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Dwreck 03-05-2003 02:35 PM

Your Favorite Website non adult! :) What's Yours?
Good Afternoon Xnations,

I sure spend alot of time on the computer and I was wodering what yoru favorite sites are to visit. I tend to gravitate towards the same one and Im looking at expanding my knowledge.

Im a huge movie goer and I love www.internetmoviedatabase.com. I can find anything about any movie and I enjoy the usefull facts the site provides.

I love hardrock music as well so for all my latest music news I go to theprp.com and Mtv2.com.

I would like to know the url of the sites you enjoy as well as a good map finder and a one where I can get cheap flights.

I look forward to hearing from you.

wsjb78 03-05-2003 05:03 PM

Hmmm, I love www.digitalblasphemy.com .... maybe I should buy a membership there...

Evil Chris 03-05-2003 05:13 PM

I actually use YAHOO a lot.
I have an email there, I play the games (Pool is fun), and I have a bunch of sports pools that I play too.

I also like www.allmusic.com . It's the perfect companion when downloading mp3s from Kazaa... ::-|

Panky 03-05-2003 06:42 PM

There's non-adult websites out there? :bonk:

I use Google a lot.

I'm not one to visit news sites like CNN. I do like music sites, but haven't downloaded MP3's since I whiped my hard drive clean. I don't really have a "favorites".

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Easton 03-05-2003 07:16 PM


Hashishan 03-05-2003 07:29 PM


Dwreck 03-07-2003 01:14 AM

Cool thanks for the updates!!

Im more of a yahoo person myslef.!!

Easton I checked out that site. WOW!! I wasn't expecting that from you. I'm a lil schocked to say the least.

All music is wicked thanks Chris!! I loved the info I just spent the last hour on it ! LOL

Hashishan I was on the site and I was a lil confused to say the least.

Come on only 5 reply get with it guys!!

CumSensei 03-07-2003 10:07 AM

Thehun.net....I dont surf non porn sites :D

LadySharlot 03-07-2003 10:56 AM

Hands Down, the most non-adult site visited is "Google".

I hate surfing--and they help me cut my surf-time-short. :D THANKS GOOGLE!! :D

Lady Sharlot :-)

HeadPimp 03-07-2003 11:22 AM

I can usually be found at Pogo.com when I am letting my computer process things.. The rest of the time I just work....

Special_K 03-07-2003 02:02 PM

Well semi-adult I like nerve.com
Non-adult I like design sites like k10k.net

GrimShawn 03-07-2003 02:19 PM

I'd go with google. I use that like mad. I also go to ticketmaster a lot to buy tickets to shows.

Hmm let's see and prolly thesportingnews.com as well. Keepin up on the sports and shit!

dyonisus 03-07-2003 02:28 PM

I surf personal interest sites like the ones belonging to bands I like (www.enjoyincubus.com, www.audioslave.com, etc) and wakeboard and surfing sites..

heavenlyhardcore 03-08-2003 03:29 AM

Hands Down: http://www.ihateclowns.com/slapmime.php

Sharpie 03-08-2003 11:24 AM

I don't surf a lot, but my favorites are probably Ebay and Orbitz.

I am kind a hooked on a few of these games to pass time once in a while when I am waiting for email responses.

Dwreck 03-11-2003 03:22 PM

Lady Sharot great to see ya!! How's Spider and the rest of the rest of the staff at Fethis brokers? I need to ask you a question can you please add me to icq please. I think do have already!!

Head pimp- pogo looks good! If you like games you should get a demo
of xamo adult games. They are my personal favorite.

Kalan- I checked out the nerve! Wicked site! Thank Brent for putting up our button on your site!! YOU guys rock!!

What's the difference between yahoo and google? I dont know Grimshaw.

dyonisus- You have great taste in music. I love incubus second album science. Rage is awesome and Soundgarden kicks ass I cant seem to like audio slave thou!! hehe

heavenlyhardcore that site is awesome I want one of those shirts almost as band as I want an xnations one.

keep them coming this is Fun!!

Bree 03-11-2003 03:52 PM

I like Google.. i have a google searchbar on my browser...

I like www.coolhomepages.com for design inspiration...

I have a bunch of Photoshop links if ya want me to post 'em...I mean a serious list...

RobBuxxx 03-11-2003 06:21 PM


Originally posted by Panky
There's non-adult websites out there? :bonk:

I use Google a lot.

I'm not one to visit news sites like CNN. I do like music sites, but haven't downloaded MP3's since I whiped my hard drive clean. I don't really have a "favorites".

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

me too...the newssites msnbc cnn and foxnews are all i really have time for outside of work

DragonKing 03-11-2003 08:16 PM


love this site!

Dwreck 03-12-2003 09:20 PM

Hey Dragon King it's been awhile. I loved that site. KEWL!! What ever happened to dragon dollars?

Vid Vicious 03-12-2003 10:20 PM

I usual fall off a game site after a few plays .. so I mostly us the net to better myself, my skills and my knoweldge ... http://www.tvcameramen.com/ Is one of my fav .. I contribute to it every once inwhile .. http://www.playbackmag.com/ .. I like to know hwat productions are in my country .. who's doing what , I also get the paper version delivered ...

when I just want to do somehting fun and for myself I update my 5 month old nefew's webpage ...

Dwreck 03-13-2003 02:39 PM

Vid you are very diverse and edcated person. I look forward to meeting you in person.

Nice to have guys like you in the industry.

Dwreck 03-13-2003 02:40 PM

Vid you are very diverse and edcated person. I look forward to meeting you in person.

Nice to have guys like you in the industry.

twinkley 03-13-2003 03:55 PM


hell ya


Dwreck 03-13-2003 06:41 PM

I"ll be book marking that one Twinkley! NICE NICE!:D

webgurl 03-13-2003 11:04 PM


You have to have ur speakers on .... Don't worry its not a trick nothing freaky is gonna pop up but u got to listen to it..... soooo WEIRD .....

Dwreck 03-14-2003 02:01 AM


Originally posted by webgurl

You have to have ur speakers on .... Don't worry its not a trick nothing freaky is gonna pop up but u got to listen to it..... soooo WEIRD .....


Vid Vicious 03-14-2003 03:20 AM

thank you derek ... twice :)

Yah I m lookin forward to meeting the content guy crew

Kath 03-14-2003 12:01 PM

I'm still hooked on Shockwave.com.

Dwreck 03-14-2003 01:31 PM


Originally posted by Kath
I'm still hooked on Shockwave.com.
KATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Great to hear from you. How's goes the new gig? I saw you interview on YNOT (opps am I allowed to say that) great stuff!!

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