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richmedia 11-14-2003 05:20 AM

Evil Chris
If you mean the end of forced crossales, yes, the game is almost over.
But not forced crossales will live.

Evil Chris 11-14-2003 10:15 AM


Originally posted by Yo Adrian
Well, the reason is simply to manage our cb% to ensure they remain under the 1% threshhold.

We've taken some necessary steps to reduce our cb% to 1%, this is simply another one of those steps.

Yo Adrian... obviously you have no choice but to take steps to reduce your chargeback %. Every affiliate program that exists has to do this. But how are you doing it? What are these necessary steps? I know one way is to eliminate external cross-selling, but are you going to continue doing it internally?

Denney Tario 11-14-2003 01:20 PM

What you guys fail to realize is that there are many people that aren't with Epoch that are on the watch list now. Companies that are over 1% without ever doing a cross sell. What the industry needs to focus on is pricing. Because we pay so much to our affiliates, we, in turn, have to charge these high membership fees. Crossells chargeback at about a 1.5-2% ratio. Until October 1st this was a compliant number, if that weren't the case Epoch would be fined by Visa. They have not been. Now you see all the programs in the past years that had their problems and some have disappeared. Obviously Epoch has done something right to gain Visa's trust and can handle their ratios, even with crossells. Don't bash crossells bash the price we charge the end user for a subscription. You all know what i'm talking about. Pick your horse in this race wisely because some will get disqualified.

Mister X 11-14-2003 02:11 PM

Do non-forced xsells even work? Personally I would never check that box when signing up to a site unless I had already checked out the site the xsell was for. So that would mean leaving the join page to check it out. And maybe I would get distracted or something and never get back to the join page. It really just doesn't seem to be worth the risk of losing a sale to me. If we were to start xsells I'm certain we would at least limit it to our own sites and we wouldn't screw around with forcing.

Mister X 11-15-2003 10:41 AM


I am actually curious to hear whether or not you think that non-forced xsells are effective.

Evil Chris 11-15-2003 12:31 PM

This thread (some of it) tends to expose some of the darker underside of the way billing takes place in some circumstances. I'm not at all surprised that most people are either a: silent or b: posting anonymously.

Mystery Man 11-16-2003 01:35 AM

one line for you folks... .5% cb... coming soon to a processor near you

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