09-26-2003 06:33 PM |
Re: The no smokin indoors law
Originally posted by Izzy
Well, here is a great subject to bitch about!!I am a smoker and in Cali you can't smoke in restraunts, or even in BARS!!! Now c-mon!!!!!!! If you are a kind of person that smokes while you drink, then this piece of shit law is definitely a pain in the ass for you!!!! Most people, like myself, love to have a cigarette after we eat a meal. Well, you can have a cig after you eat but, you have to go outside to have it!! What a pain in the ass that shit is!! Just about every state is planning to do the same shit!!! Ain't that a kick in the head?!?! YES IT IS!!!! I know most people that don't smoke, do not like to smell smoke while they eat. MOFO, if you don't like it why don't you go outside then?!?! Hey!!!!! That's a great idea, why don't we make non-smoking sections of restraunts outside? Yes!!!!!!! Make it a screened in area for all the non-smokers. Cuz then, they can get the fresh smell of SMOG then!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
There are a lot of things I hate when I go out to eat too... the lady or man with to much colone... the crying baby that will not shut up and so on...
As for the health issue... shit... I have been smoking for 21 years... 1st hand.. and 2nd hand... (x musician lot's of bars many nights in a row many years) and I am still healthy.
What pisses me off even more is the fucking price... make it expensive so kids cannot afford them.. shit I'm 38 and cannot afford them... kids = no financial responsibilities = $$$ in their pocket
I heard on the news where they said the the price raise was working and that smoking by kids has dropped... was nto the price... it was the carding... I am 38 and look it... lines on the face... getting gray etc... I get carded for smokes.. but not alcohol... go figure. So I have to laugh when I hear statements like that...