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monaro 11-04-2004 04:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Out to drive you Wild!

Vid Vicious 11-04-2004 05:34 AM


Originally posted by Rinaldo
Ok I'm always up for a sporty contest (and free publicity)

Here's a picture of my wife and I.


yur touchin her titty

Vid Vicious 11-04-2004 05:35 AM

Re: a FaCe oNly a MuTHa CouLD LoVe

Originally posted by tejano B
OK FB... How could I resists a resist a request from a hottie Bella :blush:

I don't know about sexy, but here's a picture pf me with my Infantry Regiment enjoying a little tipple before going back up to the front. We might not be the most debonair bunch, but I think there must be a winner in our midst. :cloud9:Might want to forget about the accordion player though, I'm told he's playing for the other team ;)


GOd that is Halarious ..

Tejano hit me up

adamneve 11-04-2004 07:52 AM

hmmm interesting

thruma 11-04-2004 07:53 AM


Originally posted by Rinaldo
Ok I'm always up for a sporty contest (and free publicity)

Here's a picture of my wife and I.


I now totally understand why you have the words "love life" in your sig

sweet7 11-04-2004 09:09 AM


Originally posted by monaro
Out to drive you Wild!
Damn dude are you ironing naked !?! LOL! :eek:

sweet7 11-04-2004 09:09 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Very Funny XWEET7, but that won't work...lol :bonk: Nice wig though!
:p I'm too camera shy for this contest! ::-|

AdultLegal-Jim 11-04-2004 09:17 AM

I have no recent pics

but if I do take one I expect to take the sympathy vote at least!

TheLegacy 11-04-2004 09:36 AM

wait.. RocHard is in this?? Outside of the hot girls at lightspeed that will be voting for him, hes the porn version of James Bond - I think I may respectfully decline...

damn you RocHard - damn you and your good looks !!!

StuartD 11-04-2004 10:37 AM

Am I too late? Not that I have a chance against these heart throbs anyway... but here ya go, a couple, just incase...


And this one was just taken on Halloween...


Rochard 11-04-2004 10:51 AM

"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison

Dude, this is great. That cracked me up!

XXXPhoto 11-04-2004 11:16 AM

awww... the Robo-Pope and Jim Bakker jokes got Sam in the pearly gates I'm sure... even God had to laugh at them

Funbrunette 11-04-2004 11:19 AM

Wooohooooo! This is GREAT! I'm so happy you all signed up! :D The judges are all the ladies from Xnations!

Seems I got almost all the entries!

So far we got...

Evil Chris
Don Soporno
The Legacy
Torn Rose
Tejano B
AdultLegal-Jim (you in or not?)
Stuart D

The rest of you boys have until 5:00PM this afternoon (Eastern standard time) To let me know if you're in! Those of you who haven't posted your picture please email it to me at funbrunette@xnations.com for those who have posted them I'll use those (no ladies in the pics, just you!)! God I sound so bossy! :whip: Mistress Funbrunette...lol

Good luck boys! :D

B O B 11-04-2004 11:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have a much better pic of theLegacy....

back from his days of hosting Tattletales, Win Lose or Draw, and Super Password....

Funbrunette 11-04-2004 11:27 AM


Originally posted by YNOTBob
I have a much better pic of theLegacy....
:rofl: Come on Bob, you in too?

Rochard 11-04-2004 11:27 AM

So I can't use this picture?


B O B 11-04-2004 11:29 AM

I only have one pic of me naked, wet, and dripping LOL

Funbrunette 11-04-2004 11:41 AM


Originally posted by YNOTBob
I only have one pic of me naked, wet, and dripping LOL
That's a guaranteed winner!:xthumbs:

TheLegacy 11-04-2004 11:42 AM


Originally posted by YNOTBob
I only have one pic of me naked, wet, and dripping LOL



B O B 11-04-2004 11:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)
HAHAHAHHA...well, while i consider myself at one with the ocean, and when i was a kid, i really wanted to be Mr. Limpet...you seriously think I look like Don Knotts? He is as big as my thigh...LOL

TheLegacy 11-04-2004 11:46 AM


Originally posted by Rochard
So I can't use this picture?


Does the winner get to take a picture like RocHard??


B O B 11-04-2004 11:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
and here is a pic of me giving birth to theLegacy, with some help from my girl Rhi Rhi...

TheLegacy 11-04-2004 11:54 AM

she looks like shes trying to ram me back up there not help giving birth

oh god, I just got way too much personal information on bob.. Im one fo the few who now knows he has a tattoo on his ass ::-|

Funbrunette 11-04-2004 11:54 AM


Originally posted by YNOTBob
and here is a pic of me giving birth to theLegacy, with some help from my girl Rhi Rhi...
LMAO!!! I'm using this as your picture entry....lol Thanks!

Ounique 11-04-2004 12:09 PM

Okay Funbrunette offered me sex if I entered the contest...

I'm serious! Y'all don't believe me? I got this message on my ICQ this morning...


I'm expecting your entry ;)
So, okay. I'm in... BRING IT ON!!!

Ounique 11-04-2004 12:10 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
Robert "TheLegacy" Warren

Oooooh baby, I'm moist as a snack cake after that pic!

Ounique 11-04-2004 12:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
...and for my next number, my friend here will sing "Tiptoe Thru The Tulips" while I drink a glass of water!!!"

LAJ 11-04-2004 12:16 PM

I wanna win this one!!


Rinaldo 11-04-2004 12:34 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
yur touchin her titty
Didn't you photograph us making love too? lol

I thought I was allowed to touch anything on my wife I'll omit future Titty grabbing posts

Rinaldo 11-04-2004 12:36 PM


Originally posted by Rochard
Does your wife have a sister?

Or any friends that might need my support?

She has two ... they're still in highschool but I can put you on the waiting list.

BTW she's pissed at me because she says she looks horrible in the picture... I tried explaining to her that that was impossible and second its not about her it's about me winning the damn contest.

Maybe you could give her some words of encouragement

B O B 11-04-2004 12:58 PM

Jay is definitely a sexy bitch

Visualad 11-04-2004 01:11 PM

maybe we can get Hawaiian Tropic to sponsor a swimsuit round. I wanna see how EC looks with speedos on him!!


Rochard 11-04-2004 01:11 PM

YNOT should be disqualified - the rules say "women can't be in the picture".

Zebra 11-04-2004 01:23 PM

Fuck it, I'm in.

Funbrunette offered to buy me another round of beer and banana split in Jamaica!

Torn Rose 11-04-2004 01:29 PM

great.. I can die now... I've seen YNOTBobs ass.....

(Mommy make that image go away!)

Torn Rose 11-04-2004 01:51 PM

Since I can’t be in the pic with a girl that really cut down on the number of pics I can post, 99% of the ones I have I'm with my wife or some other woman.

Here are the best solo pics I could find or crop.



thruma 11-04-2004 01:59 PM

Well I was gonna enter but when I saw Rochard and Thelegacy in here I knew they were too pretty for me to have a chance but damn now LAJ has to go and enter that leaves me no chance at all.

AdultLegal-Jim 11-04-2004 02:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
can I use this one and say I'm really Bob and hes the short guy on the left?

Black Dog 11-04-2004 02:27 PM

I was able to dig up this old picture of myself. I hope I win!



thruma 11-04-2004 02:48 PM

what the hell. I'm in.

Thats my avatar cropped from a pic that had to much flash in it so I had to darken it a bit

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