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thruma 09-11-2004 04:57 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I actually see people's Auras...It can sometime be an unpleasant thing! ::-| Lot of ugliness in this world! :( You have to focus on the good! :)
Do you see them through the net or just in person?
I knew someone who could remote view over the net.

I've met a few who only see them in person.

I don't see them as a regular thing but I saw one once on a person who was speaking about a very emotional thing in his life and he was being very honest with what he was saying.
It was bluish and purplish.

And yes I was completely sober at the time. :)

Funbrunette 09-11-2004 10:41 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
someone who could do that once told me that auras are colours that surround people. is that what you see?
yes, that's correct! :) colours represent the feelings and emotional state of the person.

G.d 09-12-2004 12:42 AM

Rabbit Auras

Originally posted by Funbrunette
I actually see people's Auras...It can sometime be an unpleasant thing! ::-| Lot of ugliness in this world! :( You have to focus on the good! :)
Hi funbrunette,

Your robot wrote me a week ago to rejoin, a little busy, but decided to come back tonight.

If possible, at your earliest convienience, I would like to request a Aura reading.


P.S. I'm sure it is older now, but the site redesign is pleasing. Especially the compass.

sweet7 09-12-2004 02:27 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
yes, that's correct! :) colours represent the feelings and emotional state of the person.
what does big and blue mean?

Funbrunette 09-14-2004 11:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Welcome back G.d!

Sweet, sounds like you got a hard on babe! ;)

BLUE belongs to the Planet Venus, the giver of Love, devotion and harmony. Its stone is the Amethyst, the super-sacred of the seven jewels. Pale blue in the aura represents devotion, while dark blue shows fanaticism. One can either be "true blue or have a fit of the "blues", according to one's outlook.

Blue is the the color that corresponds to the 5th chakra.The musical note of blue is G, a favorite key for the composer of romantic music.

Again this all depends of the shade of blue (light, drak, muddy)

It's pretty complex, unless you already know about Chakra's....I could go on forever as I've been studying this for a while http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/...rtunesmile.gif

Funbrunette 09-14-2004 11:12 PM

Re: Rabbit Auras

Originally posted by G.d
Hi funbrunette,

If possible, at your earliest convienience, I would like to request a Aura reading.


Sure if you want to fly me to New York...and put me up at the Plaza :p

McKidd 09-15-2004 09:32 AM

Beautiful and smart Fun Brunette! I find that interesting this aura what color is your?

McKidd :)

Vid Vicious 09-16-2004 10:30 AM

people should do what they say and not say what they do...

I don't know if you catch my drift on that .. but it goes back to lazyness, empty promises and hollowed bussiness deals ...

Something else will always come up .. the key is to have all the other things in place before they do.

Lastly I have a real issue with how women are portrayed and talked about by lots of webmasters .. THis gender crap has to stop too, Just cus they are female does not nake them a slut or whore .. and just cus they're in this industry doesn't make em easy ...

G.d 09-16-2004 01:46 PM

And back to you Funbrunette...

That's a beautiful post really. Graphic is right-on. And the best energy to you.

As far as the Plaza... give me a month or so...

Have a gorgeous day!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Welcome back G.d!

Sweet, sounds like you got a hard on babe! ;)

BLUE belongs to the Planet Venus, the giver of Love, devotion and harmony. Its stone is the Amethyst, the super-sacred of the seven jewels. Pale blue in the aura represents devotion, while dark blue shows fanaticism. One can either be "true blue or have a fit of the "blues", according to one's outlook.

Blue is the the color that corresponds to the 5th chakra.The musical note of blue is G, a favorite key for the composer of romantic music.

Again this all depends of the shade of blue (light, drak, muddy)

It's pretty complex, unless you already know about Chakra's....I could go on forever as I've been studying this for a while http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/...rtunesmile.gif

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