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Tafkap 09-02-2002 04:29 PM

Ooooops, sorry Electra... guess i've said that because of my macho side (i'm an half italian Frenchy...):D

SykkBoy 09-02-2002 04:51 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Someone on my ICQ list recommended I rent Requiem for a Dream so I finally did. What an interesting movie. I'm glad I watched it.
Anyone else see that one?

Requeim is one of my favorite movies....make sure you watched the unrated version...the r-rated version havily censored the double-headed dildo scene and shortened a few other scenes....
one of the few movies that ever made me cry..fucking Ellen Burstyn gave the performance of a lifetime....

I also bought Royal Tennenbaums the other night and just loved it. I'm a huge Owen Wilson fan (he co-wrote the movie) and have loved everything he's done and been in...

...and did I mention that the first season of Spongebob Squarepants is on video/dvd? ;)

SykkBoy 09-02-2002 04:57 PM


Originally posted by Tafkap
Watched "Dogma" yesterday on TV... Great movie, great actors (Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Salam Hayek, Linda Fiorentano, Chris Rock...) and Alanis Morrissette as God!!!!!!
go rent or buy it and watch it unedited...if you just saw in on Comedy Central....95% of the funny stuff was heavily censored/omitted...

I recomend the whole Kevin Smith collection...Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.....watch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back LAST to get all the in-jokes ;)

Shann 09-04-2002 11:22 PM

Saw Lox Stock and 2 smoking barrels last night, was AMAZING! Along the same lines as Snatch, one of my fav movies. Love the english characters, Sting's part was small, but great. Love the English, they drink more than Canadians! haha

Evil Chris 09-04-2002 11:24 PM

Snatch..... hahaha... thanks for reminding me of that movie. I think I've seen it like 5 times...

Mister X 09-06-2002 02:49 AM

Watched the Royal Tennenbaums yesterday. Great movie! Thanks for the recommendation Chris! Watched Full Metal Jacket today. Another great movie. Kubrick didn't make many movies but they were all worthwhile. It's too bad he didn't live long enogh to make Eyes Wide Shut the movie it could have been.

Bree 09-06-2002 10:31 AM


Been AFK for a bit...

Saw "Signs" with my sister last weekend.. I thought it was okay. Clever play on the title I think.

Bought Resident Evil recently and thought that was pretty cool if you like bloody suspense movies. Really kind of felt like I was playing the game.

More than anything we enjoy the 4 seasons of Star Trek TNG, the first two seasons of MASH, and the first season of Babylon5 that we got. We can have our own marathons and just veg. :)

I think U-571 is an excellent movie .. we buy all of our DVDs but if you rent, rent that one.

Tafkap 09-06-2002 10:34 AM

Chris, si tu veux voir un film bien marrant et con, loue ou achète le DVD "Astérix et Cléopatre" d'Alain Chabat (un ex Les Nuls)

Mister X 09-09-2002 02:24 AM

Just finished watching Dogma again. Not bad at all. And Alannis Morrissette as God? Of course. It's obvious that God is Canadian. :D

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