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Magick 11-13-2002 12:43 PM

My favorite colour is blue. Oh and I still have the nicest ass.

poppy 11-13-2002 12:52 PM

I vote for Magick's ass as well...uhh...err...Laurie's too

Cyndalie 11-13-2002 01:13 PM

My oh My; sensitive
Why do I have the feeling if we were all hanging out in person right now we'd all be laughing our asses off; we all know where we stand, no need to make room for misinterpretation.

I'm just upset JohnIP didn't vote for my ass!

Insite, nice release ;) You guys are looking good. Top notch work Insite!

Much love everyone,

Marketing Tools and Resources @ AdultChamber.com!

JohnIP 11-13-2002 01:23 PM


Originally posted by Cyndalie
My oh My; sensitive
Why do I have the feeling if we were all hanging out in person right now we'd all be laughing our asses off; we all know where we stand, no need to make room for misinterpretation.

I'm just upset JohnIP didn't vote for my ass!

Insite, nice release ;) Sites look AWESOME , top notch work Insite!

Much love everyone,

Marketing Tools and Resources @ AdultChamber.com!

Cyn...didnt know your ass was available for Voting....I definatly cast One large vote for your ass;)

Mario,your words are far bigger then your accomplishments in this biz,your a hack and perpetual wanna be,I dont know who you've slimed into believing your worth a paycheck but Im sure you wont last long.

Masters 11-13-2002 02:13 PM

ugh, John, you're boring me now...
and your post just confirms even more how little you really are!
I rest my case!

Keep on Rockin'

Masters 11-13-2002 02:31 PM

As far as the best looking ass... by far Cyndalie's is the best and gets my vote...!

Keep on Rockin'

twinkley 11-13-2002 03:14 PM


4freecyndalie!! :eek:

Okay, I will set up the affiliate program!!




TondaB 11-13-2002 03:42 PM

Hey Magick!

I can't wait to have some fried rice with you guys again:)

Anyways my vote goes to Magick for the best ass as she has just the right about of krinkles!!!!!

Evil Chris 11-13-2002 03:56 PM

do I dare poke my nose into where this conversation is going?

twinkley 11-13-2002 04:07 PM


I am smart - ducked outta this before it gets icky :)


Magick 11-13-2002 04:34 PM


Originally posted by Tonda
Hey Magick!

I can't wait to have some fried rice with you guys again:)

Anyways my vote goes to Magick for the best ass as she has just the right about of krinkles!!!!!

One krinkle for each year darlin ;)

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