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SKULL 02-21-2004 01:19 PM

Do you Think....
Do women/men use their sexualities to get what they want?
Are there people that still rely only on sexuality to get what they desire?
Are these people smarter in using only their sexuality to get free stuff & out of trouble?

Evil Chris 02-21-2004 11:21 PM

It's not just men and women that use sexuality to get what they want.

Watch any television program after 8pm. It's all T and A baby...

nanda 02-22-2004 12:44 PM

So is that what it all comes down to? Sexuality matters mor ethen who u are, then ur intelligence?:confused:

TurboAngel 02-22-2004 01:23 PM

All women use it to get what they want!


nanda 02-22-2004 01:25 PM


Originally posted by TurboAngel
All women use it to get what they want!


That's not true!! What makes you say that?

TurboAngel 02-22-2004 01:29 PM


Originally posted by nanda
That's not true!! What makes you say that?

Sorry hun, but we do.


nanda 02-22-2004 01:33 PM


Originally posted by TurboAngel
Sorry hun, but we do.


No way, I think that there are still women who use their sexuality at all times but that's b/c they lack the ability to use brains.....Not all women use their sexuality.....:o

SKULL 02-22-2004 01:43 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
It's not just men and women that use sexuality to get what they want.

Watch any television program after 8pm. It's all T and A baby...

This is very true... but I think women use it more than men..

nanda 02-23-2004 10:05 AM


Originally posted by SKULL
This is very true... but I think women use it more than men..
What makes u say that? Plenty of women don't!:mad:

TurboAngel 02-23-2004 10:06 AM


Originally posted by SKULL
This is very true... but I think women use it more than men..

That is true, we have the T & A!


SKULL 02-23-2004 11:11 AM


Originally posted by TurboAngel
That is true, we have the T & A!


Right... lol ;)

nanda 02-23-2004 11:40 AM


Originally posted by TurboAngel
That is true, we have the T & A!


So what about women who don't have as much T&A? What about less attractive women?:mad:

SKULL 02-23-2004 11:57 AM


Originally posted by nanda
So what about women who don't have as much T&A? What about less attractive women?:mad:
They can still use it.. there is a taste for everything..

TurboAngel 02-23-2004 07:37 PM


Originally posted by SKULL
They can still use it.. there is a taste for everything..

Yep, what looks good to one person might not look good to another, but we also have other way's we get what we want. A mind is a good thing to have!


nanda 02-23-2004 07:55 PM


Originally posted by TurboAngel
Yep, what looks good to one person might not look good to another, but we also have other way's we get what we want. A mind is a good thing to have!


So what are they using their mind for? To act like a piece of meat?:mad:

SKULL 02-23-2004 08:08 PM


Originally posted by nanda
So what are they using their mind for? To act like a piece of meat?:mad:
no... is how god made you.. is beauty not just a piece of meat..

nanda 02-24-2004 01:19 PM


Originally posted by SKULL
no... is how god made you.. is beauty not just a piece of meat..
Doesn't make sense....your living in the stone age...:rolleyes:

jscott 02-24-2004 01:41 PM

i think it comes to mostly women naturally, and i'm not totally biased as i know some men do too

baddog 02-24-2004 02:06 PM


Originally posted by nanda
That's not true!! What makes you say that?
oh please . . . . you live on an island by yourself or something?

nanda 02-24-2004 08:08 PM


Originally posted by baddog
oh please . . . . you live on an island by yourself or something?
What you are implying that God mad ewomen just to look pretty and be bimbos? What island are u on?:confused:

dyonisus 02-24-2004 08:55 PM

I think sex is a big part of anything...
I believe that the average person probably eats breaths thinks feels about sex as much as the next person

T&A after 8 pm because that is what we want, that is waht sells and that is what excites us. Me I am all for it, a new sexual revolution!!! :cool:

SKULL 02-24-2004 08:59 PM


Originally posted by dyonisus
I think sex is a big part of anything...
I believe that the average person probably eats breaths thinks feels about sex as much as the next person

T&A after 8 pm because that is what we want, that is waht sells and that is what excites us. Me I am all for it, a new sexual revolution!!! :cool:


droog 02-24-2004 09:41 PM


baddog 02-25-2004 03:52 AM


Originally posted by nanda
What you are implying that God mad ewomen just to look pretty and be bimbos? What island are u on?:confused:
I do not recall mentioning God at all . . . but if you think chicks don't use their sexuality to get things done you are in serious denial

Sarah_MaxCash 02-25-2004 03:58 AM

yeah, sometimes but for me not in a professional manner at all. I might flash hubby if I want his attention, etc. When it comes to work though the answer for me personally is no. Do others? Oh yeah.

nanda 02-25-2004 11:10 AM


Originally posted by baddog
I do not recall mentioning God at all . . . but if you think chicks don't use their sexuality to get things done you are in serious denial
I never said women DON'T use their sexuality!! I said NOT ALL do!! Do you honestly think all women use their sexuality? I don't!!:rolleyes:
YES! Some women use their sexuality and depend on their sexuality, but I know plenty of females who don't rely on sexuality, and don't even care about using it.....

SKULL 02-25-2004 05:57 PM

In my opinion.. Bottom line is ... women do use their sexuality to get what they want way more then men do.. but is all good we like it like that.. :D

nanda 02-25-2004 11:46 PM

Would you say women have more of an advantage because of their sexuality? Does anyone see anythingw rong with that?:confused:

punker barbie 02-25-2004 11:59 PM

There is a price for EVERYTHING! No such thing as a FREE lunch!

SKULL 02-26-2004 08:21 AM


Originally posted by nanda
Would you say women have more of an advantage because of their sexuality? Does anyone see anythingw rong with that?:confused:
I think in 80% of the cases yeah...

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