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Pidgin 02-28-2003 12:36 PM

War is coming.. Farewell friends..
Hi friends.
As you all know, the war is about to start any day now.
Latest estimates say it might be in the coming 1-3 weeks.
As some of you know, I’m living in the middle of it all, in one of the most likely targets.
Tension is mounting. Readiness is at its peak. My gas mask is ready and the safe-room is all tidy and prepared.

Only thing missing is - saying goodbye to you all in case I don’t make it…
So I just wanted you to know I love you all (at least the females among you)..

If I don’t see you again, know this – It has been my pleasure.

Ron Kass

StuartD 02-28-2003 12:46 PM

I have very little doubt that you'll be ok... but you're right, just incase.....

it was a plesasure having met you in Vegas. And having gotten to know you over all this time. On top of all of that, I'm looking forward to seeing again next Vegas... and yes, you will be there ;)

hershie 02-28-2003 12:51 PM

my best friend met his future wife in a sealed room during the last Gulf War in 91, so hopefully on top of the other potential positive payoffs this war will bring, the war treats you and family kindly.

Evil Chris 02-28-2003 01:35 PM

Ron, it's time for you to take a holiday in Switzerland.
I am sure that wsjb has room for you at his place. Bring your laptop so you can post to the board. :D

Visualad 02-28-2003 01:41 PM

Re: War is coming.. Farewell friends..

Originally posted by XXXManager
As some of you know, I’m living in the middle of it all, in one of the most likely targets.

So I just wanted you to know I love you all (at least the females among you)..

where you live, just curious.. you say in the middle of it all...?

and does that mean since I´m not a lady, you dont love me?:D

Pidgin 02-28-2003 01:59 PM

Re: Re: War is coming.. Farewell friends..

Originally posted by Visualad
where you live, just curious.. you say in the middle of it all...?
and does that mean since I´m not a lady, you dont love me?:D

I live in Israel. Can't be more in the middle of the hornet nest than that, could it ;)
Since you are a male..... I guess I can appriciate you or like you :) Is that enough? :p
Actually I could love you as well.. We just have to meet and get to know each other.

Originally posted by Evil Chris
Ron, it's time for you to take a holiday in Switzerland.
I am sure that wsjb has room for you at his place. Bring your laptop so you can post to the board. :D

Well, I just got an invitation from Novette... Guess who's invitation I'm gonna utilize first? ;)

wsjb78 02-28-2003 02:51 PM

Well, there's a couch in the living room.... lan cable for I-net access included!

cool1 02-28-2003 02:54 PM

Re: Re: Re: War is coming.. Farewell friends..

Originally posted by XXXManager
I live in Israel. Can't be more in the middle of the hornet nest than that, could it ;)

I hope things go ok for you when this thing starts.
Please go somewhere safe.

pornodoggy 02-28-2003 03:53 PM

Be safe, my friend ...

Carrie 02-28-2003 09:04 PM

Ron, if you think that you *will* be right in the "hornet's nest" once the war begins, why do you stay there?
I think it's time for an extended vacation... hell, you could go to every convention in April and be busy the entire month! :)

Nevertheless - I hope that you'll be fine, and that the action won't be as close to you as you anticipate. Please take care.

ZnoZ 03-01-2003 07:25 AM

What a sick fucking world we live in :twisted:
You can stay with me too, grab your shit 'n let's go :scram:

- Anders

Bobby Vicious 03-01-2003 06:51 PM

Hey bro' this is an invitation to crash at my place for a few weeks in the islands. You can run rampant with the Spring Breakers if you like, besides I can use an exta hand around here while I try and get some Spring Break content on video. No Bull. Mi Casa es Su Casa.:)

cdsmith 03-01-2003 08:32 PM


Originally posted by Bobby Vicious
Hey bro' this is an invitation to crash at my place for a few weeks in the islands. You can run rampant with the Spring Breakers if you like, besides I can use an exta hand around here while I try and get some Spring Break content on video. No Bull. Mi Casa es Su Casa.:)
Uh, did I forget to mention that Canada was just declared a war zone?

I'm on my way BV.:cool: :D

barryf 03-02-2003 02:16 AM

Don't say goodbye yet!
Israel will triumph as usual!


Pidgin 03-02-2003 04:27 AM


Originally posted by barryf
Don't say goodbye yet!
Israel will triumph as usual!

I'm sure - its not that.. Its just tjhat it might be so on my expense ;) lol
Thanks everybody for the invitiations to crash at your place :) I wonder what will happen if I try to take them :rolleyes:

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 03-02-2003 05:42 AM


Originally posted by XXXManager
I'm sure - its not that.. Its just tjhat it might be so on my expense ;) lol
Thanks everybody for the invitiations to crash at your place :) I wonder what will happen if I try to take them :rolleyes:

Well Ron ... when all is said and done, you KNOW you have a home away from home with www.PAYSITEMASTERS.COM :cool:

You want to stay in Montreal or Toronto ?? Your choice ...

We are looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship! :cool:

Panky 03-02-2003 02:41 PM


Personally, I'd get the hell out of there. But, whatever you decide to do, you'll survive. Afterall, you survived Vegas! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/wink.gif" width="15" height="15"> From all the stories and pics I've seen and heard, that's quite an accomplishment.

Seriously though, if I could somehow make you and your family immune from all this, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I've never met you personally, but I've become quite fond of you. You're kewl!

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

StuartD 03-02-2003 03:18 PM

Pssst... hey Ron.... I hear Darin needs someone to party with in Vegas.

Maybe that's where you should be for the next little while ;)

Miss Novette 03-02-2003 03:59 PM

Re: Re: Re: War is coming.. Farewell friends..

Originally posted by XXXManager
Well, I just got an invitation from Novette... Guess who's invitation I'm gonna utilize first? ;)
So glad to hear you remember your invite. We've got the room waiting. :)

And don't say good-bye just yet. Dude, if I gotta, I'll take a trip to get you out of there. :D You know, this is why all Americans have guns! To help save themselves and their friends. (hehe)

Curious, what do you hear over there about when the war is expected? Love to get a different point-of-view.

Miss you!

xxxjay 03-03-2003 05:53 PM

this is my first post - well at least if war does come - it will keep jon ashcroft off the backs of all of us pornographers - there's a plus side to everything

Darin 03-03-2003 06:48 PM

I better find a new traffic management system just in case you're right!


Pidgin 03-04-2003 09:57 PM


Originally posted by Darin
I better find a new traffic management system just in case you're right!

nhaa :) the servers are in Cal and the password to them is 123456 - so if I'm gone you can take over :p

turbo 03-04-2003 11:35 PM

Woah. Hopefully all will be well with you.

Easton 03-05-2003 01:27 AM


Originally posted by Darin
I better find a new traffic management system just in case you're right!


LOL @ Darin

be safe Ron! why not go on holiday for a while to play it safe?

Pidgin 03-05-2003 05:18 AM


Originally posted by Easton
LOL @ Darin
be safe Ron! why not go on holiday for a while to play it safe?

About all the suggestions I flee the scene... I'll try to seriously explain why I would not.
Doing that is basically escaping reality, and as a realistic person I think it’s useless. I understand there is some danger in living in a place that is in the (or on the edges of the) center of war (for a very long time now) BUT realizing this is just a symptom of the real war that is comprehensive and has no boundaries makes running away futile in the first place. (Understand that I think/believe most of you will awaken one day to the reality many people in Israel already see for quite some time).
It may sound too heavy for a message board BUT… understand that I am living in a place that is both a product of a war (WW2 and the holocaust) AND a country that has been in constant war from the day it was created. I personally has been evident for 4 (you can say 5) wars (and basically living in a constant state of war with the Arab neighbor states and the Palestinian entity).
More so, the people of that land (most) realized after WW2 that there is no place for them but their own. It may sound strange for people whose identity has been somewhat unshaken for 500 years and moving from Canada to the US or between different European countries seems casual.
Don’t understand me wrong, I would love to take a break, travel or even more to Canada, US or Australia, at least for a while, but there is something that will always link me to Israel beside the fact I was born there. There is something that will always pull me back there. Concepts like wanting to raise your children in Israel no matter where you live or coming back to Israel when there is a war are so natural, it may sound crazy to you (especially the last one). When some people find it easy to pack their bags for a while until the turmoil is over, especially since there is nothing they can do about things (and I understand and accept that), you will find a lot of people coming back to Israel especially in these times. Crazy you say? I agree ;)
Understand that moving out to another country; leaving your family so far behind without really knowing how they are is very hard.
I was invited by my brother who lives in Belgium to come over with the family until “things calm down” and even though Novette’s invitation is more attractive – I have declined both.
As to the danger – statistically it’s very low. I personally believe I will live forever so its even smaller :D I have been to much more dangerous situations, many of those on recreational occasions (as many Israelis after they leave the army – kinda suicidal tendency period ;) )
(Darin – as to the XXXManager.com – its future is secured with people who will pick it up once I am dead by some Iraqi or Palestinian rocket, so you can stop worrying :rolleyes: )

So I believe I will be ok and I would love to meet you all on other occasions or once I am worn out of that shit and gotta have a break, but for the time being I stand my ground.

(wow that was long)

BTW – hos is Vancouver to live in? :cool:

Vid Vicious 03-05-2003 08:34 AM


I might be joining you .. I was called in by the CBC to go to Isreal and shoot for them .. I will know in a few weeks if I'm going or not. Oh they need me to take some medical exams.

I'm not crazy. I just love what I do, and they already have my name form when I was in isreal shooting during a the last big chemical war threat 5 years ago and during the gulf war ... Ok so I am a nut :bonk:

Vid Vicious 03-05-2003 08:36 AM

OMG, I just heard about the bombing in Haifa ! Been trying to get a line out to Haifa with out success ..,,

Pidgin 03-05-2003 09:45 AM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
OMG, I just heard about the bombing in Haifa ! Been trying to get a line out to Haifa with out success ..,,
Ye. Frustrating. It pisses me off. 15 deads so far. More than 40 wounded critically or moderately (which is not as moderately as you all might think). Many other wounded lightly (loosing eye etc…).

Anyway man, I’d love to see you here. Let me know if you come over. I’ve got some nice Humus places to take you to :)

Miss Novette 03-06-2003 02:42 PM

Ron, saw your post on GFY.

Enough is enough. Take 'em down!!! :skull:

I'll back you every step of the way! :salute:

HeadPimp 03-06-2003 04:07 PM

I was going to say I have plenty of hiding spots for you in North Idaho where I grew up, where virtually nothing ever happens, but on second thought, you are literate enough to type and would never fit in for that reason.... :D

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