have to rumble in the streets, that's not a burger - 100 percent pure diseased cow beef please in my hamburgers please, no vegetables allowed unless they go on top! :D

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