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Visualad 09-09-2005 04:32 AM

What is the number one noise you HATE?
I think the noise I hate the most is the car horn.

Im not that bothered with it if im sitting in the car.. But if Im walking on the sidewalk and a car starts honking close to me..

dunno, that friggin sound always makes me jump up.
I guess its cause it takes me by surprise everytime..

What about you, what noise do you hate?

monaro 09-09-2005 04:42 AM

Cars honking you while they are aproaching from behind always seems like my first choice also, though lately it has been the squeeking of my office chair here, a couple of bolts have come loose and I think one of them has gone up the vacuum.

war_ner 09-09-2005 06:26 AM

A voice of a nagging wive right next to our house.

Funbrunette 09-09-2005 08:01 AM

The sound of someone chewing with their mouth open!!!! DRIVES ME NUTS!!!!!!!! ::-|

HotMovies_Jason 09-09-2005 09:01 AM

1) jackhammers
2) Fox News

although the two are often interchangeable...

Evil Chris 09-09-2005 09:17 AM

I hate the sound of people eating crunchy cereal.

Actually, what I hate is the sound effect that cereal companies use in their advertisements. That crunchy noise. They seem to think it will make people hungry. It makes me want to throw their product out the window! :mad:

Stephane76 09-09-2005 09:44 AM

I would have to go for the Mosquito that passes by my hear at 5 am BZzzzzZZzzZZzz

Evil Chris 09-09-2005 10:12 AM


Originally posted by Stephane76
I would have to go for the Mosquito that passes by my hear at 5 am BZzzzzZZzzZZzz
oh yes that's a bad one too

Visualad 09-09-2005 10:28 AM

haha. I have a feeling dinner time at the house of Funbrunette and Evil Chris is... well..

very quiet. No open mouths, and no crunching!!!! or they will BOTH give you the EVIL EYE! hehe..

Funbrunette 09-09-2005 11:02 AM


Originally posted by Visualad
haha. I have a feeling dinner time at the house of Funbrunette and Evil Chris is... well..

very quiet. No open mouths, and no crunching!!!! or they will BOTH give you the EVIL EYE! hehe..

Yes indeed it's very quiet...But we make up for it after dinner! ;)

Juggernaut 09-12-2005 08:35 AM

I have a rabbit constantly chewing on his cage! I never did but i think I will be eating rabbit for christmas!

Funbrunette 09-12-2005 08:47 AM


Originally posted by Juggernaut
I have a rabbit constantly chewing on his cage! I never did but i think I will be eating rabbit for christmas!
You can't eat something you've named! ::-| Or could you? Rabbit is actually pretty good! ;)

Juggernaut 09-12-2005 08:53 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
You can't eat something you've named! ::-| Or could you? Rabbit is actually pretty good! ;)

I named him christmasdinner! but for some strnge reason he does not like that name! ;)

gnat69 09-12-2005 11:54 AM

the sound of someone making a loogie....think that is how you spell it..

When a person is too lazy to blow their nose so they make that huge sound to spit it out but they don't spit it they swallow it!!!!:mad:

Also the sound of someone clipping their nails in public.....don't do this around me I will FREAK THE FUCK OUT!!!!:jail:

montrealpornking 09-12-2005 12:17 PM


It's really irritating.

Raya 09-12-2005 01:28 PM

styrofoam (spell?)
chalk on a chalkboard
knife scraping plate

war_ner 09-13-2005 05:11 AM


Originally posted by Raya
styrofoam (spell?)
chalk on a chalkboard
knife scraping plate

Those things give me a headache. :(

gabrio 09-13-2005 06:08 AM

nails scratching a blackboard.... and nails on tight jeans, but its more the feeling of that that irritates me ;-)

Funbrunette 09-13-2005 07:04 AM


Originally posted by gabrio
nails scratching a blackboard.... and nails on tight jeans, but its more the feeling of that that irritates me ;-)
How about a woman scratching your back with her nails!!! :eek:

Panky 09-13-2005 07:36 AM

Volume on the TV or stereo is turned up way too loud in a room. I don't mind loud music in clubs or concerts, but sometimes people crank up the TV or stereo way too far for the size of the room they are in. Too me, it is like sensory overload and I can't stand it.

The only time too loud of music drives me nuts in a club or concert is when it's that loud that it's distorted.

I can't stand sound on banners either. If I accidently mouse over one, or just barely touch a corner of it and all of sudden it talks to you or plays some sound, it makes me jump every time. It usually happens when it's quiet and I don't have tunes playing on my computer. LOL!

Panky 09-13-2005 07:37 AM

Another sound I'm not thrilled about is when you take a Q-tip to clean your ear and the sound of the cotton swabbing inside your ear is just kind of freaky. Very odd sound.

montrealpornking 09-13-2005 11:12 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
How about a woman scratching your back with her nails!!! :eek:
that could be intersting :blush:

wildgirl 09-13-2005 06:56 PM

sounds of the car horning, I feel so irritated when I heard that especially when it's on the back of the vehicle I am riding..

StaceyJo 09-14-2005 12:20 AM

me? I think car horn and very hardcore music ---- this one really irritates me!

gabrio 09-14-2005 03:32 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
How about a woman scratching your back with her nails!!! :eek:
i absolutely love when my girlfriend does it!!!!

war_ner 09-14-2005 03:55 AM


Originally posted by gabrio
i absolutely love when my girlfriend does it!!!!
Damn, masochist.. :(

gabrio 09-14-2005 04:03 AM


Originally posted by war_ner
Damn, masochist.. :(
well not really....not that i gotta bleed from that.....i like the sensation of thrill you get

Visualad 09-14-2005 05:19 AM

ok.. I got another one.. Its diffirent from the car horn..

There are 2 kinds of apartments.. those you hear a lot of sounds from your neighbours, and those that are built so that the noise is kept to a minimum. I lived in both kinds.. And One sound I hate is when someone is drilling in the walls (in the aparment above). That drilling noise.. is just... horrible.

anyone experienced this noise from hell? hehe..

ScreaM 09-14-2005 10:06 AM

Women screaming.

gabrio 09-14-2005 11:42 AM


Originally posted by Visualad
ok.. I got another one.. Its diffirent from the car horn..

There are 2 kinds of apartments.. those you hear a lot of sounds from your neighbours, and those that are built so that the noise is kept to a minimum. I lived in both kinds.. And One sound I hate is when someone is drilling in the walls (in the aparment above). That drilling noise.. is just... horrible.

anyone experienced this noise from hell? hehe..

the drill is one of the worst, period, infact i am about to kill my neighbours which are moving in.....

lisa k 09-14-2005 12:37 PM


Originally posted by gnat69
the sound of someone making a loogie....think that is how you spell it..

When a person is too lazy to blow their nose so they make that huge sound to spit it out but they don't spit it they swallow it!!!!:mad:

Also the sound of someone clipping their nails in public.....don't do this around me I will FREAK THE FUCK OUT!!!!:jail:

I totally agree with the loogie thing! Another of mine is when someone chews with their mouth open ... YUCK!

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