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Taass 08-11-2003 08:59 PM

The very unofficial Name That Tune Contest !
While we're waiting for the next official tune naming post guess the tune I'm listening to right now..

It goes like this :


I'll even throw in a few hints :)

1. It's by one of my all time favorite bands (That helped a lot didn't it ?)

2. It's not Britney Spears (helped even more..right ?):p

First one to guess gets to post the next tune !

emmanuelle 08-11-2003 09:08 PM

Hair of the Dog!

Taass 08-11-2003 09:14 PM

Damn that was quick..

Thought i was just about the only old freak out here listening to that stuff :D

Your ball...

emmanuelle 08-11-2003 09:20 PM

"There is no monopoly of common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology"

Hint: 1985

Panky 08-11-2003 09:25 PM

Russians? - Sting?


emmanuelle 08-11-2003 09:26 PM


Taass 08-11-2003 09:30 PM


Originally posted by Panky
Russians? - Sting?

Damn you beat me to it :(

Think you can find a hard one now that won't be guessed in 2 secs *LOL*

Panky 08-11-2003 09:39 PM

Where were you when I was burned and broken
While the days slipped by from my window watching
Where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless
Because the things you say and the things you do surround me
While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun

emmanuelle 08-11-2003 09:42 PM

Coming back to life
Pink Floyd

Panky 08-11-2003 09:43 PM

LOL! That was a pretty easy one. <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/9/biggthum.gif" width="33" height="15">

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/upsidedown.gif" width="15" height="15">

Taass 08-11-2003 09:51 PM

Nice taste of music on this board it seems :)

Saw Pink Floyd live in Copenhagen once.. Awesome show !

Best show ever though was whith Deep Purple as Top name at the Monsters Of Rock some time back in the 90's.. These guys realy throw a fantastic show :cool:

DamageX 08-11-2003 10:05 PM

I'll throw in an easy one:

"Welcome to where time stands still
No one leaves and no one will.
The moon is full, never seems to change,
It's labeled mentally derranged."

Any takers?

Evil Chris 08-11-2003 10:06 PM

Fun thread... Emma, you're up!

(I wanna win one) hehehe

Taass 08-11-2003 10:08 PM


Originally posted by DamageX
I'll throw in an easy one:

"Welcome to where time stands still
No one leaves and no one will.
The moon is full, never seems to change,
It's labeled mentally derranged."

Any takers?

Heh.. It was :D

Metalica - Sanitarium

DamageX 08-11-2003 10:09 PM


Originally posted by Taass
Heh.. It was :D

Metalica - Sanitarium

Told you it was easy. :D

Taass 08-11-2003 10:09 PM

emmanuelle find a real hard one for Chris :D

DamageX 08-11-2003 10:10 PM


Originally posted by Taass
emmanuelle find a real hard one for Chris :D
Ummm, she'd better not go feeling my crotch or anything, or she'll have to answer to my wife. :D

Taass 08-11-2003 10:14 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Fun thread... Emma, you're up!

(I wanna win one) hehehe

Allready made me sit her searching through old cd's and listening to stuff i havent heard for years.. just thinking about how many of these tunes i made love to as a teenager... Those where the days :p Getting all nostalgic here *sob sob*


Taass 08-11-2003 10:16 PM


Originally posted by DamageX
Ummm, she'd better not go feeling my crotch or anything, or she'll have to answer to my wife. :D


Sometimes people just wan't to misunderstand :D

emmanuelle 08-11-2003 10:18 PM

ok, here's a tough one - these are the lyrics to a song that most people believe was an instrumental.

Through early morning fog I see
visions of the things to be
the pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see...

DamageX 08-11-2003 10:25 PM

Suicide Is Painless by Johnny Mandel.

I cheated, though. :D

Evil Chris 08-11-2003 10:29 PM

Oh man I'm too slow.... I was posting to another thread... :p

DamageX 08-11-2003 10:30 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Oh man I'm too slow.... I was posting to another thread... :p
You're slow, alright. :p

Taass 08-11-2003 10:32 PM


Originally posted by DamageX
Suicide Is Painless by Johnny Mandel.

I cheated, though. :D

Or by Marilyn Manson.. from the movie Blair witch 2 i think ?

Taass 08-11-2003 11:09 PM


Originally posted by DamageX
You're slow, alright. :p
You'r not too quick with the next tune yourself are you ? *LOL*

:D :D :D

Evil Chris 08-11-2003 11:26 PM

All right.... here's one for ya!

I am a man
Cut from the know
Rarely do friends
Come and then go
She was a girl
Soft but estranged
We were the two
Our lives rearranged
Feeling so good that day
A feeling of love that day

emmanuelle 08-11-2003 11:42 PM

Breaking the girl
chilli peppers

Taass 08-12-2003 01:06 AM

Just a quick one before i'm off to bed...

"So I talked about conscience and I talked about pain
And he looked out the window and it started to rain
I thought maybe I’ve already gone crazy
So I reached for a bottle and he reached for the door
And I picked up the sleeping pills crushed on the floor
Inviting me to a casual obscenity"

Prety cool tune too, just listened to it :)

wsjb78 08-12-2003 06:17 AM

Now a tough one (if I'm allowed to post):


u villecht sött i hie no säge sie gseht schön us -
sie isch e schöni mit schöne länge haar
u klar bin i närvös worde u klar han i trunke
u mit jedem schluck het sie mi no chli schöner afa dünke
u nach jedem glas champagner het sie geng no eis wöue
u i ha zaut u zaut bis i eifach nümm ha chönne

webmistress 08-12-2003 09:47 AM


Originally posted by wsjb78
Now a tough one (if I'm allowed to post):

Kuno Lauener : I Schänke Dr Mis Härz


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