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NetBabe 10-29-2002 06:06 PM

I Am About To Fall Off The Wagon
ARGGGH!!!!! What a horrible day I am having I am about to go and smoke a cigarette and I quit 2 months AGO!!!!


Darin 10-29-2002 06:09 PM


Raph 10-29-2002 06:12 PM

Don't do it !!

I'm watching you !


Funbrunette 10-29-2002 06:43 PM

NO! You'll feel like crap after and besides you're doing so well! Actually I'm proud to say that Chris has also quit smoking 3 weeks ago and he's doing GREAT!

It's been 2 1/2 months for me and trust me...It does get better! If you're having a shitty day just call someone you don't like and insult them...Always makes me feel better! :cackle:

Magnus3x 10-29-2002 06:44 PM

Don't!!!! I quit a year ago and you will love how you feel in 3 months...6 months...12 months.

Not worth the agony of those first 48 hrs!!! remember how much that sucked..think of those days before you fall off the wagon.

m@rk 10-29-2002 07:08 PM

I stopped for 7 years and then started again ...

mailman 10-29-2002 08:30 PM

sounds as if you alredy fell off the wagon....

Evil Chris 10-29-2002 08:58 PM

NetBabe everyone is saying the same thing and I can only echo them.
Don't do it! I've been tempted a bunch of times and today was a bad day for me... I really wanted to have one... but I didn't. The craving went away!

You (we all) can do it!!! :p

hershie 10-29-2002 10:58 PM

its worth the agony you are putting yourself through.
remember how motivated you were to quit and how much pain you put up with to get this far.
don't let the addiction win out when it tells you that you need a fix when you are now strong enough to tell it to shut up and to back-off.

i have successfully quit for over 5 years and i can tell you you gain enormous strength everytime you can fight back that liar in your head telling you you need that fix.
many friends say they start smoking again after a couple of months of stopping and i thinks its because you start to let your guard down and the addiction starts to slowly gain the upper hand again. Keep strong!

Cyndalie 10-30-2002 11:39 AM

I quit for 2 months and then got in a car accident and started again. Life is too freaking short with so few pleasures. Enjoy them while you can, cause it can't last forever. (note: philosophy doesnt apply to expectant mothers)

luke 10-30-2002 11:44 AM

Go have a drink instead!

NetBabe 10-30-2002 12:51 PM

Thanks for all the support!!! I didn't fall off. Tee hee.

And Luke ... thanks, but if I had a drink I'd crave one more.


Magnus3x 10-30-2002 01:47 PM


Life is too freaking short with so few pleasures. Enjoy them while you can, cause it can't last forever
I agree with that on other levels, but lets ask people who battle cancer, have no voice box, mouth cancer hooked up to a machine to breath and need home care 24/7 for 15-20 years waiting to die. I bet life feels really short to them and the pleasures of a pack a day come to mind.

Life's way too short..if you want to live on the edge..climb Everest, travel the world, sky dive, snow board, surf...

Cyndalie 10-30-2002 03:25 PM

Yep, everything comes with a price. We pick our poison(s).

Evil Chris 10-30-2002 03:49 PM

I love to smoke and I always have. But a long time ago I told myself that I would quit by the time I turned 30. Well, that was more than a few years ago and I didn't quit.
Now I have a wonderful woman in my life who's going to have a baby with me. She quit, and so did I. I wanna be around a long time to watch him or her grow up!

Darin 11-01-2002 09:51 AM


Originally posted by NetBabe
Thanks for all the support!!! I didn't fall off. Tee hee.

And Luke ... thanks, but if I had a drink I'd crave one more.


Oh, you got LOTS of problems babe! lol

ARiA 11-01-2002 10:08 AM

I am going to quit right now..
it costs WAY too much money - it stinks - it burns if ya get it in your eye
oh and lest we forget the health hazards- no joke
what's the point?
I can run fast.. really fast... but then I cant breathe for an hour or two-lol

what's the best way to quit? ideas?

I'm ready!

this has been inspirational... I will find a hobby.. actually... anyone like hemp jewelry? I can do that.. takes two hands -LOL

:huh: :smoker:

Darin 11-01-2002 10:14 AM


Originally posted by ARiA
I am going to quit right now..
it costs WAY too much money - it stinks - it burns if ya get it in your eye
oh and lest we forget the health hazards- no joke
what's the point?
I can run fast.. really fast... but then I cant breathe for an hour or two-lol

what's the best way to quit? ideas?

I'm ready!

this has been inspirational... I will find a hobby.. actually... anyone like hemp jewelry? I can do that.. takes two hands -LOL

:huh: :smoker:

Have lots of sex, that should do it.

ARiA 11-01-2002 10:22 AM


Originally posted by Darin

Have lots of sex, that should do it.

Hmmmmmm ..... HAHAHAHA you're too funny!
sex everytime I need a smoke.. geeze.. well not toooooooo crazy but who actually has time for that-
want a hemp necklace?? LMAO!!

Darin 11-01-2002 10:25 AM


Originally posted by ARiA

Hmmmmmm ..... HAHAHAHA you're too funny!
sex everytime I need a smoke.. geeze.. well not toooooooo crazy but who actually has time for that-
want a hemp necklace?? LMAO!!

I always have time for that.. wink wink... :D

ARiA 11-01-2002 10:32 AM

I just lit a ciggarette.... :doh:

Darin 11-01-2002 10:56 AM


Originally posted by ARiA
I just lit a ciggarette.... :doh:
Damn, beat out by a cig? errrr

ARiA 11-01-2002 11:04 AM


Originally posted by Darin

Damn, beat out by a cig? errrr


GOD 11-02-2002 04:54 AM


Originally posted by Raph
Don't do it !!

I'm watching you !


As am I :(

NetBabe 11-04-2002 02:47 PM


Originally posted by ARiA
I am going to quit right now..
it costs WAY too much money - it stinks - it burns if ya get it in your eye
oh and lest we forget the health hazards- no joke
what's the point?
I can run fast.. really fast... but then I cant breathe for an hour or two-lol

what's the best way to quit? ideas?

I'm ready!

this has been inspirational... I will find a hobby.. actually... anyone like hemp jewelry? I can do that.. takes two hands -LOL

:huh: :smoker:

Drink lots of water ...

GOD 11-04-2002 03:06 PM


Originally posted by NetBabe

Drink lots of water ...

Yeah ... good advice

Damn hard to smoke with an Evian bottle stuck in the side of your face!


NetBabe 11-05-2002 12:09 PM

I have been told that it I have an oral fixation, so that helped. But I am still not convinced.

Evil Chris 11-05-2002 01:26 PM

How are you doing with the non-smoking, NetBabe?
I still haven't cheated... and it's been 5 weeks.

modF 11-05-2002 02:13 PM

I have been tempted to quit many times in the past. I did it once too, but only for 6 months. I admit it, I like to smoke. I enojy smoking. I know it is bad for me.. I have been thinking of quiting more in the past few weeks though. I don't like being winded after moving thigns around, and running up the steps.

DrGuile 11-05-2002 02:30 PM

Anybody who has kids and still smokes has a serious problem if you ask me.

I know I might offend some people, but if you dont mind seriously harming your children just because you cant quit something as useless as smoking, you're a pretty shitty person.

smokers piss me off. bunch of poseurs, all of you.


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