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Funbrunette 08-12-2004 08:11 AM

How skinny is too skinny?
1 Attachment(s)
I'm just wondering...It seems more and more "stars" are shrinking! I just feel bad...Seems were telling our children (teenage girls) that they need to be skinny in order to be happy and beautiful! It's all over magazines, tv and internet! :huh:

Funbrunette 08-12-2004 08:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
fresh off the runway...:eek:

Rochard 08-12-2004 11:12 AM

That's just wrong......

Visualad 08-12-2004 11:17 AM

Those are just too skinny...

I want some meat on my ladies. Not to much, not to little.. But I want it.

pf69.com 08-12-2004 11:19 AM

where is the meat . . .

LAJ 08-12-2004 01:13 PM

Ughh... that actually made me a bit nauseous...

Gruntled 08-12-2004 01:46 PM

Yikes. Where'd you get the pics of the toothpicks and skeletons?

sweet7 08-12-2004 01:48 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
fresh off the runway...:eek:
skinny or thin is one thing but she's just not healthy. As long as the girl is healthy I'm good.

pf69.com 08-12-2004 02:29 PM

Re: How skinny is too skinny?

Originally posted by Funbrunette
I'm just wondering...It seems more and more "stars" are shrinking! I just feel bad...Seems were telling our children (teenage girls) that they need to be skinny in order to be happy and beautiful! It's all over magazines, tv and internet! :huh:
the one on the right look ver nice to me....

bu the rest...I cant find any meat there!

gnat69 08-12-2004 02:59 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
fresh off the runway...:eek:
I think Paris looks healthy, but the pic you posted that is sending a wonderful message!!!:mad:

Panky 08-12-2004 04:32 PM

The second pic is horrible. She does not have a healthy look. She looks like people who are starving to death. Malnurished.

BubblyBlond 08-12-2004 05:14 PM

where's the beef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is just awful:eek:

Magnus3x 08-12-2004 05:18 PM

wanna read or see some sick shit.. type in Pro Ana inany search engine and see the the pro anorexia movement in full swing..complete with tips and tricks to get to your 98 Lbs goal

sweet7 08-12-2004 06:54 PM

very sad

Panky 08-12-2004 07:04 PM

Magnus is right. I've read and heard about the pro eating disorders sites out there. I had a career in dentistry and some of the requirements were attending an (x) number of seminars per year and also hands on classes to be able to keep licenses and certifications. Many of those seminars were about eating disorders. Mainly because the signs of disease, especially eating disorders, show up clearly in the mouth.

Taking a look at some of those sites, turned my stomach. From what I remember about them, many are run by individuals suffering from these illnesses and it's like big support groups. The only problem is, many of them didn't focus on becoming healthier. They focused on making promises to each other to fast together or discussed ways to make people around them believe they actually ate something that day.

Don Soporno 08-12-2004 08:47 PM

Paris isnt to skinny, skinnier then I prefer but not to skinny. I like em ghetto, short and thick...lol I also dont care for blondes very much although given the chance I would bang the hell out of Paris's skanky ass and if she didnt look out I would tape it too.

Cold_ice 08-12-2004 09:06 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
fresh off the runway...:eek:
Okay first pic is hot, second pic is just plain nasty. That girl doesn't look good at all. I would be afraid to fall asleep cuz she might eat me and not in a way most like.

Cold_ice 08-12-2004 09:08 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
Paris isnt to skinny, skinnier then I prefer but not to skinny. I like em ghetto, short and thick...lol I also dont care for blondes very much although given the chance I would bang the hell out of Paris's skanky ass and if she didnt look out I would tape it too.
Haha, that shit just made me lol. I like my chicks thick also, not fat just healthy:)

BubblyBlond 08-12-2004 09:54 PM


Originally posted by Cold_ice
Haha, that shit just made me lol. I like my chicks thick also, not fat just healthy:)
thank god I have meat in all the right places!!!:boobies:

Cold_ice 08-12-2004 10:12 PM


Originally posted by BubblyBlond
thank god I have meat in all the right places!!!:boobies:
Okay I'm going to have to ask you to prove that. So far your right but where are the rest of the pics?

Panky 08-12-2004 10:56 PM

LOL! Bubbly walked right into that one. :D

Seriously cold, you would probably like Bubbly. She's attractive.

Feynman 08-13-2004 12:45 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
fresh off the runway...:eek:
That picture reminds me of pics of Somalia, with corpses of people who died from starvation. Same kind of arms.

They burned all the muscle they could before dying.


BubblyBlond 08-13-2004 08:30 AM


Originally posted by Panky
LOL! Bubbly walked right into that one. :D

Seriously cold, you would probably like Bubbly. She's attractive.

thanks panky:blush:

Odie 08-13-2004 12:46 PM

the first pic is ok. The one girls is actually pretty fit. You can see her abs..

The second one is disgusting. I can't believe that she has a job modelling! She looks like she's going to collapse any minute!

Shann 08-13-2004 02:29 PM

Paris Hilton is too skinny, her wee jeans are always falling down her flat ass.... i saw a bikini pic of her ass and it looked flat as my coffee table!

That second pic, that girl looks like she will be crawling back down the run way, who hires these models?? Someone give that girl a muffin and call her mom.

MrDollar 08-13-2004 04:08 PM

the second one is definetely a no no, it is scary...

dimple 08-13-2004 04:10 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
fresh off the runway...:eek:

that girl's really skinny, but she doesn't look happy and beautiful


Funbrunette 08-14-2004 08:42 AM


Originally posted by Visualad
Those are just too skinny...

I want some meat on my ladies. Not to much, not to little.. But I want it.

Me Voila! :blush:

Visualad 08-14-2004 10:47 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Me Voila! :blush:

theS2O 08-14-2004 12:00 PM

paris pic with her friend or whatever was ok but the other one below it is... it's malnutrition for christ sake! she's sick :(

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