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Evil Chris 04-25-2003 03:34 PM

Our boy is born!
1 Attachment(s)
Last night at 10:31pm April 24th, 2003.

Both mother and baby Ryan are in great shape. Funbrunette says hello to everyone. Ryan came into this world at 6 pounds 9 ounces.
We apologize for late replies to messages and ICQs right now, as we're spending a lot of time at the hospital right now. :D

Vid Vicious 04-25-2003 03:36 PM

Beautiful !! .. nice work guys :D

When are they coming home? ..

StuartD 04-25-2003 03:39 PM

I love the heart monitor in the heart shape.

Congrats you guys.... that's so awesome, and the baby looks great.

Welcome to Xnations Ryan!!! :D

All the best to all THREE of you :xthumbs:

TondaB 04-25-2003 03:52 PM

Congrats to Evil Chris and FB!

What a cute addition to your family:)

RMS 04-25-2003 03:53 PM

well done old man.. you're .. er... well... an old man now


I want to hear all the things funbaby called you during the delivery.

Platinum Albert 04-25-2003 03:54 PM

Congrats Chris and Steph!

Beautiful Baby! The good looks obviously came from MOM

gunner 04-25-2003 03:56 PM


Yo Adrian 04-25-2003 03:56 PM


Magnus3x 04-25-2003 03:57 PM

I knew it ...I just knew it!!!

Congrats you guys .. what a beauty of a boy.

kBizzle 04-25-2003 03:57 PM


Nice Job the baby is beautiful! You are truly blessed now take some time off damnit!

not too long though :-))

XxXotic 04-25-2003 03:58 PM

awesome chris! congrats bud! congrats FB!

Ronaldo 04-25-2003 04:00 PM

Congratulations to the both of you!

You'll life will never be the same again.

Not being able to just pack up and go when you want.
Worried about them when they're sick.
Worried when they go to school.
Worried when they go out to play.
Late nights WHEN they're sick.

And on and on.

Nope, it'll never be the same again.

But I'm sure you wouldn't trade it for anything. I know I wouldn't. :xthumbs:

SM_Susan 04-25-2003 04:03 PM

Evil Chris...
Congrats to you guys on the beautiful baby boy!

I think his face already resembles yours!

RedShoe 04-25-2003 04:04 PM


Dean 04-25-2003 04:06 PM

It's a boy! It's a boy! It's a boy!
Congratulations to Fun Brunette, Evil Chris and Baby Ryan!

Big Cigar,

Dean ~ :D

Purple Haze 04-25-2003 04:10 PM


:D :D :D :D

Purple Haze

SeanE 04-25-2003 04:10 PM

WOOOWHOOOOO! Congrats Chris and FB! Very happy for both of you...

sherie 04-25-2003 04:15 PM

Awe!! Congrats you two!!

Ryan just so happens to be my nephews name :)

Hope all is well, wish you all the best. Hope you get to take your healthy baby and beautiful wife home soon!!!

hershie 04-25-2003 04:15 PM

Mazel Tov and good health!

SM_Susan 04-25-2003 04:17 PM

Evil Chris...
Congrats to you guys on the beautiful baby boy!

I think his face already resembles yours!

Evil Chris 04-25-2003 04:20 PM

Thank you everyone! I don't think I can come up with words to describe how good this feels! :D

sweetums 04-25-2003 04:28 PM

Awww.....what a beautiful baby!! I'm gettin' all teary-eyed!!

CONGRATS....FB & Evil!!
'Lil Ryan....welcome to the world honey...
you got the bestest Mom & Dad. They've
been waiting a long time to meet you....and
we're all real happy to have you here :)

*Many Hugs*

luke 04-25-2003 04:36 PM

Congradulations Evil Daddy and FB!

LAJ 04-25-2003 04:36 PM

WOW!!! Congrats and much love to all 3 of you :-)

Magick 04-25-2003 04:57 PM

Holy crap he looks JUST like Chris...uncanny!!

Congrats you two!


Mister X 04-25-2003 05:02 PM

WOW! I was starting to think the little guy was on strike or something. :D Glad he finally popped out to say hi to Evil Daddy and Fun Mommy. :flower: :worthy: :dancer: :thanks: :xthumbs:

MCsteve 04-25-2003 05:16 PM

that's awesome man, cigars all around!! congrats!

Horg 04-25-2003 05:18 PM

Félicitations à vous deux !!!

JFK 04-25-2003 05:28 PM

A big Congrats from me and Mrs FUBAR......All the best Guys !!:D

PaulSweet 04-25-2003 05:34 PM

EvilFun Ryan has stepped into the world... :D

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