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McAttack 03-06-2003 01:08 PM

Well thank you everybody for making me feel really retarded today. I can barely do the little trivia questions on placemats at the restaurant. :bonk:

Feynman 03-06-2003 09:48 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
Well, you did add a "2" and therefore not only adding symbols!
Hey, wsjb78, did yo ever use Maple (Waterloo) ? I feel the urge to have it nowadays, just to tinker and fool around with it.

Panky 03-06-2003 10:37 PM


Originally posted by McAttack
Well thank you everybody for making me feel really retarded today. I can barely do the little trivia questions on placemats at the restaurant. :bonk:
You too! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/h0/nut.gif" width="15" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

wsjb78 03-07-2003 06:37 PM

I used Maple back at highschool for some math experiment. we went to the polytechnicum in zurich for it to get some input.

We did finally a programm with maple that did graphically compute a constant temperature of a room.... well, the distribution of different temperatures in a room until a steady case was received.

Using with one ofen and one window.... you first needed to place the window, then place the ofen somewhere and you had to define how much temperature the ofen exterted and then just have the whole thing iterated until you got a steady flow temperature!

Was quite cool!

monaro 03-20-2004 12:27 AM

I was just reading some of the older posts and came accross this one.

Anyone have any new brain teasers?

XXXPhoto 06-17-2004 02:21 AM


Originally posted by Phoenix
Brian dies in Texas, while Cathy dies at sea. Cathy's death was a cause for much celebration, after Brian.


Cathy and Brian were names of hurricanes?

Feynman 06-17-2004 12:41 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
[b]I used Maple back at highschool for some math experiment. we went to the polytechnicum in zurich for it to get some input.
I now have Maple 7. It's an incredibly cool software !

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