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Gruntled 06-28-2004 02:29 AM

Doesn't the piercing get a little hot after launch?


Feynman 06-28-2004 01:06 PM

Yeah, but it makes the perfect soot / black coated pussy with a stong sulphur smell. VERY demonic !


And beside, it's a door wide open to exorcizing fetish...

samuel 06-28-2004 07:08 PM

haha.. that girls is going to start those fireworks..


schilli 06-29-2004 11:21 PM

My fetish is....
Leather chaps!

Fuck I love leather!


Sarah_MaxCash 06-30-2004 10:13 AM


Originally posted by Ounique
Hee hee, because you know if a tree falls in the forest, and makes a noise that sounds like "fetish"... I hear it! LOL!!!
and amazingly I show up as well..lol.

hmmm....Sarah don't bore the people about how most things people think are fetishes aren't fetishs :)

anyhoo...little things I love..men in black nail polish...that just gets me gooey.

Also, as a BBW I tend to be what some people consider their fetish (though, it isn't a fetish in strict terms). That can be a weird feeling but if they do it right it can also make you feel really special and desired.

pf69.com 06-30-2004 11:54 AM

havig sex in my beetle

Ounique 06-30-2004 01:45 PM

Re: My fetish is....

Originally posted by schilli
Leather chaps!

Fuck I love leather!

Heh heh, right there with ya schilli! Nice chaps! :D

Don Soporno 06-30-2004 03:21 PM

Re: Re: My fetish is....

Originally posted by Ounique
Heh heh, right there with ya schilli! Nice chaps! :D

ok so are you Don or Mike??...lol

Ounique 06-30-2004 04:36 PM

Re: Re: Re: My fetish is....

Originally posted by Don Soporno
ok so are you Don or Mike??...lol
LOL! The name is Don Mike. I'm not a Don named Mike and I'm not Don-Mike somethingorother as people sometimes believe. LOL! It does kind of sound like some kind of rock star name, don't it? Heh heh. Nah, just lil' ol me. Don Mike. :blush:

monaro 06-30-2004 06:05 PM

Re: Re: My fetish is....
G'day everyone I would have to say that food can put a smile on the right cheeks

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