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Funbrunette 10-03-2004 08:10 PM

Should I get my tongue pierced again?
Should I get my tongue pierced again?!?

That's me I love my piercings (got rid of all of them when I had Ryan) Got my little diamond in my nose, my belly button and my 6 VERY discreet tattoos! :angel:

I loved my pierced tongue it was a very small barbell so it was very discreet...I miss it. Chris doesn't like my tongue being pierced, but he's good about it and won't complain, besides, it's my body...my choice! :p

Just curious what you peeps have to say....

Torn Rose 10-03-2004 09:24 PM

just MHO, no....

Never "did" anything for me in looks or feeling and a friend of mine is a DDS and says they destroy teeth faster then years of not brushing.

Panky 10-03-2004 11:00 PM

As far as your teeth are concerned, they can do a lot of damage. People commonly chip their teeth. The piercing can cause tiny hairline fractures to form on enamel, composite, silver, and porcelain. Eventually, pieces just break off or the tooth becomes highly sensitive. Especially if the piercing is more towards the tip of the tongue versus the middle.

It's not my place to tell you one way or the other. You had one before. You know what it is all about. I admire you for having the guts to do it though.

monaro 10-03-2004 11:40 PM

"If you do I will show you my Prince Albert"

I take that back, I just read what Panky wrote!

Don Soporno 10-03-2004 11:54 PM

How can Chris not like it, unless you have problems using it...;-)

They are awesome the first couple times but then its like "Can we go back to the way it felt before?"

sweet7 10-03-2004 11:55 PM

I'd have to agree with EC, and after reading Panky's post I would really stay away. But like you said it's your body and your choice to make.

Cold_ice 10-04-2004 01:17 AM

I think it looks sexy but when it effects your health you shouldn't do it, vanity is not worth it. Besides your find the way you are.

Raya 10-04-2004 11:05 AM

They are sexy but can be damaging to teeth, the smaller ones are less distructive. You know we will support you no matter what. We love you.

splatshed 10-04-2004 11:49 AM


gnat69 10-04-2004 02:30 PM

I had mine done and it affected my tongue and some of my teeth, think it is nasty......don't waste your money, get tattooed instead!!!!

Funbrunette 10-04-2004 03:05 PM


Originally posted by splatshed
I did it! :D

Cold_ice 10-04-2004 06:57 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I did it! :D
What's next eyebrow or lip? I like it I think they look yummy!

Adina 10-05-2004 08:28 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I did it! :D

And how do you feel now?
Cause I'm a little concerned reading what Panky wrote.

Fonz 10-05-2004 08:37 AM

I never tongue wrestled with someone with a tongue piercing before :D
You got any pics of your newest decoration?

Funbrunette 10-06-2004 10:40 AM

This all depends on how you take care of your piercing. To avoid damaging teeth and gums, you must switch to shorter length barbell when the swelling goes down. I myself will go with a plastic balls and I'm not one of those who constantly plays with it!

I'm done! got my nose, belly button and tongue! No more for me...Hey I'm a Mom now! ;)

Panky 10-06-2004 11:42 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I'm done! got my nose, belly button and tongue! No more for me...Hey I'm a Mom now! ;)
Damn! Here I thought we could have a girls day out and go and get our nipples pierced. :bonk: :D

splatshed 10-06-2004 11:46 AM

Nice! You say you have tattoos also? I have 6 myself :)

Feynman 10-06-2004 10:40 PM


Originally posted by Panky
Damn! Here I thought we could have a girls day out and go and get our nipples pierced. :bonk: :D
I'll be the photo-journalist to document the event, and I'll do it for free !


Cold_ice 10-06-2004 10:53 PM

Hey FB, where have you been. Haven't seen you posting much lately. Hope your doing good.

Funbrunette 10-07-2004 08:21 AM

I've been around, just a bit busy! Splatshed, I also have 6 tattoos! :D

splatshed 10-07-2004 12:58 PM

Nice, but I bet that they are in places you cant show:)

Funbrunette 10-07-2004 01:15 PM


Originally posted by splatshed
Nice, but I bet that they are in places you cant show:)
One on my lower back that has "Ryan" (my son's name) A sun on my left shoulder blade, a fish on my tummy, a chinese symbol on my ankle, a delicate flower vine on my right arm and my newest one a chinese symbol on my left wrist! :D I love them all!

The most painful one was the one on my lower back, it hurt more than giving birth...lol But it's my favorite! Look at it here! :D

splatshed 10-07-2004 01:35 PM

WOW thats cool! Yes the back is a painful area I have 2 on my back and one on the back of my neck that one hurt the most.

LAJ 10-08-2004 12:24 PM

Don't do it... fucks up your teeth... that should be reason enough.

McKidd 10-08-2004 01:02 PM


Originally posted by LAJ
Don't do it... fucks up your teeth... that should be reason enough.
Like Fun Brunette say "This all depends on how you take care of your piercing. To avoid damaging teeth and gums, you must switch to shorter length barbell when the swelling goes down. I myself will go with a plastic balls and I'm not one of those who constantly plays with it! ;)"

Panky 10-08-2004 03:31 PM

Shorter barbells and using plastic vs. metal will reduce the risk of damage to your teeth and oral tissues, but it doesn't eleminate the problem. The piercing is still a foreign object.

I don't mind the look of the tongue piercing. I've never felt one, so I have no idea if they increase pleasure or not. How a person uses it would be a factor in that though too.

For me personally, I wouldn't pierce my tongue. I'm too chicken. I've also treated a few piercing infections that were so much worse than the worst abcessed tooth we ever lanced. Guaranteed, if you maintain good oral hygiene habits, the chances of an infection occuring, are really low. After treating those patients, the desire for me to get one died, regardless of how well I take care of my teeth and tissues.

BuggyG 10-09-2004 09:54 PM

Re: Should I get my tongue pierced again?

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Should I get my tongue pierced again?!?

That's me I love my piercings (got rid of all of them when I had Ryan) Got my little diamond in my nose, my belly button and my 6 VERY discreet tattoos! :angel:

I loved my pierced tongue it was a very small barbell so it was very discreet...I miss it. Chris doesn't like my tongue being pierced, but he's good about it and won't complain, besides, it's my body...my choice! :p

Just curious what you peeps have to say....

personally.. always enjoyed a piercedtounge on a girl
the barbell.. is fun. and feels good too :p

G.d 10-12-2004 01:11 AM

I think Panky's go it here...

Originally posted by Panky

For me personally, I wouldn't pierce my tongue. I'm too chicken. I've also treated a few piercing infections that were so much worse than the worst abcessed tooth we ever lanced. Guaranteed, if you maintain good oral hygiene habits, the chances of an infection occuring, are really low. After treating those patients, the desire for me to get one died, regardless of how well I take care of my teeth and tissues.

Yes Panky, I know two women, one parties hard and late and has problems (very serious ones now), the other is a little more "clean" in her habits and has had no problems before.

it does feel incredible though... FB just wash and rinse and you'll be fine.

And let's see it please.

G.d 10-13-2004 02:52 AM

Still no picture? FB, this better not be a TRIX!

Funbrunette 10-13-2004 08:52 AM

I'm a loser..lol I actually took it out! It was driving me nuts! Heheheheeh! :bonk: It's hard to give head with a swolllen tongue!

That's me! :D Hey I still got my tattoos! :p

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