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GOD 11-05-2002 02:56 PM


Originally posted by DrGuile
Anybody who has kids and still smokes has a serious problem if you ask me.
My kids smoke too!


smokers piss me off. bunch of poseurs, all of you.
Tell us how you REALLY feel Doc

Masters 11-07-2002 12:25 PM

Smoking sucks yewt hard to stop
Hey Peeps,
I just came in to browse around and found this thread. I am in the process of quiting. I'm taking that pill called zyban and I have to say it works great. I never expected it to work so well. What I like about it is that you can smoke on it unlike the patch and some other methods. Yes, I know what you're all thinking.... either you quit or you don't there should be no in-between. Well I agree to a certain degree but being a smoker for over 20 years it's just not that easy. Besides I have reduced my smoking to a 2/3 daily by using zyban which amounts to about smoking only 5 a day instead of 15 or 20... I am close and just around the corner from quitting completely,

Wish me luck...! even though I don’t need it "cause I'm quitting anyway"!!!

Keep on Rockin'

Evil Chris 11-07-2002 04:46 PM

Oh I soooo want a smoke right now.... :bonk:

But I won't give in.... no no no... It's been over a month now...

JFK 11-08-2002 09:24 AM

I used to be a fairly heavy smoker at one time, then I went cold turkey! You will have some lapses, as did I from time to time. But it just dosent taste the same anymore, thats when you ask yourself, that what am I putting this shit in my body for? I havent smoked cigarettes in longer than I can remember, the "other stuff" on occasion only. Keep up the good work I know its not easy !!

ARiA 11-11-2002 02:02 PM


Originally posted by NetBabe
I have been told that it I have an oral fixation, so that helped. But I am still not convinced.

I am eating pens and wrecking wagons.. lol
have reduced myself to about .... well I wont lie- I"M WEAK!
but still inspired by the post- trying- stressin

definately has something to do with that whole oral fixation thing...
cany cigs.. do they still make those?? lol


NetBabe 11-11-2002 05:26 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Oh I soooo want a smoke right now.... :bonk:

But I won't give in.... no no no... It's been over a month now...

Okay it's getting worse ... I am now smoking the occasional cigar.


NetBabe 11-11-2002 05:28 PM


Originally posted by ARiA

I am eating pens and wrecking wagons.. lol
have reduced myself to about .... well I wont lie- I"M WEAK!
but still inspired by the post- trying- stressin

definately has something to do with that whole oral fixation thing...
cany cigs.. do they still make those?? lol


Yes it is the oral fixation, this is why I keep going for the cigars. Help!

Evil Chris 11-11-2002 05:29 PM

I know it's tough... very easy to give in.
The past few days have been pretty good....

Geez... this is starting to feel like a support group.. HAHA

NetBabe 11-11-2002 06:25 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I know it's tough... very easy to give in.
The past few days have been pretty good....

Geez... this is starting to feel like a support group.. HAHA

We should re-name to Smoking Therapy. lol!

PlayaPlaya 11-11-2002 06:59 PM

This morning while i was driving to the office, i smoked a cigarette as i usually do. As i threw that cigarette out, I said to myself that its gonna be my last one. So its been 7 hours for me and i'm bouncing of the walls.

i actually look like this right now ::-|

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