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12clicks 05-24-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 124312)
*Imagining Chris in a tight Corset* Yup there could be cock...lol :laughout:

my pants just jumped.

Feynman 05-24-2007 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by GoodChris (Post 124210)
Being in front of the camera and behind the camera are 2 very different things.

Faceciousness aside, that's an overly understated truth, if there was ever one...

Vid Vicious 05-24-2007 10:36 PM

I'd be interested to see you fit into that correst ... :)

Err I disagee Legacy ... a burlesque/pin up site wouldn't be one with amateur photography !


Cold_ice 05-24-2007 11:18 PM

FB your a very beautiful woman so I really can't blame EC for not wanting to share you with anyone. To show you off at a club is one thing but to share you with the world I would never be able to do that so I'm with EC on this one.

But if you do get your way let me know I'll be your first customer:D

Funbrunette 05-25-2007 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Cold_ice (Post 124403)
FB your a very beautiful woman so I really can't blame EC for not wanting to share you with anyone. To show you off at a club is one thing but to share you with the world I would never be able to do that so I'm with EC on this one.

But if you do get your way let me know I'll be your first customer:D

I should kick you in the butt...lol As I tried to explain numerous times it's a burlesque, pin-up style site NO NUDITY! Look above at Vid's pictures they're fun and there's nothing wrong with that. I would even be proud to show my site to my own father...lol So It would be clean good fun!

But don't worry I'll send you the naughty pictures...lol

TheLegacy 05-25-2007 12:34 PM

well if vid is the photographer, then I think any husband would be okay LOL.

honestly, vid is the only one I would trust to take nude pics of my wife if we got to that point... and believe me, that takes alot to say and admit on my part

Panky 05-25-2007 01:49 PM

For a minute there, this thread took a slightly odd turn, but it is good to see it back on track.

Magnus3x 05-25-2007 02:48 PM

Betty Page makes me warm and tingly.

Funbrunette 05-25-2007 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 124469)
Betty Page makes me warm and tingly.

See, and she's not naked!

Feynman 05-25-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 124472)
See, and she's not naked!

No, but she's also 84 ! Who would want to jump her bones?

As for the choice of photographer, from the standpoint of the insecure husband, there are two choices:

Either one that is a gentleman extraordinaire,

or one what is exceedingly ugly. :laughout:

D. Feynman

Feynman 05-25-2007 03:15 PM

FB, who did your make-up in Vid's pics?

It's good, btw...

She Devil 05-25-2007 03:25 PM

I don't understand why it's such a huge deal. There's not really that much 'sharing'.

I think you both should go out and find a photographer you can trust and enjoy to work with. This should be fun for both of you.

FB he's going to be a pain in the ass either way. Men have a hard enough time when a woman makes her own money. They have this desire to feel needed and that they can support you. Why they feel that people paying for your pictures is sharing I don't know.

Chris you can either fight her about this or sit down and realise this is nothing against you. You will see how happy she is being in this harmless spotlight. You should enjoy alloying her to make herself happy while being safe. Also keep in mind there's a large chance she will be happier because the camera will make her 'feel' sexy thus the less work you will have to do to get some something something.

Vid Vicious 05-25-2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 124442)
well if vid is the photographer, then I think any husband would be okay LOL.

honestly, vid is the only one I would trust to take nude pics of my wife if we got to that point... and believe me, that takes alot to say and admit on my part

thanks Robert ... Gee I guess it's abotu time we show you those Bourdoir pics we did last summer ... LOL

Can I make a suggestion here ... ?

if Chris feels uncomfortable with this, then don't do it. If he needs some convincing .. then get on your knees and put on some lipstick, LOL

Seriously .. if he felt uncomfortable in anyway I wouldn't shoot you. we've been thru this before Steph, about 4 or 5 years ago ... I said the same thng then as I say today ... I'd be more then happy to shoot this for yah ... but only if your both comfortable and in agreement about this.

With that said .. Maybe a trail shoot would be inorder .. A correst or Pin up dress .. With both of you (i know that Chris has some corrests in that closet of his) .. LOL ... Something to make you both feel better ...

Oh and on the Betty Page thing .. Umm she's Stark NAKED in her top pin up and Glamour stuff .. it's her fetish stuff that she stayed dress for.

And err .. Nobody said anythign about Ms Page the 83 year old born again christian .. Err nobody but Feynman ... which leads me to my next question .. What the hell you been doing all this time, Feynman? your last posts got me worried ... LOL

Vid Vicious 05-25-2007 03:56 PM

Lastly if you have a problem with nudity .. FIND ANOTHER JOB!

Quagmire 05-25-2007 04:26 PM

I've said it to FB before and I'll say it here. She has that 'look' on her face when she's striking those poses and it makes it hot without any need for nudity.

I wouldn't have any issues with my wife doing something like that, but like anything else on the net, she'd have to be prepared for the nasty comments that come along with all the good ones. Heartbreak from hurt feelings carries over in to a marriage even if they were not caused by the other partner.

Funbrunette 05-25-2007 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Feynman (Post 124475)
FB, who did your make-up in Vid's pics?

It's good, btw...

Wouldn't know, that's not me, but you can see me at http://www.myspace.com/funbrunette55

Visualad 05-25-2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by She Devil (Post 124262)

Really priorities need to be set in order. Realise what is the most important and realise some tough decisions sometimes need to be made. Either way there are many outcomes. Either she's going to do it with him. She's going to do it without him. She won't do it and resent him for it.

Well said. This part really sums it all up.

student4ever 05-25-2007 07:36 PM

Ok, I've stayed out of this one so far... lots of interesting comments on both sides of the topic. I'm going to have to say, it's a double standard without a doubt.

FB, there is no doubt that you are a very beautiful woman. EC, IMHO you are very lucky to have such an independent and strong woman at your side. As for the site, it's non-nude. All lookie and no touchie. EC, I'm sure where ever the two of you go, there are guys checking FB out and having their own private fantasies. Life with a beautiful woman - just the way it is. Of course, I've nearly decked a couple guys for crossing the lookie versus touchie line with my wife...

Although I have not had to deal with the issue myself, I would like to think that I would be happy with the concept that although others get to look and fantasize, I'm the one she goes home to. I might want to be present at the photo shoot though... LOL

Funbrunette 05-25-2007 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by student4ever (Post 124502)
Ok, I've stayed out of this one so far... lots of interesting comments on both sides of the topic. I'm going to have to say, it's a double standard without a doubt.

FB, there is no doubt that you are a very beautiful woman. EC, IMHO you are very lucky to have such an independent and strong woman at your side. As for the site, it's non-nude. All lookie and no touchie. EC, I'm sure where ever the two of you go, there are guys checking FB out and having their own private fantasies. Life with a beautiful woman - just the way it is. Of course, I've nearly decked a couple guys for crossing the lookie versus touchie line with my wife...

Although I have not had to deal with the issue myself, I would like to think that I would be happy with the concept that although others get to look and fantasize, I'm the one she goes home to. I might want to be present at the photo shoot though... LOL

Thanks, you guys ALL bring interesting points.

Funbrunette 05-25-2007 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by She Devil (Post 124477)
I don't understand why it's such a huge deal. There's not really that much 'sharing'.

I think you both should go out and find a photographer you can trust and enjoy to work with. This should be fun for both of you.

FB he's going to be a pain in the ass either way. Men have a hard enough time when a woman makes her own money. They have this desire to feel needed and that they can support you. Why they feel that people paying for your pictures is sharing I don't know.

Chris you can either fight her about this or sit down and realise this is nothing against you. You will see how happy she is being in this harmless spotlight. You should enjoy alloying her to make herself happy while being safe. Also keep in mind there's a large chance she will be happier because the camera will make her 'feel' sexy thus the less work you will have to do to get some something something.

SheDevil I haven't informed Chris of my desire to have sex with you in one of my photoshoots....lol NO WAY! That's something I'd keep to MYSELF! :)

student4ever 05-25-2007 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 124515)
SheDevil I haven't informed Chris of my desire to have sex with you in one of my photoshoots....lol NO WAY! That's something I'd keep to MYSELF! :)

I'd like to start the bidding on that photo set! :laughout:

TheLegacy 05-26-2007 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 124515)
SheDevil I haven't informed Chris of my desire to have sex with you in one of my photoshoots....lol NO WAY! That's something I'd keep to MYSELF! :)

oh - so this is what chopped liver feels like


She Devil 05-26-2007 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 124515)
SheDevil I haven't informed Chris of my desire to have sex with you in one of my photoshoots....lol NO WAY! That's something I'd keep to MYSELF! :)

Someone distract our boys, we need to go get naughty :angel:

GoodChris 05-27-2007 02:29 AM

In the end, one must weigh what is more important to them. There are pro's and con's to every scenario.

If this could cost you someone that you love and it is not as important as doing the latter, then do it. On the other hand, ...well, figure it out. Life is all about choices.

Terrence 05-27-2007 05:08 PM

Funbrunette is a beautiful woman and I understand how Evil Chris may feel but sounds like what she wants to do is sexy nothing with nudity

You have a gorgeous woman be proud to show her off to the world dude She is smart she will know her limits

It's FB's intelligence that always has me enjoying our long talks at shows the beauty is a bonus


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