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Evil E 11-10-2007 03:51 PM

Watched 2 girls 1 cup
I watched it twice and I'm not sure what the big fuzz is about :confused:

Casa Nova 11-10-2007 04:18 PM

its nasty man.. watching a girl eat her shit isn't what I call a good past time.

Evil Chris 11-10-2007 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by knew (Post 135659)
I watched it twice and I'm not sure what the big fuzz is about :confused:

Only twice? :laughout:

Evil E 11-10-2007 05:10 PM

I was eating chocolate flavored ice cream the second time.

Funbrunette 11-10-2007 09:08 PM

It's the sickest video I've ever seen I couldn't look at it more than 10 seconds! This shit (No pun intented) CAN'T be real! :geez:

rhetorical 11-11-2007 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 135672)
It's the sickest video I've ever seen I couldn't look at it more than 10 seconds! This shit (No pun intented) CAN'T be real! :geez:

Of course its real. If it isn't there is lots that is. Brazil is a hotbed of this shit. What amazes me, is that it actually gets a reaction on a board full of pornographers who sell pardon the expression, crap like this daily. Or at least make it easy for this shit...damn its hard to avoid the s word....to exist on the net.

Funbrunette 11-11-2007 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 135674)
Of course its real. If it isn't there is lots that is. Brazil is a hotbed of this shit. What amazes me, is that it actually gets a reaction on a board full of pornographers who sell pardon the expression, crap like this daily. Or at least make it easy for this shit...damn its hard to avoid the s word....to exist on the net.

They're EATING SHIT!!!!! You've got to be kidding me or your just sick as them. What's sexual about eating feces??? Some of us still have standards and the day I stop being shocked at stuff like that is the day I'm going to need help. :geez:

ScreaM 11-11-2007 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 135677)
They're EATING SHIT!!!!! You've got to be kidding me or your just sick as them. What's sexual about eating feces??? Some of us still have standards and the day I stop being shocked at stuff like that is the day I'm going to need help. :geez:

Couldn't have said it better.

Terrence 11-11-2007 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 135674)
Of course its real. If it isn't there is lots that is. Brazil is a hotbed of this shit. What amazes me, is that it actually gets a reaction on a board full of pornographers who sell pardon the expression, crap like this daily. Or at least make it easy for this shit...damn its hard to avoid the s word....to exist on the net.

http://smilies.vidahost.com/cwm/cwm/eek2.gif Read your post over it does not make you look very bright!


rhetorical 11-11-2007 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 135677)
They're EATING SHIT!!!!! You've got to be kidding me or your just sick as them. What's sexual about eating feces??? Some of us still have standards and the day I stop being shocked at stuff like that is the day I'm going to need help. :geez:

Ok...hmmm....what is sexual about popping balloons? Or say drinking piss? Or having sex with an air mattress? I haven't seen a lot of indignation over Max Hardcore and vomiting. Or howabout extreme fisting and s and m. What is sexual about nailing someone's tits to a board? The point is, why all of a sudden the revulsion for something that has been around for so long. The Japanese eat this shit up....

rhetorical 11-11-2007 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Terrence (Post 135697)
http://smilies.vidahost.com/cwm/cwm/eek2.gif Read your post over it does not make you look very bright!


I'm not. I am a pornographer. You?

Funbrunette 11-11-2007 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 135704)
Ok...hmmm....what is sexual about popping balloons? Or say drinking piss? Or having sex with an air mattress? I haven't seen a lot of indignation over Max Hardcore and vomiting. Or howabout extreme fisting and s and m. What is sexual about nailing someone's tits to a board? The point is, why all of a sudden the revulsion for something that has been around for so long. The Japanese eat this shit up....

Ok It's obvious to me that you're a moron rhetorical. I'm not going to waste my time with someone like you. So watch these videos and enjoy them, hell eat some shit while you're at it too and film it for all I care...lol :laughout: People like you give us a bad name. :asleep: You're boring me!

Evil Chris 11-11-2007 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 135704)
Ok...hmmm....what is sexual about popping balloons? Or say drinking piss? Or having sex with an air mattress? I haven't seen a lot of indignation over Max Hardcore and vomiting. Or howabout extreme fisting and s and m. What is sexual about nailing someone's tits to a board? The point is, why all of a sudden the revulsion for something that has been around for so long. The Japanese eat this shit up....

What are you now? Our resident Devil's Advocate? :xparrot:

Funbrunette 11-11-2007 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 135707)
What are you now? Our resident Devil's Advocate? :xparrot:

LMAO!!!! :laughout: Has Xnations come to that?!? :geez:

Casa Nova 11-11-2007 01:20 PM

Where has the love gone:(

jjacksonesq 11-11-2007 03:36 PM

I had to look for myself to see what this was all about. Prior to the vomiting I thought it was fake. I would like to ask is it really that different from ATM but my answer would have to be yes. I just do not know. I am speechless.

Evil Chris 11-11-2007 04:14 PM

The only reason it's going around is for the shock value it brings.

rhetorical 11-11-2007 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 135706)
Ok It's obvious to me that you're a moron rhetorical. I'm not going to waste my time with someone like you. So watch these videos and enjoy them, hell eat some shit while you're at it too and film it for all I care...lol :laughout: People like you give us a bad name. :asleep: You're boring me!

Well excuse me. Its people like you that need to have a sober second thought about the business you are in. And not only that, I never said I enjoy watching these videos, that is your fabrication. As for a moron, FB, I think not. Pragmatic I would agree with. But I have never witnessed your personal crusades in the past to rid our business of filth. I am sure you have crossed a whole lot lines by normal people's standards pitching dirty pictures. Now that your particular line has been crossed, you get precious. Had you posted something that was responsible and actually pointed out all the crap in our business and how we should disassociate ourselves from filth, I would have given your frivolous posts some credence. But when you gotta use the M word just because you are offended, then you might consider a new line of work. Selling dirty pictures and movies might not be right for you.

rhetorical 11-11-2007 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 135708)
LMAO!!!! :laughout: Has Xnations come to that?!? :geez:

Nice try kids, but I didn't start or condone this thread. I just responded. You allowed some very nasty video to be posted on your board, and now I??? am the devil's advocate? Personally, I would have taken down that link.

Funbrunette 11-11-2007 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 135714)
The only reason it's going around is for the shock value it brings.

I call it morbid curiosity...That's probably what got me to look at it (the whole 10 seconds of it anyway...lol) but I was gagging and I came VERY close to puking!

Cyndalie 11-12-2007 09:03 AM

I heard ass smoothies convert like hot cakes!

jjacksonesq 11-12-2007 10:02 AM

Mmmmmm, ass smoothies.

Stephane76 11-12-2007 11:54 AM

Wow it s getting serious over here!
anyway, i think it s just plain Nasty, just like the tubeGirl that was going around years ago.

Funbrunette 11-12-2007 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 135716)
Well excuse me. Its people like you that need to have a sober second thought about the business you are in. And not only that, I never said I enjoy watching these videos, that is your fabrication. As for a moron, FB, I think not. Pragmatic I would agree with. But I have never witnessed your personal crusades in the past to rid our business of filth. I am sure you have crossed a whole lot lines by normal people's standards pitching dirty pictures. Now that your particular line has been crossed, you get precious. Had you posted something that was responsible and actually pointed out all the crap in our business and how we should disassociate ourselves from filth, I would have given your frivolous posts some credence. But when you gotta use the M word just because you are offended, then you might consider a new line of work. Selling dirty pictures and movies might not be right for you.

*Yawn* :nitenite:

Stephane76 11-12-2007 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 135756)
*Yawn* :nitenite:

Dont yawn with your mouth that big!

le caca va rentrer!!!

ahahahah caca powa!

Terrence 11-12-2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 135716)
Well excuse me. Its people like you that need to have a sober second thought about the business you are in. And not only that, I never said I enjoy watching these videos, that is your fabrication. As for a moron, FB, I think not. Pragmatic I would agree with. But I have never witnessed your personal crusades in the past to rid our business of filth. I am sure you have crossed a whole lot lines by normal people's standards pitching dirty pictures. Now that your particular line has been crossed, you get precious. Had you posted something that was responsible and actually pointed out all the crap in our business and how we should disassociate ourselves from filth, I would have given your frivolous posts some credence. But when you gotta use the M word just because you are offended, then you might consider a new line of work. Selling dirty pictures and movies might not be right for you.

You are making a bunch of friends here rhetorical


Funbrunette 11-12-2007 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Stephane76 (Post 135758)
Dont yawn with your mouth that big!

le caca va rentrer!!!

ahahahah caca powa!

Mouahahahahahahahah! :laughout: Je suis morte de rire! Thanks CACA!

Stephane76 11-12-2007 12:29 PM

say ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!


rhetorical 11-12-2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Terrence (Post 135759)
You are making a bunch of friends here rhetorical


I know, terrence. I have a way with people. Its my lovable nature.

rhetorical 11-12-2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 135756)
*Yawn* :nitenite:

Ah yes, the standard GFY response when fucking up. Good one, FB.

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