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JTW 04-26-2003 06:22 PM

Congratulations! :angel:

Raya 04-26-2003 07:02 PM


This is my first time in ages checking out the board, so busy with work. What a perfect thread to start with.:baby:

My thoughts are with you! take care and lots of hugs to all three of you!

barryf 04-26-2003 10:26 PM

translation: CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Brad Mitchell 04-27-2003 01:10 AM

I am so excited for the both of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to the three of you, now officially a family! Ryan is beautiful! Oh babies are so cool. Get some rest and try to enjoy every waking moment with your lovely wife and precious baby :)

If you need any emotional support, don't hesitate to ring up the other members of the "new daddy" club! :D



Nina 04-27-2003 02:03 AM


very exciting... he's so cute.
I'm sure you guys are having the time of your lives!

:) :) :)

swoop 04-27-2003 08:55 AM

Congrats to all three of you.

Those good vibes help FB??

loobaker 04-27-2003 09:04 AM

so sweet....


a new Evil is Born ;-) Evil Ryan

IŽll bring him a nice surprise in June!

Best wishes from
Bjoern and Markus!

AdultInsiderJen 04-28-2003 02:35 AM

CONGRATS!! I can't believe I missed this thread!!

He is adorable!! You guys are gonna have a LOT of fun!


Platinum Dave 04-28-2003 10:37 AM

Chris and Fun B I am so excited for you guys. I remember Phoenix forum first year, and now you have a baby boy.

Wow, you guys are lucky to have found each other.


Danny_C 04-28-2003 10:49 AM

Congratulations, Chris!

Kath 04-28-2003 10:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I told you guys in another thread that April 24th was a GREAT day to have your baby boy - and I guess you guys took it to heart! So sorry I missed this thread last week, we were out on the 24th celebrating our son's 14th birthday. As I said in another thread, he is the sweetest, most caring and considerate boy I've ever met - as stubborn as ANY taurus the bull - but a wonderful son.


What a gorgeous picture. So happy to hear that mother and son are doing wonderfully. Chris - I know you're going to make a great daddy. Looking forward to seeing more pics of this beautiful little guy when he comes home. :D

Thank you for sharing your joy with the community!!!

pornodoggy 04-28-2003 02:03 PM

Congratulations to both of you.

You may have your life back in approximately 22 years.

GrimShawn 04-28-2003 03:40 PM

Congrats man! Nice one! Good work!

Cyndalie 04-28-2003 03:48 PM

I was feeling you guys this weekend! That's wonderful news!


poppy 04-28-2003 06:55 PM

Congrats to the both of you proud Parents!!!

Bobby Vicious 04-29-2003 01:03 AM

Beautiful. So when is the next one scheduled for. Only childs turn out like me. Mmmwwaaaaa Mmmwwwaaaaaa Mmmwwwwaaaaaaa

Congratulations to the three of you. excellent news mon ami :)

Evil Chris 04-29-2003 08:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well thank you very much everyone! When Funbrunette finally gets a chance to sit down at the computer for a moment, she will be absolutely thrilled by all of your well wishes and congratulations!

Ryan is coming home today! I am now waiting for the cleaning crew to arrive to do a "once over" on the house so that he has a clean and dust free house to live in. :) Since being admitted to the hospital last Wednesday, the house is a little upside down. :p

Here's another pic of him. He's less than an hour old in this one.

sonomasnap 04-29-2003 10:03 AM

Congrats. Have fun. Kids are great.

wsjb78 04-29-2003 10:46 AM

Wow, already have a week since lil'evil Ryan was born... Wish you three all the best and keep the pics posting!

Phoenix 04-29-2003 11:00 AM

Wow, Congrats Evil Chris, and FunBrunette

He looks really cute with his little tuke on


Traffichoney 04-29-2003 03:03 PM


What a beautiful baby boy!! :blush:

Kenny B 04-29-2003 03:25 PM

Congrats chris & FB!

Funbrunette 04-29-2003 05:43 PM

Thank you everyone for the kind words...I'm so happy to be home. I need a few days to rest and to enjoy my new family.

Giving birth to Ryan is the most amazing thing that has happened to me. :D I never thought I could love so much! And Chris was an amazing partner/coach.

In terms of work..I should be back soon. I will be checking my mail/Icq in the next few days!


Raven 04-29-2003 10:58 PM

I can't believe I was away when the baby was born.....I'm very excited...


Shann 04-30-2003 01:18 AM

Congratulations to you both! Ryan is adorable and I love the name! Welcome back FB!

taboo_gal 04-30-2003 11:04 AM

We are all happy for you guys! He's a sweetie.

I was always told kids grow up so fast, but you have no clue until you blink one day and yours has gone from infant to 3 in nothing flat!


StuartD 04-30-2003 01:29 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Thank you everyone for the kind words...I'm so happy to be home. I need a few days to rest and to enjoy my new family.

Giving birth to Ryan is the most amazing thing that has happened to me. :D I never thought I could love so much! And Chris was an amazing partner/coach.

In terms of work..I should be back soon. I will be checking my mail/Icq in the next few days!


By all means, take your time... you've earned it, and deserve it.

I'm so very happy for all 3 of you. Although the question still stands... is it Evil Ryan or Fun Ryan? :D

Raven 04-30-2003 02:22 PM


Originally posted by StuartD
By all means, take your time... you've earned it, and deserve it.

I'm so very happy for all 3 of you. Although the question still stands... is it Evil Ryan or Fun Ryan? :D

Could be EvilFun Ryan....

Bell 04-30-2003 02:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Raven
Could be EvilFun Ryan....
GOOD one Raven :)

congrats to all... you are so blessed... :)



FreeNetPassDave 04-30-2003 02:58 PM

Congrats to you :)


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