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Amber 01-02-2003 11:16 PM

New here shout out
Hey Guys...I'm new to XNations and just wanted to pop out and say Hello. Nice place you have here Evil Chris! :)

Don't forget to check out our party at the House of Blues too:

Hope to see you guys in Vegas!

Evil Chris 01-02-2003 11:23 PM

Amber.... :cool:
Welcome to xnations... the last webmaster board you will ever need! LOL
I am looking forward to your party! And to meeting Mr. Flynt!

modF 01-02-2003 11:36 PM

Welcome Amber :)

I have to go to that party, one of the ladies who work at Jettis told me not to miss it.

Bree 01-02-2003 11:39 PM

Hey Amber :)

Welcome to Xnations :boatswain

Amber 01-02-2003 11:44 PM

Right on, modF - it's going to be a great party. Please come up to me and say hello...I'll be the gal running around with a tray of Jagermeister shots. ;)

Thanks, Bree! Love your picture...you're a cutie.


modF 01-02-2003 11:48 PM


Originally posted by Amber
Right on, modF - it's going to be a great party. Please come up to me and say hello...I'll be the gal running around with a tray of Jagermeister shots. ;)


I'm looking forward to putting a few faces behind the names over there ;)

LadyMischief 01-03-2003 12:26 AM


Originally posted by modF

I'm looking forward to putting a few faces behind the names over there ;)

I'm so jealous of you!

Hehe and Hi Amber and welcome to XNations... it's a nifteroonie board with lots of top notch folks :)

Socks Manly 01-03-2003 03:32 AM

MEETING Larry Flynt?!?!! I just think it's hella fucking cool to get a rubber stamp of his signature!!!

Tafkap 01-03-2003 05:13 AM

Welcum Home Amber!!!

Definitely looking forward to meeting u in Vegas and party with ya!!!

Let's Get it on!!!


Amber 01-03-2003 08:59 AM

Thank you for the welcome, LadyMischief.

Right on, Socks Manly...and if you are coming to Internext, you can get his real autograph too. :)

Tafkap, looking forward to meeting - and partying - with you too!

tejano B 01-03-2003 10:36 AM


Originally posted by Amber

Tafkap, looking forward to meeting - and partying - with you too!

Amber if that's really you in your avatar I'll just start by saying that Tafkap and I are unseperable and partying with him means partying with me and we'll even more fun once we ditch him;) hehehehehehehe

Tafkap 01-03-2003 10:40 AM


Originally posted by tejano B
Amber if that's really you in your avatar I'll just start by saying that Tafkap and I are unseperable and partying with him means partying with me and we'll even more fun once we ditch him;) hehehehehehehe
I must admit he's true...

In fact Tejano B is an autistic dood and his family told me to keep an eye on him wherever i go. That means i have to bring him to parties, to lunch, dinner... and even unzip his panties when he has to pee (ewwww, i hate that).

I'll try to find a solution... any kindergartens in Vegas???


tejano B 01-03-2003 10:45 AM


Originally posted by Tafkap
I must admit he's true...

In fact Tejano B is an autistic dood and his family told me to keep an eye on him wherever i go. That means i have to bring him to parties, to lunch, dinner... and even unzip his panties when he has to pee (ewwww, i hate that).

I'll try to find a solution... any kindergartens in Vegas???


*wipes line of droll from chin and whisks it to the floor indifferently, then reaches for his ungodly filthy keyboard and types*
That's-a-goddamm communist lie if I ever heard one. You know I don't wear panties.

Amber 01-03-2003 10:47 AM

LMOA tejano! That's really me in the avatar...and flattery will get you everywhere!! :blush:

Looking forward to meeting you too. :)

tejano B 01-03-2003 10:58 AM


Originally posted by Amber
LMOA tejano! That's really me in the avatar...and flattery will get you everywhere!! :blush:

Looking forward to meeting you too. :)

:blush: ĄShe answered!

BTW what do you mean by 'everywhere' and just how much flattery does it take to get there?

Evil Chris 01-03-2003 11:28 AM

Trust me Amber... the Frenchies are harmless.... LOL ;)

Tafkap 01-03-2003 11:31 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Trust me Amber... the Frenchies are harmless.... LOL ;)
Chris, watch out for us during our XNations Get together...


Evil Chris 01-03-2003 11:35 AM

Oh I will.... :)
I've even asked Darin to bring along a couple of straight jackets. (just in case)

tejano B 01-03-2003 11:35 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Trust me Amber... the Frenchies are harmless.... LOL ;)
First of all Amber, never trust anyone who says 'trust me'. Especially that creepy snake in the Jungle Book.
Second of all Frenchies harmless?
Muuuuuuhahahahahahah :cackle: Muuuuuhahahahahaha:cackle:

Darin 01-03-2003 11:39 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Oh I will.... :)
I've even asked Darin to bring along a couple of straight jackets. (just in case)

Oh shit, I thought you said 'rubbers just incase'!!!


Darin 01-03-2003 11:41 AM

.. and a warm welcome to the X Amber!


tejano B 01-03-2003 11:44 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Oh I will.... :)
I've even asked Darin to bring along a couple of straight jackets. (just in case)

Yep except that under normal circumstances my avatar should read Tejano Houdini B or else the Indomitable Frenchie from Hell so straight jacket smraight jacket!:p

tejano B 01-03-2003 11:48 AM


Originally posted by Darin
Oh shit, I thought you said 'rubbers just incase'!!!


Rubbers or not Darin, you keep that 'thing' of yours away from me... I already get rumped rather rabarbatively by the people I work for so I don't need it from anybody else:doh:

Vid Vicious 01-03-2003 11:48 AM

Damn welcome to the board amber .. you are sexy! Looking forward to meeting you at the party ..

Psst .. Wanna take some content pics ? LOL

Darin 01-03-2003 12:04 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Damn welcome to the board amber .. you are sexy! Looking forward to meeting you at the party ..

Psst .. Wanna take some content pics ? LOL

Vid, you know thats not appropriate. Hitting up Amber like that on HER FIRST POST to be content!

Man.. you really need to be more considerate bro.

You know damn well our chances are better once we get her drunk at the party!!! GEEEEZ!!!


Darin 01-03-2003 12:09 PM


Originally posted by tejano B
Rubbers or not Darin, you keep that 'thing' of yours away from me... I already get rumped rather rabarbatively by the people I work for so I don't need it from anybody else:doh:
HA! No worries bro, EXIT ONLY HERE!!


Vid Vicious 01-03-2003 12:09 PM

LOL You are so right ..

Amber disregarde my last post, it was very rude of me .. my apologizies dear...

Darin , BTW there is some brown crap at the end of your nose ...

tejano B 01-03-2003 12:12 PM


Originally posted by Darin
HA! No worries bro, EXIT ONLY HERE!!


Knowing that bro is going to make me sleep better at night:D

Amber 01-03-2003 12:17 PM

LOL tejano...by "everywhere"...I mean that I'll be nice enough to let you borrow my roller skates when we're in Vegas. hehehe

Thank you for the warm welcome, Darin.

Vid Vicious, thank you...I'm rather fond of your avatar too!! But I'll have to decline your kind offer; I'm not very good with a camera. ;) Seriously, in seven years of running sites, I have yet to work on the content side - I'm just a webmaster. But I'll be happy to share some kron with you. :smoker:

Darin 01-03-2003 12:23 PM


Originally posted by Amber
I'm not very good with a camera. ;) Seriously, in seven years of running sites, I have yet to work on the content side - I'm just a webmaster. But I'll be happy to share some kron with you. :smoker:
I think Vid was thinking more of YOU in FRONT of the camera sweetie. No experience needed. He'll even give you some hands on training.


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