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I remained silent and gave him the past year to make payments to Rikki Lee like he promised he would. He made zero payments to her over that time. Instead he chose to just think that it would all just "go away" magically. I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. You can't rip people off and then go on about your merry way and continue to do business in this community without someone standing up and calling you on it. Well, I'm calling him on it, and it should come as no shock to him, because I told him this would happen if he reneged on his agreements again. It isn't about some beef between he and myself. It can't be settled with a hug and a handshake. I wish it were that simple. He can, however, put an end to this at any time. |
I have no problem with a few people looking out for other people in the business and needing to spread the word about who to do business with and who not to.
If I wanted to silence you, I simply could have deleted all this entire thread and every thread after that at the slightest mention of your mission. But, guess what, I left it run. I simply became annoyed for the fact that it wasn't other XNations members jumping in here and bumping your thread. It was mostly you and other people who joined here for no other reason than to give your mission some support. To me, that showed that the majority of XNations could really care less about what is going on. If they did, they would have posted and stated what they thought. I have remained neutral throughout this whole thing, simply because this issue happened years ago, even before I knew Hungryman or used his services. I also know there is multiple sides to a story and I have no idea of knowing what is the truth and what is not. I wasn't there when this whole thing was taking place. I don't have inside knowledge. I know what you have said. I know what Paul has said. But see now, I'm a bad person. You feel the need to start jumping in and attacking me simply because I carried PaySite Design in my sig. I've read the crap at PJ's. I'm sure it's bound to hit all the other boards in a few hours. I have removed my sig, but that isn't good enough for you. I'm still a target to you simply because I once carried his sig and used his services. Besides, what the hell does my personal life have anything to do with this? How the hell can I suddenly be responsible for someone elses actions that happened way before I ever knew him? I just can't believe that you would stoop so low as to start attacking me. I have nothing to do with this stuff. But, I'm not in the cool crowd simply because I haven't posted and given you my support for your mission. I just didn't feel the need to jump on the bandwagon and be a part of something that I have no idea what is truth and what is lies from the parties involved. But, that makes me a bad person. |
Judging by the page views this thread is getting, they are reading it at any rate. Quote:
I have not said one harsh thing about you personally other than identifying you as an active promoter of "Hungryman". That will never change, I won't start slinging insults your way arbitrarily. That isn't my style nor is it my focus. All I want is for Paul to clear his debt thus honoring the word he gave to me last year. Quote:
A) someone who promotes Hungryman, and B) Hungryman's girlfriend. I have not said anything that is not true, and have not cast any disparaging remarks in your direction. I'm not "stooping" to anything. I am simply taking a hard stance on thievery. If you truly don't know the facts as you say, why not go read the thread on GFY, ignoring the posts of those that aren't involved directly and focusing in on the comments of the designers themselves? It's all there. It won't eat up most of your day to read. Here is the link: http://board.gofuckyourself.com/show...hreadid=250118 Paul has been caught in several lies on that thread alone. No one can argue with the proof, it is hard to disbelieve so many people. I spoke to people like Lightning who are trusted and well-respected in this community, and he confirms the allegations made by Bhutocracy, you can contact Lightning on ICQ and confirm this yourself. Then there is the designers who have the original files of work that they were not paid for or paid lower than appropriate amounts for. The person that hired them was Paul, and that was AFTER Paul and Pensfan has parted ways. How anyone can read all that and still be confused as to what the deal is here is beyond me. How many ways can I say this Jennifer? If you want this to end, if you are truly a friend to Paul, you will urge him to do the right thing and honor his debt and be a man about this, and it will all be over. I will even post public notices that he has paid his debts if you want. I am not hard to find, let me know if you can get Paul to come to his senses.... 31024634 admin at cdsmodels dot com |
I'm well aware of everything that is going on.
Yes, at one point I have carried PaySite Design in my sig. One of the reasons was, I didn't have anything of my own to carry in my sig. The point is, you made a reference on PJ's that anytime a post gets brought up, I will be included in it as well because I am his girlfriend and at one point promoted his services. What that does, is it will taint peoples minds. They will start judging me, not on my own merits, but simply because of my relationship. I have removed all my sigs after this whole thing has begun, simply because I didn't want to be associated with this. I made the decision to no longer promote PaySite Design. I would appreciate from this point on, you keep my name out of this stuff. This is between the designers and Paul. I was never a part of it. This stuff happened way before I even knew Paul. There's no reason for my name to be brought into this. The sig is removed. I don't promote PaySite Design, so just leave it at that. |
Panky, i don't think anyone is attacking you. I think CD was just pointing out that someone had decided to do something about a signautre pointing to paysitedesign/paysite-galleries. The email would have been the same regardless of who's signature it was, and CD's posting of it didn't come across as a personal attack, to me at least.
I'm sure that wasn't his intent. He just wanted to show that some people are waking up to Hungry's actions and are taking some action (minor as it may be). And yes, there are two sides to every story. I've made bhutocracy's side abundantly clear. Did work. Received no payment whatsoever. I don't see how Hungryman's side of the story could differ at all. Besides, he won't even tell us his side of the story. He seems to dismiss it, and is expecting people to believe it just didn't happen. I'd love to see the records that indicate hungry paid $1250 for that job to bhutocracy, or even the $500 when he lied to bhuto about the cost of the job. He didn't receive a cent. Not one. Doesn't matter how old the situation is. It still hasn't been sorted, and that means the problem is still a current one. |
I am not trying to be unfair, but make no mistake about it, if you promote a thief then in my view that means you support his theivery. I will therefore publicly identify anyone that I find promoting him or defending him or supporting him in any way. If you want to distance yourself from this, then start by helping me to end this as quickly as possible. I strongly urge his close friends to help him out by urging him to do the right thing by these designers who trusted him. |
I don't intend to attack you or anyone. This isn't about attacking, it is about people knowing the truth. If you say you are no longer promoting him then you have nothing to worry about. |
What right do you have to post my name on GFY?
You posted on GFY that Paul uses the name of Panky to post. WTF? I am the only one who uses my name. You said in a previous post here that as long as I don't carry his sig and promote his services, I had nothing to worry about, but then my name appears stating that Hungryman uses my name. WTF? I am not going to have my name ruined because of this stuff. I had nothing at all to do with this. These things happened way before I even knew or had a relationship with him. Do you not understand that I am not responsible for his actions? I removed my sig and stopped promoting him, but this isn't good enough for you. You feel the need to drag me into it. I never asked for this shit, nor do I deserve it. All I want is to be left alone. I can't help you. This shit is not my problem and I should not have to pay for it. I can't have things tainted because of something someone else did. Just leave me out of it! This isn't my fault. You have no right to lump my name into this because I once carried his sig. I stopped carrying his sig when I became aware of all this, but still you just can't let me be. I'm guilty for being associated with him and it's bullshit. If I had done something to you on a personal or business level, that is one thing, but I never had. I am my own person. Hungryman is not me. Just leave me the hell out of this. |
I had already made that post before you brought it up here.
I did not say that paul uses your name to post. Let's keep our facts straight. What the post says is this: -------------------------------- "Nicknames that have been promoting Hungryman's business lately include: paul1000 panky -=HUNGRYMAN=-" ---------------------------------- The name "panky" appears on several other boards, you have made posts to others to recommend Paul for design work. I told you in my above post that I will identify all nicks that promote or recommend him to others. I don't want other designers to lose work because of any confusion about who is who. Sorry, but I knew going into this that there would be some collateral dammage, but I think in your case it will be minimal. Remember Jennifer, I didn't cause all this to happen, Paul did. Let's try that again.... Jennifer, I did not cause all this. PAUL did. I won't mention your name or your nick in any further posts. I do have trouble believing that you have no influence over Paul though. You just said "this shit is not my problem"..... I disagree. It is ALL of our problem, including you. Instead of telling me you are "annoyed" by my posts and yelling at me for pointing out that you have promoted Paul in past posts, you should be outraged by the blatant thievery he pulled on these designers, you should be OUTRAGED that his decietfulness is now causing you grief, and you should be yelling at him to do the right thing to make this go away. If that doesn't happen soon, just know that the designers are going to send their proof of copyright infringement to Paul's host and if necessary thier upstream provider, and also Paul's ISP. We are going to try and have him shut down. I will also be talking with more of his past clients, because some of them are displaying what now amounts to stolen graphics. They are not going to be pleased. If you talk to Paul please make him understand that we are not playing around here, these are no longer just idle threats, it WILL happen. I intend to see this through to whatever end can be attained. Why? Because what Paul did was wrong, that's why. I'm not just urging you, I am urging anyone that considers Paul a friend to try and get him to own up to his responsibility and pay these designers what he owes them. |
I just wish that on this one issue I would see more people stating their opposition and outrage to the kind of thievery that has been described here. On ICQ everyone is vocal and supportive, but although there have been many good posts on various boards decrying Paul's behaviour, there needs to be more. He needs to see multitudes of webmasters and industry people stepping up and saying in no uncertain terms that what he did was wrong. |
Good luck guys! :( |
And I understand your position, although I know you would feel much differently if it were you or one of your good friends that was ripped off, especially if it happened at a time in your life when money was a serious issue. I understand your position, but unfortunately in this case I don't agree with it. Theft in our community is either wrong or it isn't. |
Please go post on another boards. I left other boards because of this sort of thing and I have joined xnations becuase people here do not carry on like with posts like you are flooding myself with. I read all that was posted on here and the other boards before I posted this here today. So save yourself the time and effort before you get flame spanked off this board.
EvilChris, FunB, Panky and other owners and mods of X-Nations
I think that the case was made by CDSmith and his cohort. If true, they should settle this in court, or in arbitration, where each could substantiate their claims and have the judge or an arbitrator decide. On a board, NO ONE or NO BODY can arbitrate the conflict. It is NOT the place to take the conflict. It will lead to NO resolution. It is efficient to mention a conflict, to present the allegations of facts once on a board, but NOT to argue it over and over. The plaintiffs backed themselves up in an intenable position: if for some reason Paul was genuinely not able to pay back, then, there is no true reparation they can do to the dammage done to Paul's reputation. The board's readers are NOT arbitrator, notwithstanding what the plaintiff would like to believe (I stated why in my previous post: Paul has many satisfied customers who base their judgment and opinion on Paul's ability to deliver a good product). If I were a mod, I would leave one post by each claimant where they presented their claims, allow one reply of the defendent for each of the claimant, delete the rest of the posts, close the thread and ban anyone or anybody attempting to re-open the subject. my 2¢. |
Do I really think this is going to change anything?? Jeez FB, by that thinking then nothing is worth standing up for. I believe some good can come out of this, yes. For one thing, it may make Paul less apt to pocket someone's money in future. It may alert several designers to avoid working for Paul. It may send a message to some people that they better watch how they do business because if they rip people off there could be consequences. As for not knowing what the story is... the designers presented much of their facts on that GFY thread. Right in that thread alone Paul was caught in several lies. It's all right there for anyone to read. Lastly, no one is hating on you. I hope you aren't taking my replies to you in the wrong context, I'm not mad at anyone, I'm not ranting loudly at anyone, I have been perfectly lucid, calm and factual throughout this process. But you have stated your opinion, and I am certainly then going to state what I think. No hate involved, you should know that already. To anyone reading this far..... don't hate Funbrunette, don't hate Panky.... don't hate anyone for that matter. This isn't hate-motivated, it isn't about spreading lies, it is about righting an injustice and hopefully preventing some new ones. |
BTW, who are directly involved in this thing ? Are you Chadog? Does he owes YOU money ? Does he owes money to CDSmith ? Which one of you are white knights attempting to defend a damzel in distress ? By canadian law, if, a third person, enter an agreement, say you claim that you'll collect on a conflict between two parties, the defendant has NO obligation to talk to you because he does NOT have any contract with you. I think it's the case of CDSmith. In that case, it is the third party that is becomes liable for the debt. Read the law... :D Anyway, as I mentionned above, this is not the place to take this conflict. It is right to expose each side of the conflict, but not to expect people to be police, judge, jury and God. I said what I considered acceptable and non-acceptable in my above post. All third parties comments should be removed. |
Feynman, my sources who are in-the-know tell me that you are Hungryman's current roommate. Is that true? You are obviously his close friend for the moment, which makes your opinion biased from the get-go.
Is my opinion bias? The answer is actually...no. How can this be you ask? Well, I started out liking Paul as much as anyone. Even after I outted him last year for this very same issue, once he contacted me and became cooperative I began to help him, and during our call and over the past year we got along just fine. I have ICQ logs saved that prove that I made efforts to help him to get back on track with his tgp. He agreed at that time to pay back Rikki Lee. Let me say that again so you understand what it is I'm saying here...... Paul AGREED to pay back the debt he owes to Rikki Lee. He admitted that he had done wrong and several of his messages to me and comments during our phone call showed that he was very remorseful. Tell me, why would he feel that way and say those things if he was as innocent as he would have us believe now? Now, a year later, he is denying responsibilty of that debt. Feynman, you can stop calling this a "story" right here and now, because the allegations are couched in fact, not fiction. And you can stop talking as if you are anything close to being a lawyer Feynman. You're not. You are attempting to cloud the issue. Assuming you are truly Paul's friend I will tell you that the worst... the WORST thing for you to do here is to encourage him to hold out until a lawsuit is launched against him. That is the last thing I want to do here. It would be so much better for Paul in the long run both financially and otherwise, to just admit to his mistakes and pay his debt. It would be far cheaper for him than having to hire a lawyer, and our community at large would then be in a position to forgive him and move on. Once the evidence I am compiling is in front of his host and ISP, they will very likely shut his online business down. Again, this is not what I want to do, but it IS going to happen unless Paul smartens up and does what is right. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. If you don't like it, then why not be a real friend to Paul and help him see the error of his ways, instead of playing mister lawyer? |
No, i'm not directly involved in this. A friend of mine was one of the designers who was ripped off. My personal opinion on this situation is that the money will never be paid. I don't think he'll ever make good. He simply doesn't have the common decency to square his debts. I may be wrong, but until he proves otherwise, i hope as many potential clients and designers find out about this as possible. I'm aware that bringing something like this to the boards is not going to get the money paid back. I think CD is a little more optimistic than i am in that regard. For me, it's just about getting the truth out there and letting everyone know what a scumbag he is, so that nobody ever does business with him again. Basically, until he pays the money back, his reputation is going to be dragged through the mud indefinitely. I'm not going to sit here and keep the threads bumped across all the various boards, but when i do see someone recommending his services, or him showing off "his" portfolio ot pick up some new clients, i'll gladly point out the threads with all the details of his scamming. |
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