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Masters 11-12-2002 05:15 PM

Geeez, a "novel" is an understatement, yet I'm glad to see good use, encourgement and typing pratice occur off my original wise crack remark... LMAO

I must say though you are a very good writer Pattyecake, though to say you don't have an ass is another understatement...!

You may spank me in Vegas... lol

Keep on Rockin'

JohnIP 11-12-2002 05:16 PM

Mario ol chum...my folks have ALWAYS taken great care to follow the rules of the game as far as posting.. FAR MORE then any of our competitors usually do...might have been a joke but nobody’s laughin.. pick better targets.

JohnIP 11-12-2002 05:39 PM

BTW I vote for my own ass..its cute..its tight..and it feels good sittin on.

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 11-12-2002 05:59 PM


Originally posted by Magick

I do! I do! :D


Diane's ass gets my vote ! :D

Masters 11-12-2002 07:30 PM

John "ole chum"
It's well known that advertisers usually post what they want when they want and most actually do get the green light from the moderator prior to posting.
What surprises me is that we have known each other for quite some time and... as you should know, I was just poking fun and didn't expect to get this reply especially as one can plainly read it's been handled.

What happen to the guy I knew that had a sense of humor?

Lobster anyone? :)

Keep on Rockin'

BobbyR 11-12-2002 08:13 PM


JohnIP 11-12-2002 08:24 PM


Originally posted by Masters
John "ole chum"
It's well known that advertisers usually post what they want when they want and most actually do get the green light from the moderator prior to posting.
What surprises me is that we have known each other for quite some time and... as you should know, I was just poking fun and didn't expect to get this reply especially as one can plainly read it's been handled.

What happen to the guy I knew that had a sense of humor?

Lobster anyone? :)

Keep on Rockin'

Mario try pokin someplace else...as usual whether in jest or serious your reputaion is intact;).Btw next time your lookin for a job and Im sure it will be soon...dont contact me....

Masters 11-12-2002 08:32 PM

ya' know I'm surprised at you...
But don't worry I assure you once you realize where I'm at... you or your people will be coming to me for a deal :-)

I still love ya' - you have a good crew going

Keep on Rockin'

JohnIP 11-13-2002 12:05 PM


Originally posted by Masters
ya' know I'm surprised at you...
But don't worry I assure you once you realize where I'm at... you or your people will be coming to me for a deal :-)

I still love ya' - you have a good crew going

Keep on Rockin'

Mario little man...Im sure who ever made the mistake of hiring you will soon come to regret it;)...and Im positive we wont be dealin with them;)

Masters 11-13-2002 12:34 PM

John "BIG man" I have obviously made an effort to be kind and nice in all my replys back based on your reputation and knowing you and , as I stated above, "the good crew" of people you have intact.

Yet it's quite obvious that "YOU" are making the sly remarks and much more out of this than needed.

So it's quite obvious on who's really the "little man" here.

As I said above in a prior post... I'm surprised at you carrying on this way. It truly shows good business sense and ethics on your part!

Keep on Rockin' :)

Magick 11-13-2002 12:43 PM

My favorite colour is blue. Oh and I still have the nicest ass.

poppy 11-13-2002 12:52 PM

I vote for Magick's ass as well...uhh...err...Laurie's too

Cyndalie 11-13-2002 01:13 PM

My oh My; sensitive
Why do I have the feeling if we were all hanging out in person right now we'd all be laughing our asses off; we all know where we stand, no need to make room for misinterpretation.

I'm just upset JohnIP didn't vote for my ass!

Insite, nice release ;) You guys are looking good. Top notch work Insite!

Much love everyone,

Marketing Tools and Resources @ AdultChamber.com!

JohnIP 11-13-2002 01:23 PM


Originally posted by Cyndalie
My oh My; sensitive
Why do I have the feeling if we were all hanging out in person right now we'd all be laughing our asses off; we all know where we stand, no need to make room for misinterpretation.

I'm just upset JohnIP didn't vote for my ass!

Insite, nice release ;) Sites look AWESOME , top notch work Insite!

Much love everyone,

Marketing Tools and Resources @ AdultChamber.com!

Cyn...didnt know your ass was available for Voting....I definatly cast One large vote for your ass;)

Mario,your words are far bigger then your accomplishments in this biz,your a hack and perpetual wanna be,I dont know who you've slimed into believing your worth a paycheck but Im sure you wont last long.

Masters 11-13-2002 02:13 PM

ugh, John, you're boring me now...
and your post just confirms even more how little you really are!
I rest my case!

Keep on Rockin'

Masters 11-13-2002 02:31 PM

As far as the best looking ass... by far Cyndalie's is the best and gets my vote...!

Keep on Rockin'

twinkley 11-13-2002 03:14 PM


4freecyndalie!! :eek:

Okay, I will set up the affiliate program!!




TondaB 11-13-2002 03:42 PM

Hey Magick!

I can't wait to have some fried rice with you guys again:)

Anyways my vote goes to Magick for the best ass as she has just the right about of krinkles!!!!!

Evil Chris 11-13-2002 03:56 PM

do I dare poke my nose into where this conversation is going?

twinkley 11-13-2002 04:07 PM


I am smart - ducked outta this before it gets icky :)


Magick 11-13-2002 04:34 PM


Originally posted by Tonda
Hey Magick!

I can't wait to have some fried rice with you guys again:)

Anyways my vote goes to Magick for the best ass as she has just the right about of krinkles!!!!!

One krinkle for each year darlin ;)

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