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As I said before.... YES, I know that the site's are fantasy.... but if these fantasies are acted upon by the people that do find it titillating... they will probably spend a good amount of time behind bars. If you (that's the general 'you') want to support these sites and make money off of them... it's your choice. Make what rationalizations you need to make. as for SkyyBoy.... If you want to compare nudity and consensual sex to r*pe........................ as emma said... you're just not getting it. |
I have no need to rationalize because I DON'T SUPPORT, NOR PROMOTE the sites that are in question. P.S. My original post stated that I find this "board" lacking in TRUE intelligence. I had to digress and state this "thread", because their ARE people's opinion's on this board (including this thread) whom I do respect. |
huh? I addressed what I quoted from you in the first part of my reply.
How can I imply "you", when I clearly state that I'm not talking to or about you? I put that in there so that it was clear it was not addressed to you. I don't know you or what sites you support or promote. I try to never imply, I find it best to say what you mean. If you had read my earlier post, you would have seen that I was touching on something I said there. It was nice chatting with you, I'm off to :asleep: |
I, as MOST Canadians including yourself, did not have the choice of their national heritage. I was fortunate enough to be BORN in ONE of the greatest countries in the world. I (a very difficult word to emphasize), unlike many fellow Canucks do not take this for granted. I see the suffering that goes on around the world and wish to change it. I see the starvation that goes on around the world and wish to change it. I see the persecution that goes on around the world and wish to change it. Then I sit back. I thank god I'm not G.W.Bush and have the POWER to change it, because all people would do is question my intentions. If he attacks a "Questionable (For the sake of the true Liberals, or just to remain politically correct)" target due to their past indiscretions, you will surely question his intentions. "If the U.S. finds WMD, they are surely planted by the U.S. We shall just ignore that this "Questionable" target has killed thousands of his own people. Raped and tortured his own people. We don't have to wait on a Saturday afternoon, with the kids playing in the backyard, a dictator's henchman coming to our door. We don't have to watch him rape our wife or daughter, or worse, have him make US choose who should live or die. Our son or our daughter. Isn't it great to be born a Canadian. Living with the protection of the mightiest of armies in the world at our beckon call, while we struggle to find a decent helipcopter. If the Iranians ever decide to attack their number 1 enemy, Canada, not the U.S. (remember Ken Taylor?) with a passenger jet into the CN Tower, who would be the first people there? Yeah, that's right. The Americans. Pretty much no questions asked. Perhaps until now. IF you enact upon something that is illegal, such as raping my daughter. son or wife, you should and probably will be prosecuted. Then you'll deal with ME. (I can be and will be as fascist as the next guy when it comes to my own family, Michael Moore be damned). P.S. Caos is spelled Chaos |
When are people going to take responsibility for their own actions and stop blaming things on porn? Porn did not create people who are sexual predators. Porn did not create the woman who castrates a man, child molestors, rapists... These people already existed in our society. These tendencies to do harm to another individual were already lurking below the surface within these people. Porn is not responsible for these people. Any number of triggers could've set these people off to commit the act they commited. |
Reality sites have kinda gotten outtahand in my opinion anyway!:geez:
All the original ideas....
All the original ideas have been used up why do you think reality tv even came about. It's because it has all been done so many times. They need to figure out how to make the old stories original.
yes it happens to be that way ...
but lets face it ..this is biz...people go into biz to make a profit .... if your in biz and you have an idea that would bring in the $$$ and it works why stop ? As for why people spend $$$ for this kinda stuff i wouldnt know :) but it sells ... and we are dealing with porn what ..what would offend You & I ...would get other people off.... that just the way th eporn biz is these days ..people are not really interested in quality anymore ...they are more interested in what sells.. |
Quality and what sells...
I hope to be able to do both. I not using an original idea but am gonna make it mine. So here to using an idea and making it yours.
What about ethics? Guns sell- Would you open a gun shop? Would you open a gun shop in your neighbourhood? Near an urban high school? It's perfectly legal and I hear there is a demand for it. |
emma sorry g irl but most young people these days don't know what ethics is ..my guess is either parents dont teach it anymore or the schools dont ... |
Its a tough subjective line between fantasy and morally correct, I agree that each of us has to decide for ourselves what we are willing to be apart of. I for one do not support the blatant use fo a disturbing and violent betrayal of women as "good content".
I will say this though, women who choose to be exploited for the pleasure of the men who adore and invest in the porn indutry, MORE POWER TO YA! There are more niches and things to explore without stretching the 3 cardinal rules NO SUBJECTIFICATION OF WOMEN, NO BEASTIALITY & NO CHILD PORN! |
Well said! |
are you saying producers in those countries are not allowed to shoot such PERFECTLY LEGAL content just because it's not allowed almost everywhere else? they are well within their right to do so... whether any company would process their billing is a whole other issue |
what about in countries where images we would consider to be KP are legal? then what?
are you saying producers in those countries are not allowed to shoot such PERFECTLY LEGAL content just because it's not allowed almost everywhere else? they are well within their right to do so... whether any company would process their billing is a whole other issue Is this one ok too? |
i'm not quite sure i get your post... but if something is legal in one country it's none of our business to tell them otherwise... but if they violate our own laws then that's different...
someone who shoots and sells beastiality in Denmark is a law obiding citizen... if they sell it here, they are not it's pretty simple in my eyes... no? |
i don't like beastiality but stop trying to impose your own "perfect world" belief system on others... |
Sometimes people in our industry amaze me.
You are arguing about things beyond your control. Beyond your ability to have any effect so go about your business unless of course you are without sin then cast the first stone. People who make content in a country where it is legal have no control over who looks at it on the net. Now one of you ponderers will say you can block someone by their IP address or their physical address when doing credit card verification. Hello we are talking on the internet and I can get an address IP or physical in any country and almost any city I want. If someone does something you do not want to see don’t look. If you think everyone in the business is moral I am against most of the things you all are saying are despicable and I don’t look at it, I don’t host it and I certainly don’t sell it if it is illegal. Butt I for one think a lot of things are not what I want to see and I don’t look butt I still host it. Who would I be to say I don’t like gay male sex, which I don’t butt should I say I won’t host it for someone who wants to sell it or not let someone host on my servers for those who want to see it. Live and let live. We do not host spammers, kids, dogs or death; butt any legal activity I do not discriminate against. What does concern me is all the wasted time you all are spending on this thread when you could be promoting your products and consuming my bandwidth. Just my $.02 cents John ‘tpg’ Smith President tpg@69adulthost.com |
No kids, No dogs, and No death those are pretty good gidelines.:bonk:
As for legalities, I'm the one that brought that up, so I'll cover that since it's being taken WAY off topic, also. What i said was... the content in question depicts acts that would be illegal in most places (various forms of non-consensual sex) IF they were really happening. that's all. |
In other forms of entertainment (movies, TV, music videos) they depict illegal acts and that is for the most part perfectly acceptable to most people. Once you mix actual sex acts, and often times actual physical violence (no stunt men, no CGI), into the depiction of illegal acts I can see how it leads to murky moral waters. Whether seeing images of violent and illegal acts influences behaviour is still not yet determined, though there are many folks who imitate risky behaviour from TV shows like Fear Factor so I can see some doing the same with porn. Good judgement is not something the human race at large is known for (especially for the under 25 set as recent brain development research has demonstrated).
Still, I think having a discussion such as this is important. At this point we can only control what we do with our businesses, what we chose to create, promote, etc... Personally, I want to try to create porn that enhances people's sex lives, that makes people who view it feel good about sex, good about men, good about women. Granted people's perceptions of that is very subjective. |
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