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rhetorical 12-04-2009 12:33 PM

It would be like keeping a job with Bernie Madoff and still sending him business. In any other industry, most of those involved would face charges. They are still putting money in the pockets of those who have left the freeking country. My fav is the story everyone told about the "lawsuit" and why they should all help to pay to fight it.

Wolf 12-04-2009 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Panky (Post 162250)
God forbid people have an opinion of their own, dare to go against the grain, and stand on your own two feet.

Sometimes you have to buck the system or lose your integrity. If you have any to lose.

Of course, as a little fish in the biz it's easy for me to say that.

Ronaldo 12-05-2009 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 162176)
Obviously, the days of remunerating webmasters for posting are gone, and I feel that this system only brings out the worst kind of posts anyway.

I've always been HALF joking when I say that if boards had implemented a pay per WORD or MINIMUM posting before being paid, they'd have been a lot better off.

With the exception of mocking people, I can't think of a single time I EVER posted a two word response in a thread. If I didn't have something relevant to say, I wouldn't waste my time.

Look at Panky's posts in this thread. Posts like THAT should be rewarded. Posts of "I'd hit it", "She look good", or " ;) " SHOULDN'T be rewarded, but they were and THAT was part of the problem.

Evil Chris 12-05-2009 01:39 PM

Ron... right, so a post like "Go Leafs Go" despite having great significance, shouldn't be rewarded, but probably was anyway.


Ronaldo 12-05-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 162277)
Ron... right, so a post like "Go Leafs Go" despite having great significance, shouldn't be rewarded, but probably was anyway.


No, posts like that shouldn't be rewarded. In fact I'll take it a step further. Posts like that should not only NOT be rewarded, but the poster should LOSE points that you were already rewarded WITH...just for their stupidity. :)

Cyndalie 12-07-2009 03:12 PM

They way I see it, and I met most of you back on the Ynot boards back in the late nineties, you post to either learn, find new business, or socialize online with colleagues you like.

As we get older we are less interested in coaching newbies, new business is found in upper management levels - and rarely from newbies, reps, or lone webamsters on boards, and alot of us have dropped out , separated paths, focus on work more and post less, see posting as a liability as the number of trolls rise, or just don't see the ROI in any sense anymore.

It's harder to find quality communities to retain your interest. Like Rochard I like to combine several of these factors and support the people and places I like.

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