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-   -   Perhaps a small problem (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=122)

Platinum Dave 09-07-2002 10:40 PM

Perhaps a small problem
I have visited XN a few times and about a hand full of times my browser has crashed trying to view some of the threads.

Not sure if this is only me, does not happen on other boards.

Anyone else get this?

Chris something to perhaps look into...

so I started this thread.

might be just me, I have no idea

Darin 09-08-2002 01:50 AM

On my other system I crashed a few times but didnt link it to the board, but guess that makes sense now.

Maybe its that adserving thing you go going on, is that new? Didnt have problems before with my other system.

luke 09-08-2002 03:01 AM

I've been here on 3 computers, 2 xp and one 98, all using ie 6.0. Haven't had any problems at all.

Tafkap 09-08-2002 05:00 AM

Any problems here too...

Tobbe 09-08-2002 10:26 AM

no problems here eider! :rolleyes:

Evil Chris 09-08-2002 10:50 AM

Darin... do you think that XNations is the result of your system slowing down or something?
I did install an adserver program and have been testing it over the weekend. I haven't had any problems with my browser though... :confused:

XxXotic 09-08-2002 11:42 AM

i too have had this problem, told chris in icq. Yesterday was a weird day though, like 1/2 the internet was broke for me, PJ's would not load, X-Nations would load every once in a while (and very very slowly) 1/2 of my sites wouldnt load at all

i think there was a major downspot somewhere yesterday, couldnt even get to internettrafficreport.com to see for myself (that wouldnt load either)

Darin 09-08-2002 12:21 PM

Wells its working fine today :)

Just one of those computer things.. dayum computers...

Evil Chris 09-08-2002 08:28 PM

Phew... well I'm hoping this in nothing, and maybe just a bad day for routing from where xnations is hosted.

The new phpadserver that was recently installed is starting to work out very nicely. Eric from HiRise was kind enough to give me a hand with it.

Sly 09-08-2002 09:10 PM

No problems over here folks. :)

Platinum Dave 09-08-2002 09:43 PM

My brower has not froze since I mentioned it,

Maybe just a mention is all it needed :)

will let you know via ICQ if it happenes again Chris...

seems to be ok now.

Tam 09-08-2002 10:08 PM


Originally posted by Platinum Dave
My brower has not froze since I mentioned it,

Maybe just a mention is all it needed :)

will let you know via ICQ if it happenes again Chris...

seems to be ok now.

And you tell ME to put the joint down? rotfl
I have been here a few times lurking, and I have never had any problems here......... have on another board but never here.

Mister X 09-09-2002 01:26 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Phew... well I'm hoping this in nothing, and maybe just a bad day for routing from where xnations is hosted.

The new phpadserver that was recently installed is starting to work out very nicely. Eric from HiRise was kind enough to give me a hand with it.

That's all server side so it really shouldn't be any different than an img tag to a browser.

Mister X 09-09-2002 01:27 AM

Oh yeah... never had any crashes here.

Darin 09-09-2002 01:29 AM

heh Chris, you know what I can do with a image don't ya.. lol :D

luke 09-09-2002 03:08 PM

Glad to see it working Chris. I told you Eric was a whiz!

PaulSweet 12-16-2002 02:04 PM

I haven't had any problems in any of my visits here....!

StuartD 12-16-2002 02:08 PM

I've had major problems with XNations... it causes a major major slow down.... in my work.

I can't seem to get stuff done... and I blame XNations. Must be a bug in the script or something, but it just causes major havoc when I try to multi-task over to my work.

Will there be a fix to this in the next upgrade? :D

Juge 12-16-2002 02:58 PM

No problems here.

Panky 12-16-2002 08:40 PM

I've never had a problem here or on any of the numerous boards I post on.

On second thought... Maybe I shouldn't post this. Probably just jinxed my system.





Vid Vicious 12-16-2002 10:33 PM

I have a P4 desktop and a P2 laptop .. niether have crashed .. However the Laptop has hung itslef when hitting submit .. Don't know if that has anything to do with the site ..

Mister X 12-17-2002 02:45 AM

Wow... timewarp. First it's September and now it's December. ::-|

twinkley 12-17-2002 12:01 PM

Hahahaaha I am with Stuart on this one...

XNations has become an addiction, I cant eat, I cant sleep, I cant work - all I want to do is post!

I think we need to start a support group.....

XA - xnationaholics Anonamous



Evil Chris 12-17-2002 12:06 PM

LOL.. this thread is ages old... I have no idea how it was brought back to life.
Platinum Dave started this thread while using his old Commodore 64.
I think he has since upgraded to an Amiga.

twinkley 12-17-2002 12:17 PM

Apple II ! Appple II is the new thing man!!



Platinum Dave 12-17-2002 12:44 PM

Chris I can post now on your board.

I got a DELL dude!

twinkley 12-17-2002 12:54 PM


StuartD 12-17-2002 12:56 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
Like...... DUDE!!

XXXMgmt 12-17-2002 05:26 PM

Have never had a problem to this point in time. But hey with a computer you never know what the hell they are going to do next.

Cyndalie 12-18-2002 10:03 AM

Dave, that happens to me at PJ's alot when I'm on my Mac Laptop at home, sometimes this board too. I just think it's a loading error with some flash elements. No biggie.

twinkley 12-18-2002 10:15 AM


<twinkley ducks and runs>


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