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Izzy 09-26-2003 07:32 AM

dude i was not of age when we voted in the fucker both times. But I do not believe larry flint is still running, i would vote for him too. Arny will just have to do for now tho. have a great weekend!!!

Ryan_CJ 09-26-2003 06:10 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
If you're not happy with current's Cali governor what did you elect him for a second term?

Anyway, I'd vote for Larry Flint.... is he still a candidate?

Larry Flynt not Flint. Flint is a city in Michigan.

BLUSHCa$h 09-26-2003 06:33 PM

Re: The no smokin indoors law

Originally posted by Izzy
Well, here is a great subject to bitch about!!I am a smoker and in Cali you can't smoke in restraunts, or even in BARS!!! Now c-mon!!!!!!! If you are a kind of person that smokes while you drink, then this piece of shit law is definitely a pain in the ass for you!!!! Most people, like myself, love to have a cigarette after we eat a meal. Well, you can have a cig after you eat but, you have to go outside to have it!! What a pain in the ass that shit is!! Just about every state is planning to do the same shit!!! Ain't that a kick in the head?!?! YES IT IS!!!! I know most people that don't smoke, do not like to smell smoke while they eat. MOFO, if you don't like it why don't you go outside then?!?! Hey!!!!! That's a great idea, why don't we make non-smoking sections of restraunts outside? Yes!!!!!!! Make it a screened in area for all the non-smokers. Cuz then, they can get the fresh smell of SMOG then!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
There are a lot of things I hate when I go out to eat too... the lady or man with to much colone... the crying baby that will not shut up and so on...

As for the health issue... shit... I have been smoking for 21 years... 1st hand.. and 2nd hand... (x musician lot's of bars many nights in a row many years) and I am still healthy.

What pisses me off even more is the fucking price... make it expensive so kids cannot afford them.. shit I'm 38 and cannot afford them... kids = no financial responsibilities = $$$ in their pocket

I heard on the news where they said the the price raise was working and that smoking by kids has dropped... was nto the price... it was the carding... I am 38 and look it... lines on the face... getting gray etc... I get carded for smokes.. but not alcohol... go figure. So I have to laugh when I hear statements like that...

12clicks 09-26-2003 11:21 PM


Originally posted by Feynman

The dangers of secondhand smoke are overwhelmingly exagerated, valid only for a very small group of people. It is a medical hoax forged out of a desire of our ruling class to better "social engineer" us.

No, its the desire of the ruling class not to smell your smoke on their clothes because of your mental weakness which causes your addition.
We're being polite by naming it a health risk.

NetRodent 09-27-2003 01:33 AM


Originally posted by ScriptBall
God, that sounds like my city too, why can't they just leave smokers alone
We'll leave you alone when we can no longer smell the stench of cigarette smoke.

Danny 09-27-2003 02:01 AM

Thank God I live in Montreal...

...the ashtray of North America!

pornodoggy 09-28-2003 05:55 PM

Gawdamitey, are these signs of the apocolypse? First the Cubs win their division, and now I'm in agreeing with 12clicks? :)

I'm a smoker - and have been for in excess of 30 years. The long term effects have only been showing up for me in the last couple years. Smoking played a role in the death of both of my parents. And like everybody else, I get pissy when I want to smoke and can't. For those who base their opinions on this matter on what they want to think - just wait.

But come on, people ... anyone who thinks that the health effects of smoking have been exaggerated by the elites to social engineer the masses is neck deep in denial, and it ain't no river in Egypt. Any deeper and the tin-foil helmet someone who engages in such hyperbole is likely to be wearing is gonna get wet. :rolleyes:

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