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webgurl 04-12-2005 08:58 PM

The official "who's going to montreal" thread
This is my first time to montreal show for webmaster access was going last year but it was put off . I did attend the Quebec City show which was not very bumping , my dates with my G/F is May 5 -8th
I am excited for this one !
Who else is coming :p

lazzlo 04-12-2005 09:18 PM

definate mmmmmaybe

Panky 04-12-2005 10:58 PM

I'll be there. :D

Funbrunette 04-13-2005 07:32 AM

Well since I live here, I think it's safe to say I'll be there!!! :respect:


j0el 04-13-2005 09:08 AM

Don't worry...I'll be right here !

Vid Vicious 04-13-2005 10:04 AM

Webgurl will have a seazure with all the french men around .. LOL

there is a slight chance that I might miss the montreal show .. I'm waiting on a confirmation for the same dates in France .. Hopefully they'll change the france dates :)

Funbrunette 04-13-2005 11:45 AM

Personally French men are overated Web Gurl! ;) Shhh...lol

McAttack 04-13-2005 11:50 AM

I'll probably be around since I'm in the city already.

j0el 04-13-2005 12:48 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Personally French men are overated Web Gurl! ;) Shhh...lol
::-| ::-| ::-|

McAttack 04-14-2005 12:55 AM


Originally posted by j0el
::-| ::-| ::-|
That's right frenchy!

Vid Vicious 04-18-2005 11:56 AM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Webgurl will have a seazure with all the french men around .. LOL

there is a slight chance that I might miss the montreal show .. I'm waiting on a confirmation for the same dates in France .. Hopefully they'll change the france dates :)

GOOD NEWS!!!! My france dates have been confirmed and moved to the end of the month ... For those that care or are in france I'll be there for 10 days starting the 27th of may !

Party On ... Montreal will be off the hook .. anyone needing a tour or just wants to get to know the city better give me a call .. I was thinking of doing a VIP at Circus for Sat night followed by A dance off at the Mountain @ the Tam Tam Fesitval "a Sunday Tradition in Montreal"

webgurl 04-18-2005 04:57 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Personally French men are overated Web Gurl! ;) Shhh...lol
hmmm well considering u live there its probably not as exciting it is for you as it would be for me !


sammy 04-18-2005 11:53 PM

Why Peel Pub :confused:

Ramos 04-19-2005 01:13 AM

Re: The official "who's going to montreal" thread

Originally posted by webgurl
This is my first time to montreal show for webmaster access was going last year but it was put off . I did attend the Quebec City show which was not very bumping , my dates with my G/F is May 5 -8th
I am excited for this one !
Who else is coming :p

We are throwing a kickoff Party, come check it out and say HI! :blush:

Evil Chris 04-19-2005 05:54 PM

I believe I will be making an appearance! :)
Looking forward to it.

MediaGuy 04-19-2005 11:17 PM

2much Blow Out Reminder
Hey all,

2much is inviting everyone to get down serious-like at our butt-wiggling/schmooze event to be held Saturday night the 7th. At the 2much offices.

The official page and RSVP link is here: http://www.2much.net/2muchpartypage/index.htm

We expect the winner of the poker tournament to be there, since it's largely in his or her honor - and everybody else too!

2much and LiveCamNetwork.com are definitely heading off to the Poutine & Beer warm-up, as well as the Join Right Now/Reality Cash bash.

We'll also be on hand at the MVC Poker tournament to see who wins the Big Prize (we're supplying it.)

And I'd like to throw in an invite alongside Vid Vicious 's - get in touch if you need to know the cool joints, hot spots and everything in between. Maybe we can have some fun while the newbies hit the seminars :)

dyonisus 04-20-2005 10:42 AM

Sounds like it will be a blast.. unfortunately I will not make it.. I am in LA the 10 days before this show...

McAttack 04-20-2005 11:00 AM

Good stuff media guy!

MediaGuy 04-20-2005 11:04 AM

Hey Sammy,

I groaned the same way when I saw the Peel Pub announcement... but you know it used to be the cool place just for beerin' and leerin' and so much of my miss-spent youth was miss-spent there that it holds a nice nostalgic quality for me.

I don't know how old you guys are - but there was an era, right after the Peel Pub changed hands and switched from a dirty old gay dude hang out to a grungy college hang out (50 cents a glass of beer!) where it was a (malty) Golden Age for some... despite the varying quality of the food and the undependable freshness of the beer...

The food might even have gotten better - haven't been there in years!

MediaGuy 04-20-2005 11:08 AM

TKS MacAttack!

Wanted to emphasize to everyone interested in the 2much Blow Out - to RSVP with confirmation and an approximate headcount as soon as possible, in order for me to take appropriate measures of accomodation for as many as possible.

What does that mean? EMAIL: media@2much.net

McAttack 04-20-2005 12:01 PM


Originally posted by MediaGuy
Hey Sammy,

I groaned the same way when I saw the Peel Pub announcement... but you know it used to be the cool place just for beerin' and leerin' and so much of my miss-spent youth was miss-spent there that it holds a nice nostalgic quality for me.

I don't know how old you guys are - but there was an era, right after the Peel Pub changed hands and switched from a dirty old gay dude hang out to a grungy college hang out (50 cents a glass of beer!) where it was a (malty) Golden Age for some... despite the varying quality of the food and the undependable freshness of the beer...

The food might even have gotten better - haven't been there in years!

The Peel Pub (sorry to scare people) has been fined SO MANY TIMES for health code violations. I knew guys that worked there, and saw them recycle food and BEER. It's why a lot of peope were throwing their cigarette butts in the pitchers and glasses so that they couldn't recycle it.

MediaGuy 04-20-2005 12:43 PM


Don't freak everyone out.

The pub's been bought and sold couple times since. The violations didn't happen at that one, but at two others in Mtl that were since closed (mainly because they couldn't afford the $40,000 fine).

The PP has been on the QT of late, which was why I was suggesting their stuff may have gone uphill since...


Panky 04-20-2005 04:07 PM

Sounds like it's going to be one hell of an interesting experience! Count me in! LOL! :D

MediaGuy 04-20-2005 04:19 PM

Hey Panky!

You mean the pub? Are you showing for the Poker, the Saturday Night 2much thangamajang, whut?

If you don't that's twice I'm dissed (first time Halloween last year :)

Ronaldo 04-20-2005 04:24 PM

I'll be there. First time in Montreal. Should be interesting.

Vid Vicious 04-20-2005 05:17 PM

Mediaguy .. I emailed you but haven't recieved a confirmation ..

I use to work for the Peel Pub .. some stories are true .. Others are far fetched .. the Beer thing is somewhat true .. Not recycled but it was watered down ..

As for them selling and closing due to fines is untrue .. let
s just say that Frank isn't very well liked in Montreal .. Hense why He lives in toronto Now :)

MediaGuy 04-22-2005 06:55 PM

Hey Vid

Did you get a confirmation now? You need to confirm my confirmation since the first confirmation didn't make it (if you got it, if you didn't then I don't know what to tell you except ... change ISP!)


Rochard 04-24-2005 03:08 AM

Montreal will be covered by LightspeedO and Sweetums. Rochard stay home.

I'll be in San Diego and YP Mexico......

Ramster 04-27-2005 10:42 AM

I'll be going. Booked my room a few days ago.

How many are playing Poker Friday night?

globofun 04-27-2005 07:19 PM

fetish webmasters attending?

I was wondering if there is any stuff that could be useful for a fetish webmaster?

Since I'm in Montreal, that could be cool!


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