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sweet7 07-05-2004 04:26 PM

1152 x 864

'cause 1024 is too big and 1280 is too small

monaro 07-05-2004 04:47 PM

640 x 480:D

AndyA 07-05-2004 07:03 PM

1024x768 :cool:

BT 07-05-2004 07:08 PM

1280 x 1024 "indeed, indeed"

BlueCactus 07-05-2004 09:58 PM

I just want to know if MisterX's 640x480 is on his Commodore 64?? ;)

l3vi 07-06-2004 04:54 AM

Im running 5 on my desk + a laptop they all start at 1024 x 768 and up.

McAttack 07-06-2004 09:53 AM

I have a 17" monitor at work and at home, so till I get off my ass and go get some 19" ones, I'm staying at 1280x1024. I'd rather be at 1600x1200 though.

Gruntled 07-06-2004 10:21 AM

I run 1280 on my lappy and the 17" at work. In the lab in my basement, I have two that top out at 1024, and my main desktop for design work that has a dual display. The dual is a 19" set at 1280 and a 15" set at 800 for helper apps and Photoshop close-ups.

dyonisus 07-07-2004 09:25 PM

1024 though I could go higher,

I was interested to see this poll started at 1024 and not at 800
that's cool!

Feynman 07-08-2004 11:12 AM

I luvvvv lotsa visual real eastate...

I have a Diamond Pro Mitsubishi 20" 90dpi that I run, most of the time, at 1600x1200

but when I design for the web, I bring the res down to 1280x960 (4:3) so that things appear more the normal size for a 72dpi monitor

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