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jade12 01-16-2006 06:41 PM

If you could ask a porn model a question ... what ..
What would that question be?

And need some good questions folks ... you MAY get some free publicity for your questions ;o)

Funbrunette 01-16-2006 06:48 PM

Honestly, I would ask how many times she fakes it? :angel: Or do they REALLY get off all the time?!?

jade12 01-16-2006 06:54 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Honestly, I would ask how many times she fakes it? :angel: Or do they REALLY get off all the time?!?
yeah but do you think she'd want that made public knowledge? b/c if surfers see that ... it may turn them off ... I'm sure can ask a generalized version of that question ... like have you ever faked it? but not sure if the other one would be appropriate for surfer audience ;o)

Funbrunette 01-16-2006 06:57 PM


Originally posted by jade12
yeah but do you think she'd want that made public knowledge? b/c if surfers see that ... it may turn them off ... I'm sure can ask a generalized version of that question ... like have you ever faked it? but not sure if the other one would be appropriate for surfer audience ;o)
Well Miss you didn't tell me what it was for! :p Or am I that much out of it...lol

jade12 01-16-2006 06:59 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Well Miss you didn't tell me what it was for! :p Or am I that much out of it...lol
hey man .... i can't give out all the details in public LOL

it's something that I'm working on and wanna do a shocker when it oges LIVE!

Evil Chris 01-16-2006 11:02 PM

My question would be... "If you weren't working in adult whatsoever, what would you be doing?"

MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 12:07 PM

I like Chris' question. Good man, Chris. :)

Mine would be: No one can predict the path their life will take, hence no one ever knows what they'll be doing in ten years. Have you given any thought to how you'll handle being a 40-year-old PTA mother of three and having those pics surface?

Too serious a question, I fully admit, and one that would no doubt cast a pall on a fun "Q&A" session, but I like to think about these things.

FB...I used to do phone sex and one of the things that totally surprised me was the number of times I *wasn't* faking it. I had some fantastic regulars that I really liked, great guys, and I did tend to get into the spirit of the thing, so-to-speak, with these guys. One was an older gentleman who liked telling me stories of his glory days as a young sailor at the USO. One wrote historical novels and I was able to drop the perfect names of authors I read when I was younger. (Who knew that reading Thomas Costain would get me off? I'm almost certain the late Mr. Costain never did.) One was a delightfully freaky little old dude who could cum seven times in one phone call. I do NOT know how he did it, but he called a lot and always managed it. (He certainly wasn't faking it and I felt the obligation to hold up the reputaion of younger women. Besides - how the hell often do *I* get to be "the younger woman"???)

I once knew a lesbian prostitute/massage parlor worker who showed up at the gay bar where I hung out wide-eyed and trembling. She'd had her first and only orgasm with a customer and was in shock. She hadn't thought she could cum with a male, finding them pleasant in many respects but certainly not sexually.

How I do go on....

jade12 01-17-2006 12:35 PM

It is a good question ....... I will throw out some political questions as well because I think some of them will answer them and who knows who will end up reading them anyways. I think it 's important to address some of those issues since this business seems to get the shitty end of the stick a lot of times in the media ........ like we all have a sexual addiction problem, we all use drugs etc. etc.

Even when I was doing adult entertainment, it was frustrating for me to be stereo typed all the time, people just didn't get that ... to me it was a job and I took it very seriously .... sure it had a lot of perks, but in reality it's whether you get carried away or you don't.

MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 12:50 PM


Originally posted by jade12
It is a good question ....... I will throw out some political questions as well because I think some of them will answer them and who knows who will end up reading them anyways. I think it 's important to address some of those issues since this business seems to get the shitty end of the stick a lot of times in the media ........ like we all have a sexual addiction problem, we all use drugs etc. etc.

Even when I was doing adult entertainment, it was frustrating for me to be stereo typed all the time, people just didn't get that ... to me it was a job and I took it very seriously .... sure it had a lot of perks, but in reality it's whether you get carried away or you don't.

Jade...every business has its perks and problems. Nobody grows up thinking "gee, I want to be in porn when I grow up." Of course, almost nobody out there got to be what they wanted to be when they grew up. The vast majority of us have jobs we fell into.

I never got "stereotyped." I got "you're kidding?" I look like what I was: a former PTA Vice-president. A "Mom." When I tell civilians I write and build websites, they just nod and smile, making the automatic assumption that I build polite little sites for some mainstream thing. I've met other webmasters at conventions who had a little trouble placing the person in front of them in context.

We're all faced with choices with our work and how we handle those choices determines the quality of our lives. I always wondered if models were prepared for the choices that were going to appear in front of them.

Another good question for the models is: how secure are you at saying "no" to photographers and directors, et al? Are you proactive with how you are treated or have you let yourself become a victim?

jade12 01-17-2006 01:19 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Jade...every business has its perks and problems. Nobody grows up thinking "gee, I want to be in porn when I grow up." Of course, almost nobody out there got to be what they wanted to be when they grew up. The vast majority of us have jobs we fell into.

I never got "stereotyped." I got "you're kidding?" I look like what I was: a former PTA Vice-president. A "Mom." When I tell civilians I write and build websites, they just nod and smile, making the automatic assumption that I build polite little sites for some mainstream thing. I've met other webmasters at conventions who had a little trouble placing the person in front of them in context.

We're all faced with choices with our work and how we handle those choices determines the quality of our lives. I always wondered if models were prepared for the choices that were going to appear in front of them.

Another good question for the models is: how secure are you at saying "no" to photographers and directors, et al? Are you proactive with how you are treated or have you let yourself become a victim?

Well I got stereotyped b/c I don't look like a mom nor your PTA president lol ....... I look like your bad/naughty girl who WILL take you home and do bad things to you ....... if only your mommy knew hehehe ;o))

But people assumed b/c I looked like a naughty girl, I had naughty habits .... which I never did. However I never let that attitude deter me from doing anything I wanted to do in life, unfortunately some people do tho.

And no i didn't grow up thinking hey I wanna be a stripper when i grow up, I did it b/c my sister did and she kept flashing er cash in front of me, so I said hey SIGN me up LOL (but that was a long time ago, when strippers actually made good money in Canada).

MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 01:46 PM

One of the things I learned early in life is that you can't control what other people think. You also can't let it effect you. If people want to think that you're "naughty" or "evil" or whatever the hell is going around in their heads, all you can do is ignore them.

My youngest went through a phase of dressing like she'd bite rebar in half if given the chance. Black clothing, studded wristbands...she didn't miss a trick. She was a recovering agoraphobic and wanted to make people back off and not approach her in public. It worked, too...right up until she opened her mouth and started to talk and people realized that inside the "leave me the fuck alone" costume was a bright, funny, approachable person. She passed through that phase, thankfully, and now looks on the outside like she is on the inside.

The only stripper I ever knew personally before I got into this business was the single mother of a toddler. Her job gave her plenty of time during the day to spend with her son and plenty of money to buy him a nice apartment to live in and lots of toys. She could pay for a responsible person to watch him while she worked. I guess that effected the way I viewed strippers. :)

bird 01-17-2006 05:28 PM

Are you on myspace?

jade12 01-17-2006 07:33 PM


Originally posted by bird
Are you on myspace?
is who on myspace? and if you're asking me that, the answer is no or are you referring to the porn model?

Stephane76 01-18-2006 12:27 AM

to the model:
what do you think about Global warming?

war_ner 01-18-2006 01:48 AM


Originally posted by bird
Are you on myspace?

Hahahaha, that's a good start I guess.. :D

jade12 01-18-2006 03:32 AM


Originally posted by war_ner
Hahahaha, that's a good start I guess.. :D
you guys are crazy LOL ... I'll post the links to the interivews when they're done ;o)) got some damn good one's too ;o)

TheLegacy 01-18-2006 10:46 AM

My question would be... "so do you plan on staying the whole night or should I ask front desk to just send breakfast up for my wife and I?"

actually the more realistic one would be.. "can I have my wife back now?"

MorganGrayson 01-18-2006 11:07 AM

I thought of another question:

How do you handle being recognized in public? Does it make you feel good or sometimes make you feel threatened? Do you travel with security, or perhaps wish that you did? Do you often go out in public "disguised" to prevent recognition? (i.e. no makeup, hair not done, very casual clothing, etc.)

Quagmire 01-18-2006 08:00 PM

"Would you like to touch my peepee?"

Seriously though, I'd probably ask what or who pushed them in the direction of porn. Were they there for financial reasons only, or was it a sexual thing on a person level that they wanted to get off/please people etc.

Yeah. Thats my question.

Panky 01-18-2006 08:10 PM

There's some pretty good questions offered here.

jade12 01-18-2006 11:32 PM


Originally posted by Quagmire
"Would you like to touch my peepee?"

LMAO .... didn't you have that or something similar to it in your avatar before ?

StaceyJo 01-19-2006 02:21 AM

I would ask her what leads you to enter porn industry as a model? Is their any particular reasons, influence?

I certainly what to ask that...

war_ner 01-19-2006 04:10 AM


Originally posted by stacey_JRN
I would ask her what leads you to enter porn industry as a model? Is their any particular reasons, influence?

I certainly what to ask that...

I think questions like that would only make them feel uneasy. Better ask him something that would mke them comfortable with you..

Talk about BUsh instead..

jade12 01-19-2006 04:37 AM


Originally posted by war_ner
I think questions like that would only make them feel uneasy. Better ask him something that would mke them comfortable with you..

Talk about BUsh instead..

actually I'm going to be asking quite a variety of questions on different subjects because I don't want it to be the same old same old kind of interivew, would get pretty boring after a while esp for me LOL

Panky 01-19-2006 04:53 AM

I imagine these interviews will be far from dull with Jade running the show. :D

Visualad 01-19-2006 10:59 AM

I once asked a brunette model that went under the stage name: "Fun" if she liked the cock.

She said she likes to dine at the Y more than grabbing the cock.

Funbrunette 01-19-2006 11:08 AM


Originally posted by Visualad
I once asked a brunette model that went under the stage name: "Fun" if she liked the cock.

She said she likes to dine at the Y more than grabbing the cock.

That's cuz you're cock is too small sugar! :p

Visualad 01-19-2006 11:12 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
That's cuz you're cock is too small sugar! :p
you just say that cause your titties are starting to hang low..

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 11:53 AM

Ooh, boy, Visualad! ::-| Nice knowin' ya! My money's on FB for this one!

A long time ago, one of my daughters decided to follow me into adult freesite building. (Yes, of course she was old enough. However, she did become one of the reasons I have problems with the whole "teen" niche.)

As a parent, you can "hear" body language, and I swear I heard her freeze at the computer. I had known she had been looking for content, so I came over and said "what's wrong?" She pointed at the model on the screen. "I know her," she said. "I went to school with her." And that became the end of my daughter's buying her own content. I bought it after that, and put her safely into mature, etc., niches - where she could get back to harassing her mother.

Later, when my daughter had recovered, I got the story of her former schoolmate's life. It wasn't pretty. It rocked my own ability to function in this business for a while, too. I've met a lot of models, and most of them were demonstrably adults who'd made a decision to work in a certain field and didn't seem too much the worse for wear. However, every once in a while you run across a model where you *don't* want to ask the "how did you get into this business" question. If the question is answered honestly, it will ruin your day. If it isn't answered honestly, you'll probably know it, and it will ruin your day.

The above could lead off into a wonderful essay on the totaly hypocrisy of this business if I was in the mood, which I am not.

John77 01-20-2006 03:48 AM

...do you really expect any smart answer to your whatever question ?

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