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Funbrunette 09-01-2004 07:45 PM

New Therapist...Funbrunette!
A friend of mine & I were chatting today and we had this great discussion about boards, site, radio shows and the adult industry in it's whole. I'm curious to know what YOU would like to see and what you're tired off.

Take this thread and "give it to me baby"!!! :D I'm honestly curious to see what people use as tools, entertainment and mostly what makes them enjoy what they do even more! :) Hell, use this thread as a rant if you haven't gotten laid in a while or just open up and consider this a private session with your therapist Funbrunette.

My lips are sealed of course! :gorgeous:

Ounique 09-01-2004 07:49 PM

I honestly think that you can do your best work when you are relaxed. I like the mixture of fun and business that goes on at X Nations and a few of the other boards. Then when you meet up in places like Internext you have a frame of reference of who you can talk to and hang with and do business with. I don't know if this helps any, just a couple of pennies in the jar. :)

modF 09-01-2004 07:55 PM

One thing I would like to see, more radio shows after 6pm EST. It seems that most of the shows I would want to check out, take place at 3 pm or Noon, or 4 pm EST. Well during that time, I'm either running around doing a ton of different tasks, or attempting to finish projects up, or trying to get home. I think a large number of people in this business are part timers, who would benefit from a show at night time. Just take a look at the boards, they seem much busier during the evening to me.

Another thing that bugs the hell out of me, is when there is a topic going on, and out of no where, a totally random outsourcing post pops in there. Ok, we KNOW that you work for a dollar a day, we have all heard it before. It does not need to be pounded into our heads 12 times daily.

Ok, I feel better now. :)

gunner 09-01-2004 08:01 PM

one things I've always disliked about this industry is the amount of double-talk you get from some people. Face to face you make the deal, seal it with a handshake, and then after the show, you get home, get online, and WALLAH no more deal. It has happened to everyone at some point, but in adult, it happens more often than not.

and BTW modF it was good to meet you (again) I didn't see you around in Miami so we didn't get a chance to talk again

Mister X 09-01-2004 08:02 PM

Personally I don't bother with any of the radio shows any more. It seems like it's always the same people and nobody ever asks any tough questions. It's more like a really long commercial for their various advertisers and friends. I'm just not interested in hearing the same old easy questions and ass kissing.

Most of the boards are filled with crap and have little or nothing worth bothering with. Thank god for boardtracker!

Xnations is the exception of course.

There hasn't been anything much change in the various resource sites. Most of them do a pretty good job at giving users what they want.

Funbrunette 09-01-2004 08:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Voila, have a seat and make yourself comfortable and talk to me! :laughout:

sweetums 09-01-2004 08:07 PM

I think that the boards are always going to be a place where people network and find out industry news -- picking and choosing where to spend your time is the issue I guess.

As for industry radio shows -- a positive move would be for them to differentiate if they're there for entertainment or informational value. Having them post-biz hours would definitely help I think.

Brandy 09-01-2004 08:14 PM

Loved hearing from you.....will expound later! Got to go figure out where we will evacuate too!

Mucho Smoochos!

Raya 09-01-2004 08:24 PM

The shows happen in the afternoons. If they were at night I could check them out. I'm in the studio from noon to early evening I have the mornings and late at night to surf around and read the boards.

Cold_ice 09-01-2004 08:35 PM

All I read was The Rapist Funbrunette. I was like damn where do I sign up, but then again you can't rape the willing.

GoodChris 09-01-2004 08:47 PM

I think the industry is maturing quite fine right now. Alot of the waste is being thrown out which means alot of the BS will be gone.

As well though, I think content producers need to be more innovative and program owners need to be more considerate to their customers. Spam, popups, spyware to entice people in is ruining things and it needs to go away.

Make a legitimate product, market it, sell it at a fair price, keep your customers happy...

As for radio show, I only listen when I'm one of the guest speakers :)

Socks Manly 09-01-2004 08:53 PM

Thanks for the ICQ, Funbrunette!

Hrmm.. This is a tough question, one of the reasons I'm actually responding. Maybe it's just lack of interest in my case, but in all honesty, I sit here all day, smoking my bong, watching TV, sometimes I do some work, play some chess, what else? I don't chat anymore, I just have small conversations with people I need to, from time to time. I never even really think to check the boards anymore.

Maybe I'm just missing the real conversations? do they happen? Where am I missing these? It seems like everyone is here to help themselves, because... we're all business owners, competing for the same money pool.

I'm a nice guy, and often my direct competitors will talk to me about "how we do X" and I tell them the truth, in as far as I'm willing to discuss. Let's face it, if you have a good idea, at least 2 out of 10 people you meet are completely willing to replicate exactly what you just described to them. It would be interesting to have a completely anonymous adult board... Sometimes I don't want to say things simply because I'm me and I run the site I run. I guess anyone could create their own anonymous handle, but that's not really the point either.

The point is that the important questions don't get asked/answered for good reasons. Perhaps people would be more willing to ask if they weren't "tipping their hand" by asking, or answering.

Also, maybe one of you fuckers even remotely affected Funbrunette cutting her hair. ;)

Funbrunette 09-01-2004 09:00 PM


Originally posted by Socks Manly

Also, maybe one of you fuckers even remotely affected Funbrunette cutting her hair. ;)

Not to get off topic, but I happen to LOVE my short hair! It's fun, sassy amd mostly practical! ;) and mostly it's ME! reflects who I am!

Don Soporno 09-01-2004 09:02 PM

yea night time shows would be easier to get to but Mister X is right, its the same old people pimpin the same old shit. I get everything I need from the few boards I hit but mainly from people on ICQ I have networked with. One thing i would like to see is the board owners making it harder to become a member of the board. I get sick of good boards getting poluted by sig whores and people who dont even have sites or any business related to us. People who just do design, or somehting else related to our business is one thing but people just chillin on the boards for the hell of it is a waste of my air...

JFK 09-01-2004 09:34 PM

I havent been laid in a while:bonk:

Feynman 09-01-2004 10:07 PM

Shows and boards are public.

The nature of every show and of most posts that are industry-related on boards is to show off your knowledge/connections/ressources/philosophy/ethics/etc in order to entice others to do business with you while divulging as little information as possible in order to keep your competitive advantage.

Telling all of the secrets is not good. Same principle applies to boards as to free content: never give them the *real* money shot/tip.

Obviously, many people in the industry never figured that out, expecially in the TGP world, and it produced the expected results...

The ones who did not figure it out are interesting to hear because from time to time, even if they're newbies, they'll handle you an uncut diamond.

The old hands at the business are complete bore to listen to because they'll never give you any operational information. All bla bla, very little useful info.

With the exception of knowledge/issues that profits the whole of the industry ( exemple: how to deal with 2257) because ignoring it does a bad name to the industry, there is nothing much of interest.

Then, there's the entertainment value, if you like that kind of entertainment, that is.

I listen to a few shows, some of them are fun.

LAJ 09-02-2004 12:23 AM

I want more of anything that promotes fun, better business, community and personal satisfaction. Life is too short to not have a great day every day.

I want less drama, bullshit, bad business and anything negative in the industry that is negative for the sake of being negative. Unless it's an important issue or situation that needs to be dealt with or is a necessary evil, I don't even bother with people who fall into these categories.

Panky 09-02-2004 04:10 AM

Well Dr. Funbrunette , (snuggling up with Buddy and Casey), let me get my thoughts together here a second... ;)

I like the suggestion someone else made about the radio shows being scheduled for a later time. I know that some shows were designed to be carefree and a "break in the day", but quite frankly, I've got too much to do in one day to listen to fluff. Some of them are just the voice version of message boards. Not a whole lot of substance to them. I enjoy the fluff and goofiness from time to time too, but at least give us a reason to break from our day and tune in. Time is money. There is nothing wrong with the fluff, just schedule it for a different time when we are most able to relax and actually appreciate it. I would tune in and listen to or read interviews about people in the industry. A sense of humor, mixed with a bit of gossip, combined with hard line questions that people tend to dance around or never come right out and ask.

I'm growing tired of articles and tutorials that may qualify as advanced, but they really aren't. Many of them are good at telling you what you need to do, but they leave out the why and the how. I know that people can not tell us step -by - step how certain things are done, because they would be cutting their own throats. I'm not asking for my hand to be held. I'm actually one of those people who loves to learn and who will actually try things on my own. It's more like people write theories, but they don't back their statements up. If people are going to write to educate others, then teach us something. I'm not the only one out there who can take a tiny bit of information and expand on it . Don't write a bunch of sentences, write something with some meat to it.

People do not take the time to actually read and listen anymore. Some people seriously need to improve their listening, reading, and comprehension skills. Why is everyone always in such a rush?

Appreciate those who are willing to help others. If someone is asking for advice, help, maybe just a little nudge in the right direction, then actually do something with the help you have received. Too many people expect others to make them wealthy and they don't take the time to actually help themselves. Only you can accomplish your goals. No one else can do it for you.

Someone made the statement that board owners should make it harder for people to become members. That's not an easy task to complete, if it can be done. It's up to board owners choosing the right mods and having an idea of what they want their board to be about. The philosophy of the board. Every board has it's own "feel" to it. Some are much more friendly than others. Some have more useful information than others. No two boards can be exactly the same. It's partly the moderators responsibility, along with the board owner(s), to help set the tone of the board and to keep the philosophy of the board in tact.

The maturity level seriously needs to rise in this industry. To call this industry of ours the "adult" industry, often seems like an oxymoron.

Our industry is in a state of change. I truly believe that there is still an obscene amount of money to be made in this industry. Working together, as opposed to competing against one another, is going to be vital to the future of our industry.

Ok, times up. It was nice snuggling with Buddy and Casey. Hugs to Dr. Funbrunette. We will have to do this again sometime. :D

monaro 09-02-2004 09:41 AM

goodmorning Panky. I must say very well said

Funbrunette 09-02-2004 10:44 AM

Panky, you forgot about my baby Clyde! He's only 3 pounds, but he's there! :p

Rochard 09-02-2004 12:45 PM

I want to see something new.

I want to see something that's gonna knock my socks off. I want someone to show me something that's gonna make me say "holy shit". I want to see something that's gonna make me wish I had thought of it first.

The entire industry has become so wrapped up in politics that people are afraid to say what they really want to say. The fake drama is getting old. If you want to start drama, start it - Expose someone, provide proof, and slam their ass into the wall while we all cook up some popcorn.

Message Boards are just that - Message boards. And pretty much they are all the same. There's only four or five boards that matter to me (Obvoiusly X Nations being one of them), and the rest are just fluff. When is someone gonna take a message board to the next level?

And everyone in the industry copies everyone else.

End Rant.

Funbrunette 09-02-2004 01:53 PM


Originally posted by Rochard
I want to see something new.

I want to see something that's gonna knock my socks off. I want someone to show me something that's gonna make me say "holy shit".

All you had to do was ask....I sent you a picture of me naked! :bum: hehehe!

Funbrunette 09-02-2004 01:58 PM

Thanks everyone! This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about! It's good, were expressing our feelings, sharing and healing....lol http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/...milecrunch.gif

Rochard 09-02-2004 02:05 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
All you had to do was ask....I sent you a picture of me naked! :bum: hehehe!
And it's my wallpaper now.....

Funbrunette 09-02-2004 02:22 PM


Originally posted by BubblyBlond
I have a friend who needs help!:nyanya:
Have "her" cum and have a seat on my couch! :D

Evil Chris 09-02-2004 03:12 PM


Originally posted by Rochard
Message Boards are just that - Message boards. And pretty much they are all the same. There's only four or five boards that matter to me (Obvoiusly X Nations being one of them), and the rest are just fluff. When is someone gonna take a message board to the next level?

And everyone in the industry copies everyone else.

End Rant.

Pretty good comments. I'd have to agree. It's tiresome to see such childish things on our webmaster boards. I mean it's ok to have fun in a thread, as long as these kinds of threads don't overrun your board.

In my opinion, there are only a few message boards left with any SUBSTANCE. XNations is one of them.

Dwreck 09-02-2004 03:41 PM

How lazy webmasters are. I tell them how to make certain programs work and they are like ok sigh me up. Im like too sigh you up Im going to need all your cotact info and thier is some question that only you can anserw. YOu are going to have to yourself.They get all huffy puffy. And either dont reply or dont sigh up. I know for a fact of a few programs offer high payouts beucase it's like pulling teeth to get webmasters to change thier links.

And how much red tape their is to get anything done with a program. TO talk to an owner or theperson in charge is like such an elite thng to do Sales reps protect thier owners contact info with thier life.Like im not going to spam. Relax

How hard it is to get a temp user/pass to a paysite to see if your traffic would work well with them. I work in the biz I see porn all day im not goign to burn a ton of bandwidth. RELAX.

Ok im done for now.

Feynman 09-02-2004 03:55 PM


Originally posted by Panky

Appreciate those who are willing to help others. If someone is asking for advice, help, maybe just a little nudge in the right direction, then actually do something with the help you have received. Too many people expect others to make them wealthy and they don't take the time to actually help themselves. Only you can accomplish your goals. No one else can do it for you.

From the individual's standpoint, it is much better to pick and choose whom you are going to be benevolent to than to throw your pearls at everyone around, 'cause it takes only a few swines to ruin the good time of a lot of good people...

Thus, IMO, there will always be reservation to disclosing the real meat on any trade topic during public communications (boards, talk shows). Boards are not closed clubs with members having sworn an oath to help each others. We are not Masons or Skull and Bones.

If it was the case, then, true operational knowledge could be shared more openly.

But it is not the case. Not yet.

Have a look at how Free Masons operate. A private board, on invitation only, then, the members could share a lot more. No need to wear ceremonial outfits while you type on the keyboard though :D

Panky 09-02-2004 03:57 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Panky, you forgot about my baby Clyde! He's only 3 pounds, but he's there! :p
Clyde is a one woman dog and it's not me he chose. ;)

Seriously though, I like the little guy, but I think he is afraid of me. Oh well, give it time. Buddy and Casey still love me. :D

splatshed 09-02-2004 04:24 PM

Wow some great responses! I would have to agree with a couple of points for sure.

1)I want to see something new.
I want to see something that's gonna knock my socks off. I want someone to show me something that's gonna make me say "holy shit".

2)Thus, IMO, there will always be reservation to disclosing the real meat on any trade topic during public communications (boards, talk shows). Boards are not closed clubs with members having sworn an oath to help each others. We are not Masons or Skull and Bones.

just my 2 cents!

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