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Bulldog-Johnnie 03-04-2004 02:41 PM

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Another pic of Demos-

Bulldog-Johnnie 03-04-2004 02:46 PM

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Originally posted by Katlicious
Omg their so adorable!
Thanks Kat- I got 3 litters on the way-

Here's one of my favs-

Ounique 03-04-2004 02:48 PM


Originally posted by Izzy
I don't have a pet. I want a ferret but they are illegal here in cali so my b/f said he is gonna get me a Teacup Chihuahua just like this one :)
Izzy, I'm right there with ya on that one. I used to have a ferrit when I was in Pittsburgh. Well, it was my roommates, but I helped take care of him. His name was Grandpa. The funny thing is that we lived in a duplex and the lady downstairs had a german shepard called Junior. So our neighbors would hear us saying things like "Junior, put Grandpa down!!! Grandpa, you pooped in the corner again! Junior get downstair while I put Grandpa back in his cage!" LOL!!! They thought we were nuts!

Ounique 03-04-2004 02:49 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Buddy is such a gentleman...lol Actually he's Ryan's dog!
OMG, this is the most adorable picture!!!

Katlicious 03-04-2004 05:26 PM


Originally posted by Bulldog-Johnnie
Thanks Kat- I got 3 litters on the way-

Here's one of my favs-

He's so cute looks like he's a handful is he always getting into stuff? lol:)

Funbrunette 03-04-2004 07:06 PM


Originally posted by Bulldog-Johnnie
some of my dogs-
What cutties! I'm such a dog lover! http://mysmilies.ipbfree.com/s/ups/DeNiro/dog.gif

Micky-ams 03-04-2004 08:40 PM

pets, pets and more pets :)
some of our pets:







ps - the sheep are mainly there for keeping the lawns nicely cut ;) :D


Funbrunette 03-04-2004 09:25 PM

OMG!!! Are those Rhodesians Ridgebacks? My poor Cody was a Ridgeback...He passed away 2 years ago. He was the BEST dog I ever had. I was never able to find another Ridgeback after that! :(
What beautiful dogs!

dyonisus 03-05-2004 01:31 AM

Man we all have some awesome looking pets
we should have a best in show for the porn world!! lol!:D

Bulldog-Johnnie 03-05-2004 03:09 AM

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theh judges agreed-

Bulldog-Johnnie 03-05-2004 03:11 AM

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last one, I swear

silent moan 03-05-2004 07:47 AM


Originally posted by dyonisus
This is one of my fav pics of Jackson... and his mommy!
sweet pic! :)

Micky-ams 03-05-2004 12:33 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
OMG!!! Are those Rhodesians Ridgebacks? My poor Cody was a Ridgeback...He passed away 2 years ago. He was the BEST dog I ever had. I was never able to find another Ridgeback after that! :(
What beautiful dogs!

They are ridgebacks indeed, wonderfull you recognize them - many peeps even have never heard of the breed :)

and have to agree - they are wonderfull :p

best and most faithfull and loyal dogs we ever had

never want any other dogs anymore :)


Ounique 03-05-2004 01:28 PM


Those are really beautiful dogs, in fact all of your pets are really nice. But that pic with the antlers is just wrong. :p

Cyndalie 03-05-2004 01:46 PM

Here's my new little Devon Rex!


Funbrunette 03-05-2004 09:56 PM


Originally posted by Cyndalie
Here's my new little Devon Rex!


Did you shave him? :eek: He's a cutie...I like the big ears...lol

gabrio 03-07-2004 07:36 PM


Originally posted by punker barbie
this is my iguana, IGGY :)


hey this was cool!

gabrio 03-07-2004 07:45 PM

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that's my flying pet ;-) - it was hard to shoot him actually, moving all the friggin time hehe

Micky-ams 03-07-2004 09:01 PM


Originally posted by Ounique

Those are really beautiful dogs, in fact all of your pets are really nice. But that pic with the antlers is just wrong. :p

youre soo right don ;)

we made it to send as xmas card last year ;)

got a lot of reactions on it - lol

:bonk: :p

sexykitten 03-08-2004 08:29 PM


Originally posted by silent moan
sweet pic! :)

lol, yeah he's a good guy, but I look a little evil in that pic! I always seem to have red eye, even with the red-eye reducer flash! LOL must be a curse!

monaro 03-20-2004 12:53 PM

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George gave me a hug this morning, he just woke up for his 4am walk around the park... this lovely puppy just fulls my heart with love and kindness..

Yngwie 03-20-2004 01:05 PM

here's Trigger (he's 5 months old or so)


here's Bullet (almost 8 years old)


Panky 03-23-2004 11:41 PM

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This is my furry baby Barron. He's a 10 year old Weimeraner. I don't own him. He belongs to a friend who I lived with. Anyway, I've known Barron since he was a pup and needless to say, he was my buddy. Whenever I was home, he ignored everyone else unless they had food.

fuzebox 03-24-2004 03:24 AM

My siamese fighting fish.

The blue one died of stress or something (notice the glass barrier in the middle, they can't get to each other).


Taass 03-24-2004 04:17 AM


Originally posted by punker barbie
this is my iguana, IGGY :)


Aww.. I wan't an Iguana again.. :cry:

That's really one of the most awesome pets i've ever had, :)
the only pet i ever had with more personality was my Turgish Van's :rolleyes:

Thiago 03-24-2004 06:02 AM

Nice pics guys


Deise 03-24-2004 12:32 PM

You have nice pix!But I don`t have any pet so I can`t show a pix.


Prophet 03-24-2004 03:07 PM

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I love dogs, those pics were all awesome! Here are my babies.

Prophet 03-24-2004 03:07 PM

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And here is another!

Panky 03-24-2004 04:12 PM

They are sooo adorable Prophet! Dogs are my favorite.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

DrGuile 03-24-2004 04:25 PM


Prophet 03-24-2004 06:16 PM

Thanks Panky,

yeah i love those guys. they are my kids.

LaurieX 03-24-2004 06:20 PM

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Sparky my chinchilla!

Panky 03-24-2004 06:29 PM

Dr. Guiles' grey cat looks so cuddly. Laurie's chinchilla is adorable. Why anyone would want a coat made out of chinchilla fur is beyond me. The fur looks much better on them than some person.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

poppy 03-24-2004 06:35 PM


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