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Evil Chris 01-10-2004 03:30 PM

Internext comments?
If you went to Internext last week, what are your comments on it?

I found it to be the smallest of all the winter Internext shows to date. Less attendance and exhibits, and certainly much smaller exhibits. Gone are the days of huge booths that reach for the rafters.

Vid Vicious 01-10-2004 03:51 PM

Agreed Chris .. However because of the smaller size I found that everyone at Internext was there to do Bussiness. There was aalso much less Nudity then years past.

PrincessX 01-10-2004 05:02 PM

I ended up missing the expo on Mon. 'cas my plane left Tampa 3 1/5 hours late... but I still had a great time!! The smaller attendance seemed to make it easier for me to make up for the lost time on Tues. and really make some quality new contacts... as well as making it easier to spend time w/ old friends.

A lot of people have been expressing disappointment in the parties this year, but I thought they were awesome. A big THANK YOU to the sponsors who hosted each of them!!

Even though I didn't win the poker tourney, I still made it through quite a few rounds... hubby made it to the final three tables and a couple friends made it to the top 10!

Won at craps, and that's always enough to make it a great trip to Vegas.

It was smaller but I also didn't get as run down as usual.

Definitely worth it and definitely looking forward to the next event!!


Shannon G

StuartD 01-10-2004 05:46 PM

I hit the convention floor the first day for about 30 mins and never returned... I missed almost every single one of the parties, never got to any of the hotel parties...

but I tell you, I don't regret it. I had so many lunches, dinners and other gatherings to be at that it was great. They're much more quiet and personal and easier to do business in.

It meant missing seeing a lot of people though, which does suck. But I still got to see most people... so long as they found their way to the round bar.

I had a much better time than last year though, doing it this way. I got to see some shows, got to do some sight seeing and got to hang out with great people.

Who could ask for anything more?

So honestly, I can't comment on the booths, or the parties.. I missed it all! :D

Bishop 01-10-2004 11:30 PM

Chris.. Sorry I didn't get to chat with you more in Vegas.. we always seemed to be going in opposite directions whenever we ran into each other.

Good to see ya again.

xamoMike 01-11-2004 01:50 AM

I had a great time in Vegas, but I agree it was smaller than all of the previous shows I have attended. I did find I got a lot of business done, so maybe it was an advantage? I still didn't get to see many of the people I came down to meet, but overall it was good for me. Some of the parties were a little dissapointing, but hey, I still had a great time.

Thanks Mark from adultplex.com!!! :D

Rochard 01-11-2004 02:03 AM

I'll agree it was smaller all the way around. Maybe the industry is growing up, and everyone is learning that it's not the bling bling that makes money - it's staying power.

tejano B 01-11-2004 02:12 AM


Originally posted by Rochard
I'll agree it was smaller all the way around. Maybe the industry is growing up, and everyone is learning that it's not the bling bling that makes money - it's staying power.
Absolutely! Maybe there is really a difference between quality and quantity. It seemed to me that it was a PLAYERS ONLY sort of affair and the biz was great ;)

gunner 01-11-2004 05:27 AM

Could care less about the parties or the show floor, all I know is that I spent 3 whole days at the convention and didn't see Evil Chris once!

He must have been conducting a lot of business in his room.

Under the sheets.

fatbaby 01-11-2004 11:06 AM

The show floor was slower than anticipated, but we were able to do a TON of business.... maybe as a result.. you had lots of time to sit and talk to people in the booth...

Didnt do many of the parties.... did lots of 'pressing flesh' at the Circle bar tho....

Nice to meet you Chris.. thanks for stopping by the booth and saying 'HI'


Billy-Purecash 01-11-2004 11:29 AM

Hummm they moved the show to a smalller hall, pushed the front of it back and tried to make it look like a "big show"

Since we had a booth, had a ton of problems with the people from the show and the expo, heck even had a laptop stolen from the booth : ( Let's see.. video had to much "porn" in it, music was to loud, the girls were underdressed you could see their asses heck I was so happy to hang out at the circle bar at night and do a little business !

O well who knows what will happen next time !

EvilDan 01-11-2004 01:48 PM

this was the second time I didnt bother going to the show floor, or any party

I made a list of people I had to see and made appointments to see them. Once that was done, I partied like a mad man with my mates and had a great time catching up with them all.

The show floor is great for the newbie, and the parties are a good place for old friends to meet. So there will always be a place for both events. Just IMO a much smaller place.

nice catching up with you again Evil - see you in Miami

Evil Chris 01-11-2004 04:13 PM

Everyone's comments seem to echo my own, and those of the people I was hanging with in Vegas. Maybe we (as a webmaster community) are getting a little tired with the partying. That isn't to say we don't want to or don't like to party... Just that maybe everyone seemed to tone it down a notch. It was certainly evident after this show.

Bishop... yep, it was one of those shows for us. :) I'm just happy to have run into you at least a couple of times in passing.

fatbaby... Nice to meet you as well! Like StuartD, I didn't spend as much time on the show floor this year. I should have been out there more.

Gunner... I think I spotted you from a distance and one point. I hope you had a great time.

xamoMike 01-11-2004 07:16 PM

Rochard - good observation, we gotta meet up sometime..

Ya know, I *saw* evil chris, but never got to meet him. Must have been my deodorant.

Gunner, man, glad to meet ya at Gameworks.. hope things are going well with spread4u..

I look forward to hanging and meeting some new people in Miami!

Magnus3x 01-11-2004 08:31 PM

Great time
great people
great parties
great dinners
great round bar
great hanging with all you top notch mofo's
great getting biz done on many different levels for many different projects

Let's all do this is again real soon!!!:D

Shann 01-12-2004 12:48 AM

I only hit the show floor for Tuesday afternoon, somehow wound up (sadly) at the Red Rooster for a sponsor party there.... Hung out at the circle bar and saw everyone I needed to and some I didn't! lol (Magnus give that cutie Ryan a shout out from me at Xtreme Pay LOL)

I missed the last night of hanging out, had to take care of my MEGA sick boss. He had the flu from hell, one hospital visit, a trip to a medical centre and 2 extra nights in the suite and he's all better now. :) And I got to come home last night! w00t w00t!

webgurl 01-12-2004 02:42 AM

I was mainly there to visit 2 companies for job interviews .
I have nothing to compare this convention to but for me overall it was good ! I would like to do it again :p

EvilDan 01-12-2004 03:28 AM


Originally posted by webgurl
I was mainly there to visit 2 companies for job interviews .
I have nothing to compare this convention to but for me overall it was good ! I would like to do it again :p

Hey WebGirl

You met me didnt you ;-)

Check out my latest project http://www.ezygo.com/boardticker/

webgurl 01-12-2004 04:40 AM


Originally posted by EvilDan
Hey WebGirl

You met me didnt you ;-)

Check out my latest project http://www.ezygo.com/boardticker/

Hi hi Evil Dan , yes i met you twice first time you forgot hehehe , I willl check the boardticker out ...
I had a nice nap with you in that room at TI (not together of course separate couches)
Cheers Darling :p

EvilDan 01-12-2004 04:53 AM


Originally posted by webgurl
Hi hi Evil Dan , yes i met you twice first time you forgot hehehe , I willl check the boardticker out ...
I had a nice nap with you in that room at TI (not together of course separate couches)
Cheers Darling :p

You and Jen on the sofa together should be a great sight for any man, but I was so tired I couldnt help but sleep myself

And I promise not to foget you again mate - bad form on my part, but you must remember when we met at TI I had been awake for three days

Anyways, I am heading back again later today to do it all again - agggghhhh ;-)

See you next time webgurl - Miami I hope

Vid Vicious 01-12-2004 04:57 AM


Originally posted by EvilDan
You and Jen on the sofa together should be a great sight for any man, but I was so tired I couldnt help but sleep myself

ANd you didn't call me ? Where was I passout in some elevator ?

Platinum Doug 01-12-2004 08:15 AM

The best thing about Vegas is that I got to meet most of you and can now put faces to the names. Being the Newb, it was a lot to absorb . . . but for everyone that says there weren’t enough parties - dear god, what more can you possibly want!

And Dan - that crazy board tracker of yours is fantastic, and will prob lead to me getting fired! Thanx for it! :bonk:

Raya 01-12-2004 11:22 AM

I just got back yesterday...remind me not to take a red eye again. OUCH!

It was a smaller show and less parties but I found it a much better setting to do business. I have to say that not having good cell reception made catching up to people a bit of a challenge at times.

I went to the other show as well and have to say that it was a bit over whelming. I did get to meet a lot of people and if between the two shows I can keep all the cards straight it will be great.

okny 01-12-2004 01:45 PM

I would say as far as business wise for me it went pretty well, could have been better of course but none of the less went well. The parties sucked but had a blast at the players ball.

Magnus3x 01-12-2004 01:52 PM

Webgrrrrrrrrrrrrl you did Vancouver proud..did'nt think you could pound the drinks back like you did.. *S*

Looked like you were making special new "friends" :D

Shann.. no worries on that last night ..I was partied out me thinks.

Evil Dan.. love when a man walks around with a bottle of Wild Turkey, nice meeting you again.

Plat Doug - nice seeing you again bro!!!

gregtx 01-12-2004 03:35 PM

so far so good...

been closing up deals that we discussed at our booth...

booth was done on a budget this time.. so easier to recoup the costs..

but it was easy for people to find me ... as I was in one place for three days...

overall a smaller show.. but I agree more people were feeling the crunch and were there more for the business vs.. the party

Buff 01-12-2004 03:40 PM

I am just glad it is over.

Carol 01-12-2004 03:46 PM

Having avoided the shows for sometime I dont have much to compare it to but...

I had a great time, got to hang out with Webgurl which I Always enjoy. I got to meet a few people I've been dying to meet and talk to most everyone I was looking forward to so....

Brett picking me up and twirling me about at GameWorks was about the most excitement this girl saw!! (no complaints)

Evil Chris 01-12-2004 03:52 PM

Carol... first, thanks for joining xnations. I promise to be nice to you as often as I can... ;)

Only managed to see you once in Vegas... but at least I got a hug. hehe

Carol 01-12-2004 03:54 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Carol... first, thanks for joining xnations. I promise to be nice to you as often as I can... ;)

Only managed to see you once in Vegas... but at least I got a hug. hehe

Ha ha I am a big baby aren't I???

At least you didn't pick me up, Brett gotta a smack for that one!

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