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Evil Chris 10-14-2003 10:36 AM

Vancouver Webmaster Summit
Who's going to be there?
I just re-confirmed my attendance there and was wondering how many xnationers are going to be there?

Vancouver is a gorgeous city with great nightlife, dining, and oh yes... golf! :D

sherie 10-14-2003 10:37 AM

Me me me! Chris the night life there sucks ass dude! LOL

Evil Chris 10-14-2003 10:52 AM

ok well maybe I got a little ahead of myself there... ;)

But they have a ton of great pubs!

Phoenix 10-14-2003 11:22 AM

some of the makebling team will be there:cool:

Dwreck 10-14-2003 11:22 AM

Im goin in a day early to catch the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. WOOT WOOT!

sweetums 10-14-2003 11:56 AM

You had to remind me, EC?

Damn....I ain't gonna be there unfortunately :( Make sure you have some sushi for me....

Diva 10-14-2003 12:34 PM

PurpleHaze and I are going from Spread4U.

Never been there, but so looking forward to it!

sherie 10-14-2003 12:39 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
ok well maybe I got a little ahead of myself there... ;)

But they have a ton of great pubs!

Yes pubs O' plenty! You coming to sushi with us Thursday night?

Magnus3x 10-14-2003 01:10 PM


Chris the night life there sucks ass dude! LOL
LMAO.. so true... it was hard adjusting after leaving TO. Pubs and lounge is kewl here though. I will tak eyou guys to meet the legendary Seabass!!! I hope you guys are ready for the Bass!!

Magnus3x 10-14-2003 01:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I want to have peeps over for drinks at the Magnus LOft on the egde of Gastown just a block and a half from the 5 Orange.

Dwreck 10-14-2003 01:16 PM

Count me in :) Dibs on the couch

Diva 10-14-2003 01:28 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
I want to have peeps over for drinks at the Magnus LOft on the egde of Gastown just a block and a half from the 5 Orange.
you have a very nice place there Magnus

Phoenix 10-14-2003 01:40 PM

nice place dude..ill try and be on my best behaviour while i am there...hehe

Vid Vicious 10-14-2003 01:41 PM

Sweet digs brother

Evil Chris 10-14-2003 01:59 PM

Mag I'll be there, and Sherie I'll be there! :D

Mag... what's the golfing situation? Let's talk.

Magnus3x 10-14-2003 03:53 PM


nice place dude..ill try and be on my best behaviour while i am there...hehe
You're not invited then! LOL


Mag I'll be there, and Sherie I'll be there! Mag... what's the golfing situation? Let's talk
I'm waiting on word from some things.. so hang tuff.. I will fill you in.

Evil Chris 10-14-2003 04:11 PM

sweet... I have my golf bag ready to go... :D

sherie 10-14-2003 05:56 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
LMAO.. so true... it was hard adjusting after leaving TO. Pubs and lounge is kewl here though. I will tak eyou guys to meet the legendary Seabass!!! I hope you guys are ready for the Bass!!
I hear ya. I was there for 6 years and never fully adjusted. But true enough there are a ton of kewl places to hang...and your loft looks like one of them I am in baby cakes!!

webgurl 10-14-2003 09:42 PM

I am attending as well :p

Magnus , Very Nice Loft !! OooOh La La
(crazyal) my b/f bought one last year right beside the Staples Downtown /Seymour the Round Artsy Farty Building Its also high ceilings like yours and bedroom u walk up the stairs to the Room .

Shann 10-15-2003 01:27 AM

Magnus3x you really WANT Phoenix to be on his best behaviour! LOL


the New Shemp 10-15-2003 02:04 AM

This should be a great show. Im looking forward to seeing all of you there :)

EvilDan 10-15-2003 02:38 AM

Gday everyone

My first post on this board (which I just found), and I am glad to advise that I am coming all the way from Australia to be at the Vancouver show as well

Looking forward to meeting you all, and I hope to build some new friendships as well


kassidy 10-15-2003 02:58 AM

I'll be there! Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones :)

Diva 10-15-2003 10:35 AM


Originally posted by EvilDan
Gday everyone

My first post on this board (which I just found), and I am glad to advise that I am coming all the way from Australia to be at the Vancouver show as well

Looking forward to meeting you all, and I hope to build some new friendships as well


Welcome to the board! That's great that youare making the trip from down under! I love listening to men talk who have accents!!! LOL


Evil Chris 10-15-2003 11:32 AM

Excellent... there will be quite a crowd!

How many xnations shirts should I bring with me? :D

Purple Haze 10-15-2003 03:03 PM

Unfortunately, Barry isn't attending, so you don' t have to bring as many as you thought! LOL

Purple Haze

dyonisus 10-15-2003 11:43 PM

I will be there -- Checking out the Chili Peppers myself Thursday Night

Looking forward to it!

sexykitten 10-16-2003 11:25 AM

Can you believe I've never been to a concert before in my life? My poor deprived self. Yeay for the RHCP! They rock on cd, I can only imagine how awesome they will be live!

and yes, I will be at the summit too! First webmaster gathering I've been to. I'm excited! I need to buy new shoes or something! LOL such a girl!

Magnus3x 10-16-2003 12:23 PM

You two crazy kids should hook up with Derek and Myself before the chili's show!!!

kassidy 10-16-2003 01:05 PM


Originally posted by sexykitten
Can you believe I've never been to a concert before in my life? My poor deprived self. Yeay for the RHCP! They rock on cd, I can only imagine how awesome they will be live!

and yes, I will be at the summit too! First webmaster gathering I've been to. I'm excited! I need to buy new shoes or something! LOL such a girl!

No concerts and no webmaster thingys? You poor sheltered girl! We'll make sure your first experience is a good one. Vancouver is a beautiful city.

New shoes are a must! :D (any excuse for shopping works for me...shhh, don't tell my husband ;) )

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