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Terrence 10-07-2002 07:19 PM

WOW You are one pretty lady. I am sure you will win. I will vote for you!

firehorse 10-09-2002 05:31 AM

Here's a Kitty pic for all who voted thnx:D


firehorse 10-12-2002 06:56 AM

Kitty is in 2nd place atm. Thnx for your votes.:D

Our baby is due to arrive November 10th or 11th:D :D :D

Funbrunette 10-12-2002 11:07 AM


Originally posted by firehorse

Our baby is due to arrive November 10th or 11th:D :D :D

You guys must be so excited...Kitty, how are you feeling? :)

BuggyG 10-12-2002 06:46 PM


Originally posted by HoneyBlond
Hi All,

Gee that voting is a little hard to follow..
However after much ado..I managed to get the vote registered

Good Luck Kitty..

SERIOUSLY!! I thought it was just me. Am still having a little time getting to know where exactly, but I will pre-vail!! That how ya write it?? Damn, my grammer/spelling sux as of late. STOOPID cold medecine. Making me groggy. But that oh so high feeling ya get with legal stuff. ummmmmmmm....yeah baby..YEAH!!!

ok..lemme me get my arse over and check it out again


Vid Vicious 10-12-2002 07:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
THis one gets my vote .. I'm a photogrpher by trade and this pic caught my interest ... Great color, Composition, pose ... The String of water between the legs is prime!

Even the light burn On the left works! ... A little air brush and this pics is ready for the pages of Playboy ...

BuggyG 10-12-2002 08:20 PM

what playboy??
What ya mean pages of playboy?? More like the pages of endless porn in me mind. Ahhhhh...just one more to the many I have in there to keep me company when can't come in contact with people. As per say from the doctors but hey...I'M TAKING MY MEDICATION!! I feel much better now. hehehe


Vid Vicious 10-12-2002 09:52 PM

Talking to yourself again Buggyg? I didn't understand one single word of your last posts

BuggyG 10-12-2002 11:09 PM

new tricks

Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Talking to yourself again Buggyg? I didn't understand one single word of your last posts
Ah well ya know what they say, can't teach an old dog new tricks. Some things never change. And one last one... if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!



firehorse 10-16-2002 11:38 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Talking to yourself again Buggyg? I didn't understand one single word of your last posts
Thta is why I prefer the Kitty pics, a picture paints a 1000 words. lol;)

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