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Raziel 07-07-2004 08:31 AM

me too me too happy birthday :)

TrafficMaster 07-07-2004 09:22 AM

Happy Birthday Mr. Morano!!!!

BlueCactus 07-07-2004 06:35 PM

Please be nice to us Cane Toads today

cheeky 07-07-2004 09:55 PM


Originally posted by firehorse
I used to live in Reservoir Rd, Blacktown. 2 of my children live in Penrith not too far from there. :D

Wow really?

I new a few people who lived off Reservoir Road lol

I went to Evans High School many years ago - I was a year under Anita Lynch - hmm most would know her as Anita Cobby.

Ok so don't laugh 2 of my children live in Blacktown with their father and my grandson lives there too.

My sister owns the custume hire place in Kingswood on the Great Western Highway.

cheeky 07-07-2004 09:58 PM


Originally posted by BlueCactus
Please be nice to us Cane Toads today

The day is absolutely perfect too - blue sky, sun shining, dolphins in the bay - the beach looks good :)

And to think it's winter, but I don't live in cold Tasmania any more - wooohoo!!!

It is so nice to be warm :)

SexPranks_Dave 07-08-2004 03:40 PM

Happy Birthday Monaro

monaro 07-08-2004 04:45 PM

Thank you ever so much everybody, you have all made my birthday that was June30th so special. I never had this much attention before ever! I have a very good feeling that this year will bring out my best.

Now I would like to tell you all my wish for you!


When you are lonely.
I wish you love.
When you are down
I wish you joy.
When you are troubled
I wish you peice.
When things are complicated
I wish you simple beauty.
When things are chaotic
I wish you inner silenccce.
When things look empty
I wish you hope!

Everybody, Have a Really Good YEAR!

cheeky 07-08-2004 05:20 PM

Monaro we haven't met but I am sure we will especially if you are attending the AAI Convention (reminds me did you get my email about the AAI and were you able to contact Rikki).

Birthdays are meant to be special especially on boards such as Xnations where such great people hang out and their wishes make you feel good :)

I let my birthday slip through unnoticed hehehe but then I'm a lot older than you and it was just another day :)

trishie 07-09-2004 01:25 AM


Originally posted by monaro
Thank you ever so much everybody, you have all made my birthday that was June30th so special. I never had this much attention before ever! I have a very good feeling that this year will bring out my best.

Now I would like to tell you all my wish for you!


When you are lonely.
I wish you love.
When you are down
I wish you joy.
When you are troubled
I wish you peice.
When things are complicated
I wish you simple beauty.
When things are chaotic
I wish you inner silenccce.
When things look empty
I wish you hope!

Everybody, Have a Really Good YEAR!

Mark that was really sweet what you wrote to everyone..and yes I believe the year ahead will bring out your best if you choose to follow your heart and dreams.


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