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TheLegacy 10-23-2004 12:40 AM

hey sorry for coming in late - shedevil and I were out for the evening then played a bit on our own :blush:

hows everyone doing?

gunner 10-23-2004 01:11 AM

I guess I'm REALLY late, cause it's Saturday now.

I volunteer at a Haunted House every year and I was busy playing a psycho/mutant/monster, like something out of Tale from the Ctypt...

so much fun to scare the living shit out of everyone.
I love Halloween

Cold_ice 10-23-2004 01:31 AM


Originally posted by gunner

so much fun to scare the living shit out of everyone.
I love Halloween

Here is one for you make sure to turn up sounds to hear this.

monaro 10-23-2004 03:10 AM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
been a long day around here, Dylan has been sick a few days and its kicking his ass
Hope your son Don gets over being sick mate.

Funbrunette 10-23-2004 04:50 AM


Originally posted by monaro
Hope your son Don gets over being sick mate.
Must be going around Ryan got sick as well this week! :(

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